


  • 中文名:辛文寬
  • 職稱:教授
1993/9 - 1996/7 北京大學,理學博士
1990/9 - 1993/7 蘭州大學,理學碩士
1983/9 - 1987/7 蘭州大學,理學學士
2015/9- 西南大學,藥學院,教授,博士導師
2011/6 - 2015/8 美國 南卡羅來納大學,藥學院,副教授
2005/12 - 2011/5 美國 南阿拉巴馬大學,醫學院,研究員
2004/5 - 2005/11 美國 德克薩斯大學醫學中心,休斯頓,副研究員
2000/1 - 2004/4 加拿大 多倫多大學,副研究員
1996/9 - 1999/5 美國 俄克拉荷馬大學,博士後
1987/8- 1990/7 中國 蘭州大學,助教 *
2009/12 被蘭州大學聘為教授,博士導師 *
接受到良好的化學教育,出師於高小霞院士並獲得北京大學理學博士學位。畢業後受到高水平、多學科的訓練,包括生物分析化學、神經科學、生理學和藥理學。具有長期從事細胞膜離子通道動力學、生物分子信號傳導、神經、心肌、平滑肌生理和藥理學研究的經歷。精通confocal microcopy(共聚焦顯微鏡光學), patch clamp electrophysiology (細胞膜片鉗電生理學)。研究領域及科研成果包括NMDA離子通道在記憶和疼痛控制中的生理調控機制,G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and phosphodiesterase (PDE)控制的信號傳導及其對心肌和平滑肌功能的調節。能夠綜合套用化學、神經科學、生理學、藥理學的知識和技能開展多學科交叉領域的研究。
具有多年與著名泌尿科專家(Dr. Rovner, E.S., Medical University of South Carolina, the President of Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction, USA) 合作,利用系統藥理學策略(Systems Pharmacology)對人的活體膀胱組織進行生理、藥理學研究的經歷。此類研究的優勢和特點是通過綜合分析實驗室數據與病人的有關疾病信息,使其所獲結果最能反映人的膀胱機能調節和致病機理,為開發更有效的治療藥物提供最為相關的實驗依據。
近期的一項研究闡釋了H2S如何增加乙醯膽鹼分泌、平滑肌激活和伸縮能力(Novel mechanism of hydrogen sulfide-induced guinea pig urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction: the role of BK channels and cholinergic neurotransmission. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. C107-116, 2015)。此項研究獲得2015年SUFU meeting (The Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology) (Feb. 24-28, 2015, Scottsdale, AZ ,USA)最佳基礎科學研究獎。
“Xin, W., Feinstein, W. P., Britain, A. L. et al.: Estimating the magnitude of near-membrane PDE4 activity in living cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 309: C415, 2015” was selected by APSselect in October 2015.(2015年10月,該文章被美國生理學會選為最佳原始研究論文。美國生理學會每月從其出版的十個科學研究雜誌中選出最傑出的獨創性研究論文收集在APSselect)
教學:領銜建設本科“藥學全英文”專業,按國際化標準制定並實施建設方案,最終建成藥學博士專業 (Doctor of Pharmacy)。在美國高校接受到多方面的教學理論與實踐能力的培訓。具有豐富的美國大學教學和培養研究生、博士生、博士後和年輕研究人員的經歷。參與研究生核心課程的授課,指導和參與指導多名研究生的培養。
科研團隊建設:現有教授、副教授和講師四人,都有理學或臨床醫學博士學位,在讀研究生六人。正在積極擴充科研團隊,從廣泛領域中引進多方面人才,打造研究平台,推動與海外著名大學和科研機構間研究生/博士後、訪問學者的聯合培養。實驗室新購進總值近400百萬元的儀器設備,配備當今國際上最為先進的Nikon A1+R雷射共聚焦和電生理學綜合系統。Qtower 2.2實時螢光定量PCR儀,並能夠利用少量(10-15個)單細胞進行微量蛋白質定量分析。DMT 750TOBS 系統用於平滑肌(血管及非血管) 、心肌及其它離體組織樣本的生理及病理學研究。學院分析測試中心配備各類先進的設備。
1. Xin W, Li N, Fernandes VS, Chen B, Rovner ES, and Petkov GV. BK channel regulation by phosphodiesterase type 1: A novel signaling pathway controlling human detrusor smooth muscle function. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2016.PMID: 26911851
2. Xin W.K., Feinstein WP, Britain AL, Ochoa CD, Zhu B, Richter W, Leavesley SJ, Rich TC. 2015 Estimating the magnitude of near-membrane PDE4 activity in living cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 309: C415, 2015. This article was selected by APSselect, Oct. 2015. “Each month, the most outstanding recently published papers from our ten research journals are selected and made available through this multi-journal website.”
3. Fernandes, V. S.#, Xin, W.K.#, and Petkov, G.V.* 2015. Novel mechanism of hydrogen sulfide-induced guinea pig urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction: The role of BK channels and cholinergic neurotransmission. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. PMID: 25948731.
4. Xin, W.K., Li, N., Cheng, Q.P., Fernandes, V. S., and Petkov, G.V. 2014. Constitutive PKA activity is essential for maintaining the excitability and contractility in guinea pig urinary bladder smooth muscle: Role of the BK channel. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 307(12): C1142–C1150.
