趙教授自1991年成為美國食品技術專家學會(Institute of Food Technologists, IFT)會員,並擔任多個職務,包括IFT同行評議交流委員會的候任主席/主席/前主席(2005-2007),執行委員會成員(2003-2006),IFT果蔬產品部(2008-2009)主席以及技術推广部(2004-2007)的財務主管和主席,2012年成為美國食品技術學會(Institute of Food Technologists, IFT)Fellow。
俄勒岡州立大學(OSU)的研究理事會、第一屆國際漿果健康效益研討會指導委員會主席、系研究生委員會主席、美國西北部食品加工技術操作委員會成員、《食品加恥棗墊迎工與保藏》(Journal of Food Processing and Preservation)的雜誌編委以及美國農業部(USDA) 多項 研究資助項目的評審專家。團隊參與並獲得了美國農業部(USDA)基金資助項目15項,獲得專利5項。
趙艷雲主要從事食品加工和包裝新技術的開發、食品加工生物副產物的利用, 以及高附加值健康食品加工的研究。十多年來一直從事食品加工和包裝新技術的開發、 食品加工生物廢料的利用,以及高附加值健康食品加工的頌趨良研究。自2004年以來, 俄勒岡州立大學對其所做的研究成果作了多次專題新聞發布,其中“食用抗菌包裝膜的研究”在福布斯雜誌等多家國際媒體報導, 還應邀在國際會議上報告其研究成果。
俄勒岡州立大學(Oregon State University)趙艷雲所帶領的研究團隊已主持和參與了多項美國農業部(USDA)基金項目的研究工作,解決了農產品和食品包裝及保鮮過程的關鍵技術。利用可食性塗膜,輔以添加抗菌劑和
營養強化劑等功能因子,在提高果蔬產品質量、延長貨架期方面進行了大量研究,並獲得多項專利. 所領導的團隊在納米塗膜保鮮、食品安全非熱加工和農產品加囑糠工廢物增值利用方面所取得的研究成果為美國俄勒岡州乃至全美的漿果業作出了極大的貢獻,其研究團隊已成為世界上知名食品工程研究團隊。 研究成果已在國際媒體上多次報導。
俄勒岡州立大學己對趙艷雲所做的研究作了三次新聞發布。在食用抗菌包裝膜的研究已在國際媒體上多次報導, 包括在福布斯雜誌上。多次應邀在國際會議上報告我們的研究成果。此外, 與工世界有緊密合作。每年一度的水果蔬菜加工短訓班吸收了來自全美不同州的學員,收到高度好品。並擔任多項行業領域和校內行政和領導工作。
美國財富雜誌(Forbes)和亞洲財富雜誌(Forbes Asia)在2006年四月版分別載文,介紹了一位華裔女科學家關於可食用性食品包裝膜研究取得重大突破的報導,並配發了她用液體膜包裝草莓的大幅照片。這位女科學家就是現任
趙艷雲關於可食用性膜等方面的研究成果受到社會廣泛關注,在世界各地有多篇報肯奔催阿道。《財富》雜誌中稱她的發明是“ A real breakthrough in food distribution would come from packaging that is cheap, invisible and edible”(廉價、無色、可食用食品包裝的真正意義上的重大突破)。據介紹,美國食品工業每年在謎籃蘭食品配送過程中因毀壞變質而損失350億美元;每個家庭購買食品回家後,因為水果擦傷、肉類變質及其它原因而每年多支出380美元。趙艷雲的研究發明可以有效改變這種狀況,而且她的可食用性膜包裝非常廣泛,例如我們經常食用的速食麵,裡面各種調料小包裝如果改用這種新型保鮮膜,即可開袋泡水即食,更方便、更營養、更保鮮。目前趙艷雲的研究由瑞典一家公司提供資助,已成功申報美國國家專利。這些技術新突破已引起美國食品巨頭ConAgra和英國環保包裝公司Greenpac.的注意。
趙艷雲教授現擁有兩個研究實驗室:Film Lab,Value-added Food product Lab, 她帶領博士後、博士和碩士研究生從事增值食品的研究和開發,特別著重於可食用性膜的基礎研究和套用,獲多項美國政府研究基金,取得了很高的科研成就。
新型食品加工和包裝技術, 包括:
1. 納米複合塗膜,真空浸漬,高靜壓, 以及其他非熱加工技術的研究, 以及在食品安全, 保鮮和增值果蔬產品開發中的套用 。
可食性包裝材料的開發和套用, 特別是利用農副產物製備可食性和可降解性包裝材料,使環境的影響降到最低限度。
3. 農產品生物廢料的增值利用. 從食品和農產品加工廢棄物如果渣和酒渣等中分析並提取
1. Zhao, Y. Editor. 2012. Specialty foods: processing technology, quality, and safety. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
2. Zhao, Y. Editor. 2007. Berry fruits: Value-added products for health promotion. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
3. Tseng, A. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Wine grape pomace as antioxidant dietary fiber for enhancing nutritional value and improving storability of yogurt and salad dressing. Food Chemistry. In Press.
