


  • 中文名:辛秦川
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 畢業院校:美國波士頓大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:地理科學
  • 職務:副教授




2005-2012 美國波士頓大學(Boston University)環境地理學院,博士
2001-2005 北京大學物理學,學士


2015-至今 中山大學地理科學與規劃學院,副教授
2012-2015 清華大學全球變化研究院,博士後


[15] Xiaoyi Wang, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Gregory Biging, Qinchuan Xin, Yanlei Chen, Jun Yang, Caixia Liu (2016). "Quantifying multi-decadal change of planted forest cover using airborne LiDAR and Landsat imagery." Remote Sensing, 2016, 8, 62, doi:10.3390/rs8010062.
[14] Han Chen, Chaoqing Yu, Changsheng Li, Qinchuan Xin, Xiao Huang, Jie Zhang, Yali Yue, Guorui Huang, Xuecao Li, Wei Wang (2016). "Modeling impacts of water and fertilizer management on the ecosystem service of rice rotated cropping system in China." Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 219, 49–57.
[13] Qinchuan Xin, Mark Broich, Peng Zhu, Peng Gong (2015). "Modeling grassland spring onset across the Western United States using climate variables and MODIS-derived phenology metrics." Remote Sensing of Environment, 161, 63-77.
[12] Qinchuan Xin, Mark Broich, Andrew E. Suyker, Le Yu, Peng Gong (2015). "Multi-scale evaluation of light use efficiency in MODIS gross primary productivity for croplands in the Midwestern United States." Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 201, 111–119.
[11] Qinchuan Xin, Peng Gong, Wenyu Li (2015). "Modeling photosynthesis of discontinuous plant canopies by linking Geometric Optical Radiative Transfer model with biochemical processes." Biogeosciences, 12, 3447-3467.
[10] Yali Si, Qinchuan Xin, Willem F. de Boer, Peng Gong, Ronald C. Y denberg, Herbert H.T. Prins (2015). "Do Arctic breeding geese track or overtake a green wave during spring migration." Nature: Scientific Reports, 5, 8749.
[09] Yali Si, Qinchuan Xin, Herbert H.T. Prins, Willem F. de Boer, Peng Gong (2015). "Improving the Quantification of Waterfowl Migration with Remote Sensing and Bird Tracking." Science Bulletin, 60, 1984–1993.
[08] Chaoqing Yu, Changsheng Li, Qinchuan Xin, Han Chen, Jie Zhang, Feng Zhang, Xuecao Li, Peng Gong (2014). "Dynamic Assessment of the Impact of Drought on Agricultural Yield and Scale-Dependent Return Periods over Large Geographic Regions." Environmental Modelling & Software, 62, 454–464.
[07] Mark Broich, Alfredo Huete, Mirela Tulbure, Xuanlong Ma, Qinchuan Xin, Matt Paget, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Kevin Davies, Rakhesh Devadas, Alex Held (2014). "Land surface phenological response to decadal climate variability across Australia using satellite remote sensing." Biogeosciences, 11, 5181-5198.
[06] Le Li, Mark A. Friedl, Qinchuan Xin, Josh Gray, Yaozhong Pan, Steve Frolking (2014). "Mapping crop cycles in China using MODIS-EVI time series." Remote Sensing, 6, 2473-2493.
[05] Le Yu, Lu Liang, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qu Cheng, Luanyun Hu, Shuang Liu, Liang Yu, Xiaoyi Wang, Peng Zhu, Xueyan Li, Yue Xu, Congcong Li, Wei Fu, Xuecao Li, Wenyu Li, Caixia Liu, Na Cong, Han Zhang, Fangdi Sun, Xinfang Bi, Qinchuan Xin, Dandan Li, Donghui Yan, Zhiliang Zhu, Michael F. Goodchild, Peng Gong (2014). "Meta-discoveries from a synthesis of satellite-based land-cover mapping research." International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35, 4573-4588.
[04] Qinchuan Xin, Pontus Olofsson, Zhe Zhu, Bin Tan, Curtis E. Woodcock (2013). "Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance by fusion of MODIS and Landsat data." Remote Sensing of Environment, 135, 234-247.
[03] Le Yu, Jie Wang, Nicholas Clinton, Qinchuan Xin, Liheng Zhong, Yanlei Chen, Peng Gong (2013). "FROM-GC: 30 m global cropland extent derived through multi-source data integration." International Journal of Digital Earth, 6, 521-533.
[02] Qinchuan Xin, Peng Gong, Chaoqing Yu, Le Yu, Mark Broich, Andrew E. Suyker, Ranga B. Myneni (2013). "A Production Efficiency Model-Based Method for Satellite Estimates of Corn and Soybean Yields in the Midwestern US." Remote Sensing, 5, 5926-5943.
[01] Qinchuan Xin, Curtis E. Woodcock, Jicheng Liu, Bin Tan, Rae A. Melloh, Robert E. Davis (2012). "View angle effects on MODIS snow mapping in forests." Remote sensing of Environment, 118, 50-59.


1. 主持項目:
[02] 國家自然科學青年科學基金項目 “基於遙感信息與DNDC模型同化的稻田溫室氣體排放量估算” (批准號41401484,2015-2017年)
[01] 中國博士後一等面上基金項目 “基於遙感過程模型的冬小麥產量估算研究” (批准號2013M540087,2013-2015年)
2. 參與項目:
[05] 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “黑龍江區域氣候、凍土和野火動態對水文和植物影響的數值模擬研究” (批准號31570475,2016-2019年)
[04] 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “基於遙感觀測和同化技術的區域陸地水循環模擬研究” (批准號41371328,2014-2016年)
[03] 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “基於遙感和空間分析技術研究環境因子影響下的東亞候鳥時空遷徙規律” (批准號41471347,2015-2017年)
[02] 教育部自主科研計畫項目 “全球30米解析度地表覆蓋製圖驗證與改進” (批准號2012Z02287,2013-2015年)
[01] 科技部公益性科研專項項目 “動態地表覆蓋變化數據在氣候模式中的套用” (批准號201506023,2015-2017年)


1. 2016年起擔任《International Journal of Remote Sensing》雜誌的副編輯 (Associate Editor)
2. 近年內為行業主流雜誌進行審稿服務,包括:
《Remote Sensing of Environment》
《IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》
《Geophysical Research Letters》
《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》
《Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing》
《Remote Sensing》
《International Journal of Remote Sensing》
《Advances in Space Research》
3. 美國地球物理學會會員 (American Geophysical Union membership)
4. 電氣和電子工程師協會會員 (IEEE membership)