5. Xin, W.K., Li, N., Cheng, Q.P., and Petkov, G.V. 2014. BK channel-mediated relaxation of urinary bladder smooth muscle: A novel paradigm for phosphodiesterase type 4 regulation of bladder function. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 349(1):56-65. Figure 1 was selected as the Cover Caption of April 2014 issue.
6. Parajuli, S.P., Hristov, K.L., Sullivan, M.N., Xin, W.K., Smith, A.C., Earley, S., Malysz, J., and Petkov, G.V. 2013. Control of Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Excitability by the TRPM4 channel modulator 9-phenanthrol. Channels (Austin). 7(6): 537-540.
7. Smith, A.C., Hristov, K.L., Cheng, Q.P., Xin, W.K., Earley, S., Malysz, J., and Petkov, G.V. 2013. Novel role for the transient potential receptor melastatin 4 (TRPM4) channel in guinea pig detrusor smooth muscle excitation-contraction coupling. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 304(5): C467-C477.
8. Smith, A.C., Parajuli, S.P., Hristov, K.L., Cheng, Q.P., Soder, R.P., Afeli, S.A.Y., Earley, S., Xin, W.K., Malysz, J., and Petkov, G.V. 2013. TRPM4 channel: A New Player in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Function in Rats. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 304(7): F918-F929.
9. Xin, W.K., Soder, R.P., Cheng, Q.P., Rovner, E.S., and Petkov, G.V. 2012. Selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase 1 relaxes urinary bladder smooth muscle: role for ryanodine receptor mediated BK channel activation. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 303(10): C1079-C1089.
10. Xin, W.K., Cheng, Q.P., Soder, R.P., Rovner, E.S., and Petkov, G.V. 2012. Constitutively active phosphodiesterase activity regulates urinary bladder smooth muscle function: Critical role of KCa1.1 channel. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 303(9): F1300-F1306.
11. Horvat S.J., Deshpande D.A., Yan H, Panettieri R.A., Codina J, Dubose T.D., Jr., Xin W.K., Rich T.C., and Penn R.B. 2012. A-kinase anchoring proteins regulate compartmentalized cAMP signaling in airway smooth muscle. FASEB J. 26(9):3670-3679.
12. Xin, W.K., Cheng, Q.P., Soder, R.P., and Petkov, G.V. 2012. Inhibition of phosphodiesterases relaxes detrusor smooth muscle via activation of the large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ channel. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 302(9):C1361-C1370.
13. Xin W.K., Yang X., Rich T.C., Krieg T., Barrington R., Cohen M.V., and Downey J.M. 2012. All Preconditioning-Related G Protein-Coupled Receptors Can be Demonstrated in the Rabbit Cardiomyocyte. J Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. Ther. 17:190-198.
14. Yang X., Xin W.K., Yang X.M., Kuno A., Rich T.C., Cohen M.V., and Downey J.M. 2011. A2B adenosine receptors inhibit superoxide production from mitochondrial complex I in rabbit cardiomyocytes via a mechanism sensitive to Pertussis toxin. Br J Pharmacol 163:995-1006.
15. Xin, W.K., Tran, T.M., Richter, W., Clark, R.B., and Rich, T.C. 2008. Roles of GRK and PDE4 activities in the regulation of β2-adrenergic signaling. J. Gen. Physiol. 131(4):349-364.
16. Rich, T.C., Xin, W.K., Mehats, C., Hassell, K.A., Piggott, L.A., Le, X., Karpen, J.W., and Conti, M. 2007. Cellular mechanisms underlying prostaglandin-induced transient cAMP signals near the plasma membrane of HEK-293 cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 292:319-331.
17. Xin, W.K., Zhao, X.H., Xu, J., Lei, G., Kwan, C.L., Zhu, K.M., Cho, J.S., Duff, M., Ellen, R.P., McCulloch, C.A., and Yu, X.M. 2005. The removal of extracellular calcium: a novel mechanism underlying the recruitment of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in neurotoxicity. Eur. J. Neurosci. 21:622-636.
18. Xin, W.K., Kwan, C.L., Zhao, X.H., Xu, J., Ellen, R.P., McCulloch, C.A., and Yu. X.M. 2005. A functional interaction of sodium and calcium in the regulation of NMDA receptor activity by remote NMDA receptors. J. Neurosci. 25:139-148.
19. Xin, W.K., Shen, X.M., Li, H., and Dryhurst, G. 2000. Oxidative metabolites of 5-S-cysteinylnorepinephrine are irreversible inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I and the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex: possible implications for neurodegenerative brain disorders. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 13:749-760.
20. Zhuang, Q.K., Dai, H.C., Gao, X.X., and Xin, W.K. 2000. Electrochemical studies of the effect of lanthanide ions on the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase. Bioelectrochem. 52:37-41.
21. Xin, W.K., Gao, X.X. 1996. The study of the effect of lanthanide ions on the kinetics of glutamate dehydrogenase by chronoamperometric method. Analyst 121:687-690.
22. Xin, W.K., Gao, X.X. 1996. A chronoamperometry method for study on effect of lanthanide ions on glutamate dehydrogenase. Chin. Sci. Bull., 4(12).
23. Xin, W.K., Jiang, Z.W., Gao, X.X. 1995. The function of rare earth ions on "ion-gate" of the glutathione monolayer gold electrode. Chin. Chem. Lett., 6(6), 513-516.


