迪氏筋膜(Denonvillier fascia, DF),或稱直腸前筋膜,位於直腸前面,貫穿於腹膜返折至尿生殖隔之間,男性前方緊貼膀胱底部、輸精管壺腹、精囊和前列腺,女性前方為子宮宮頸和陰道。直腸和膀胱/陰道壁之間的筋膜,男性稱為膀胱直腸筋膜,女性稱作直腸陰道筋膜,統稱為迪氏筋膜。是直腸腫瘤向前方侵犯的天然屏障,是中低位直腸癌手術中直腸系膜全切除(TME)的前方界限。
Charles-Pierre Denonvilliers (February 4, 1808 – July 5, 1872) was a French surgeon who was a native of Paris. In 1837 he received his medical doctorate, and later was a professor of surgery and anatomy in Paris. Denonvilliers was a pioneer of facial reconstructive surgery. In 1856 he performed the first Z-plasty operation for treatment of lower lid ectropion. He is credited for providing the first description of the rectoprostatic fascia, which ia sometimes called "Denonvilliers' fascia". Also another name for the puboprostatic ligament is "Denonvilliers' ligament".