4. Zhang, H., Jin, Y., Deng, Y., Wang, D., and Zhao, Y. 2012. Production of chitin from shrimp shell powders using Serratiamarcescens B742 and Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 successive two-step fermentation. Carbohydrate Res. In Press.
5. Zhong, Y., Li, Y. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Physicochemical, microstructural and antibacterial properties of β-chitosan and kudzu starch composite films. J. Food Sci. In Press.
6. Tseng, A. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Effect of different drying methods on the retention of bioactive compounds in wine grape pomace. J. Food Sci. 77(9), H192-201.
7. Chen, J. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Effect of molecular weight, acid, and plasticizer on the physicochemical and antibacterial properties of beta-chitosan based films. J. Food Sci. 77(5), E127-136.
8. Jung, J.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Comparison of antioxidant activity between α- and β-chitosan at different molecular weights and concentrations. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem. 20 (9), 2905–2911.
9. Jung, J.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Characteristics of deacetylation and depolymerization of β-chitin from jumbo squid (Dosidicusgigas) pens. Carbohydrate Res. 346, 1876–1884.
10. Deng, Q., Penner, M., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Chemical composition of dietary fiber and polyphenols of wine grape pomace skins. Food Res. Intern. 44 (9), 2712-2720.
11. Deng, Q. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Physicochemical, nutritional and antimicrobial properties of wine grape pomace extracts based films. J. Food Sci. 76(3), E309-317.
12. Duan, J., Jiang, Y., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Chitosan–whey protein isolate composite films for encapsulation and stabilization of fish oil containing ultrapure omega-3 fatty acids. J Food Sci. 76(1), C133–C141.
13. Jiang, Y., Simonson, J., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Compression-molded biocomposite boards from red and white wine grape pomaces. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 119, 2834–2846.
14. Duan, J., Wu, R., Strik, B. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Effect of edible coatings on the quality of fresh blueberries (Duke and Elliott) under commercial storage conditions. Postharvest Biol. & Technol. 59(1), 71-79.
15. Duan, J., Chrieton, G., and Zhao, Y. 2010. Effect of combined chitosan-krill oil coating and modified atmosphere packaging on the storability of cold-stored lingcod (Ophiodon elongates) fillets. Food Chem. 122(4), 1035-1042.
16. Wu, Y., Frei, B., Kennedy, J. and Zhao, Y. 2010. Effects of refrigerated storage and processing technologies on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacities of ‘Marion’ and ‘Evergreen’ blackberries. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol. 43(8), 1253-1264.
17. Duan, J., Cheriton, G., and Zhao, Y. 2010. Fish oil incorporated chitosan coatings for enhancing quality and nutraceutical benefit of ling cod fish. Food Chem. 119(2), 524-532.
18. Duan, J. and Zhao, Y. 2009. Antimicrobial efficiency of essential oil and freeze-thaw treatments against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in strawberry juice. J. Food Sci. 74 (3), M131 - M137.
19. Ngo, T and Zhao, Y. 2009. Stabilization of anthocyanins on thermally processed red D’anjou pears through complexation and polymerization. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol. 42(6), 1144-1152.
20. Duan, J., Kim, B., Daeschel, M. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Storage life of chitosan-lysozyme composite coating and film forming solutions. J. Food Sci. 73(6), M321-M329.
21. Kim, B., Daeschel, M. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Edible Coatings for enhancing microbial safety and extending shelf-life of hard-boiled eggs. J. Food Sci. 73 (5), M227-235.
