- 中文名:趙英汝
- 畢業院校:廈門大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:複雜能源系統的多尺度模擬和最佳化展開
- 任職院校:廈門大學
2019至今 廈門大學,能源學院,教授、博士研究生導師
2017–2018 廈門大學,國際合作與交流處,副處長(掛職)
2011–2018 廈門大學,能源研究院,副教授
2010–2011 倫敦帝國理工學院,化學工程系,博士後
2008–2010 倫敦帝國理工學院,地球科學與工程系,博士後
2003–2008 廈門大學,物理與機電工程學院,博士
1999–2003 廈門大學,物理與機電工程學院,本科
(3)受邀擔任國際期刊Energies特刊Fuel Cell Systems Design and Control客座編輯
(4)受邀擔任國際期刊FrontiersinEnergyResearch編輯(Topic Editor)
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目,電-熱-冷-氣-儲網路的多源協同能量管理與運行最佳化,2019.01,主持
- 福建省科技計畫引導性項目,區域能源網路的智慧型最佳化與調度運行技術開發,2018.04,主持
- 企業委託課題,城市綜合能源管理系統技術可行性研究,2018.12,主持
- 世界銀行項目,中國可再生能源2035戰略規劃研究-可再生能源國際發展趨勢分析,2018.07,子課題負責人
- 企業委託課題,廚餘垃圾轉化與利用技術評估,2018.04,主持
- 美國能源基金會中國可持續能源項目,福建省新型城鎮化建設中新能源技術綜合利用與產業發展路線圖研究,2014.03,主要參與
- 中德科學基金項目,智慧型城市過程:科學認識能源系統在規劃和設計資源高效型城市中的作用,2014.06,中方主持
- 企業委託課題,園區綜合能源項目,2014.03,主持
- 國家國際科技合作專項,冶金中低溫餘熱高效回收利用系統開發與工程設計研究,2014.03,子課題負責人
- 企業委託課題,S-CO2布雷頓循環能量轉換系統技術評估,2013.08,主持
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目,生物質氣化燃料電池-燃氣輪機(BGFC-GT)一體化多聯產系統的全局最佳化集成策略研究,2013.01,主持
- 企業委託課題,廈門大學翔安校區一期工程建築能效理論值測評技術服務,2012.12,主持
ang, W., Zhao, Y.*, Liso, V., Brandon, N. Optimal Design and Operation of A Syngas-fuelled SOFC Micro-CHP System for Residential Applications in Different Climate Zones in China, Energy and Buildings, 2014, in press, 2014.05.015.
Yang, W., Li, N., Zhao, Y. Research and Design of Technology Readiness Levels Evaluating System for Digital Instrumentation and Control System, Applied Mechanics and Materials
Yang, W., Li, N., Zhao, Y. System Architecture Design for Technology Readiness Assessment of NPPs’ Digital I&C, WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, .
Zhao, Y., Sadhukhan, J., Lanzini, A., Brandon, N., Shah, N. Optimal Integration Strategies for A Syngas Fuelled SOFC and Gas Turbine Hybrid System, Journal of Power Sources,, 2011.
Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. Comparison between two optimization strategies for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine hybrid cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011.
Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. The development and application of a novel optimisation strategy for solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid cycles, Fuel Cells, 2010.
Liso, V., Zhao, Y., Brandon, N., Nielsen, M.P., K?r, S.K. Heat-to-Power Ratio analysis of a SOFC based micro CHP system for residential application under different climates, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011.
Zhang, X., Su, S., Chen, J., Zhao, Y., Brandon, N. A new analytical approach to evaluate and optimize the performance of an irreversible solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011.
Sadhukhan, J., Zhao, Y., Leach, M., Brandon, N., Shah, N. Energy Integration and Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based Microcombined Heat and Power Systems and Other Renewable Systems Using Biomass Waste Derived Syngas, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010.
Sadhukhan, J., Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. Performance analysis of integrated biomass gasification fuel cell (BGFC) and biomass gasification combined cycle (BGCC) systems, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Modeling and optimization of a typical fuel cell–heat engine hybrid system and its parametric design criteria, Journal of Power Sources, 2009.
Zhao, Y., Ou, C., Chen, J. A new analytical approach to model and evaluate the performance of a class of irreversible fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. An irreversible Otto heat engine with friction and heat leak losses and its parametric optimum criteria, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2008.
Lin, T., Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Expressions for Entropy Production Rate of Fuel Cells, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2008.
Lin, B., Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Parametric optimum analysis of an irreversible Ericsson cryogenic refrigeration cycle working with an ideal Fermi gas, Pramana-Journal of Physics, 2008.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Optimum performance analysis of an irreversible Diesel heat engine affected by variable heat capacities of working fluid, Energy Conversion And Management, 2007.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis of an irreversible Miller heat engine and its optimum criteria, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. An irreversible heat engine model including three typical thermodynamic cycles and their optimum performance analysis, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2007.
Zhao, Y., Lin, B., Chen, J. Optimum criteria on the important parameters of an irreversible Otto heat engine with the temperature-dependent heat capacities of the working fluid, Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 2007.
Zhao, Y., Lin, B., Zhang, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis and parametric optimum design of an irreversible Diesel heat engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 2006.
Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis and parametric optimum criteria of an irreversible Atkinson heat-engine, Applied Energy, 2006.
Chen, J., Zhao, Y., He, J. Optimization criteria for the important parameters of an irreversible Otto heat-engine, Applied Energy, 2006.
李寧,楊文元,趙英汝,張彬彬 ,陳錦,一種系統技術成熟度評估方法和裝置,發明專利公開,公布號CN 103391317 A ,公布日2013年11月13日,中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。