《臨床肝膽病雜誌》、《蘇州大學學報醫學版》等期刊特約審稿人,在《 The Lancet Oncology 》 、 《 World Journal of Gastroenterology 》 、 《中華傳染病雜誌》等核心期刊發表科研論著30餘篇,承擔並負責省、市級科研課題4項;先後獲省市級科技成果獎及醫學新技術獎7項。目前研究方向:1. 肝病的免疫發病機制2. 肝炎病毒的分子生物學3.肝癌早期診斷
1. Qiujin Shen, Jia Fan, Weifeng Zhao(並列第一)Etal Serum DKK1 as a protein biomarker for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a large-scale, multicentre study The Lancet Oncology 2012,13(8) 817 – 826
7. Zhao WF,Shao YL,Chen LY,Wu JH,Zhu YL,Gan JH,Xiong H.Establishment of a new quantitative detection approach toadefovir-resistant HBV and its clinical application. World J Gastroenterol 2010 March 14; 16(10): 1267-1273
8. W. Zhao, L.Chen, Y-L. Shao, J.-H. Wu, Evolution of Multi-dury Resisitant Hepatitis B Virus duing Nucleoside Analogues Therapy. (APASL PP06-62). Hepatol Int. 2011;5(1)171