俄勒岡州立大學己對趙艷雲所做的研究作了三次新聞發布。在食用抗菌包裝膜的研究已在國際媒體上多次報導, 包括在福布斯雜誌上。多次應邀在國際會議上報告我們的研究成果。此外, 與工世界有緊密合作。每年一度的水果蔬菜加工短訓班吸收了來自全美不同州的學員,收到高度好品。並擔任多項行業領域和校內行政和領導工作。
美國財富雜誌(Forbes)和亞洲財富雜誌(Forbes Asia)在2006年四月版分別載文,介紹了一位華裔女科學家關於可食用性食品包裝膜研究取得重大突破的報導,並配發了她用液體膜包裝草莓的大幅照片。這位女科學家就是現任
趙艷雲關於可食用性膜等方面的研究成果受到社會廣泛關注,在世界各地有多篇報導。《財富》雜誌中稱她的發明是“ A real breakthrough in food distribution would come from packaging that is cheap, invisible and edible”(廉價、無色、可食用食品包裝的真正意義上的重大突破)。據介紹,美國食品工業每年在食品配送過程中因毀壞變質而損失350億美元;每個家庭購買食品回家後,因為水果擦傷、肉類變質及其它原因而每年多支出380美元。趙艷雲的研究發明可以有效改變這種狀況,而且她的可食用性膜包裝非常廣泛,例如我們經常食用的速食麵,裡面各種調料小包裝如果改用這種新型保鮮膜,即可開袋泡水即食,更方便、更營養、更保鮮。目前趙艷雲的研究由瑞典一家公司提供資助,已成功申報美國國家專利。這些技術新突破已引起美國食品巨頭ConAgra和英國環保包裝公司Greenpac.的注意。
趙艷雲教授現擁有兩個研究實驗室:Film Lab,Value-added Food product Lab, 她帶領博士後、博士和碩士研究生從事增值食品的研究和開發,特別著重於可食用性膜的基礎研究和套用,獲多項美國政府研究基金,取得了很高的科研成就。
新型食品加工和包裝技術, 包括:
1. 納米複合塗膜,真空浸漬,高靜壓, 以及其他非熱加工技術的研究, 以及在食品安全, 保鮮和增值果蔬產品開發中的套用 。
可食性包裝材料的開發和套用, 特別是利用農副產物製備可食性和可降解性包裝材料,使環境的影響降到最低限度。
3. 農產品生物廢料的增值利用. 從食品和農產品加工廢棄物如果渣和酒渣等中分析並提取
1. Zhao, Y. Editor. 2012. Specialty foods: processing technology, quality, and safety. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
2. Zhao, Y. Editor. 2007. Berry fruits: Value-added products for health promotion. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
3. Tseng, A. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Wine grape pomace as antioxidant dietary fiber for enhancing nutritional value and improving storability of yogurt and salad dressing. Food Chemistry. In Press.
4. Zhang, H., Jin, Y., Deng, Y., Wang, D., and Zhao, Y. 2012. Production of chitin from shrimp shell powders using Serratiamarcescens B742 and Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 successive two-step fermentation. Carbohydrate Res. In Press.
5. Zhong, Y., Li, Y. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Physicochemical, microstructural and antibacterial properties of β-chitosan and kudzu starch composite films. J. Food Sci. In Press.
6. Tseng, A. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Effect of different drying methods on the retention of bioactive compounds in wine grape pomace. J. Food Sci. 77(9), H192-201.
7. Chen, J. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Effect of molecular weight, acid, and plasticizer on the physicochemical and antibacterial properties of beta-chitosan based films. J. Food Sci. 77(5), E127-136.
8. Jung, J.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2012. Comparison of antioxidant activity between α- and β-chitosan at different molecular weights and concentrations. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem. 20 (9), 2905–2911.
9. Jung, J.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Characteristics of deacetylation and depolymerization of β-chitin from jumbo squid (Dosidicusgigas) pens. Carbohydrate Res. 346, 1876–1884.
10. Deng, Q., Penner, M., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Chemical composition of dietary fiber and polyphenols of wine grape pomace skins. Food Res. Intern. 44 (9), 2712-2720.
11. Deng, Q. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Physicochemical, nutritional and antimicrobial properties of wine grape pomace extracts based films. J. Food Sci. 76(3), E309-317.
12. Duan, J., Jiang, Y., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Chitosan–whey protein isolate composite films for encapsulation and stabilization of fish oil containing ultrapure omega-3 fatty acids. J Food Sci. 76(1), C133–C141.
13. Jiang, Y., Simonson, J., and Zhao, Y. 2011. Compression-molded biocomposite boards from red and white wine grape pomaces. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 119, 2834–2846.
14. Duan, J., Wu, R., