- 中文名:跨越太平洋:胡壯麟澳大利亞研究論文集
- 作者:胡壯麟
- 出版時間:2016年
- 出版社:北京大學出版社
- ISBN:9787301263594
- 類別: 社會科學類圖書
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精裝
內容簡介,作者簡介,目 錄,
目 錄
1. 澳大利亞語言學教學情況介紹(Linguistics Education in Australia)
2. Some Linguistic Differences in the Written English of Chinese and Australian Students /5
3. Aspects of Present-Day Australian English /18
4. 《中澳合作的廣闊前景》前言(Foreword to A Bright Prospect of Sino-Australian Cooperation) /28
5. The “West Review”: From the “Discussion Paper” to the “Final Report” /31
6. East Asia Crisis and Australia /54
7. Aspects of Australian Immigration /59
8. Interpreting the “Gang of Nine” /69
9. Crimes in Australia and China /82
10. Globalization and Australia: Significance and Issues /98
11. Globalization and Australia’s Higher Education /112
12. Australia’s National Identity Through the Eyes of the Chinese Youth /129
13. A Survey of Chinese Overseas Students in Australia /141
14. What Does US-Australia Marine Deployment Move Mean to Us? /154
15. Sydney University’s Industrial Actions in 2013 /161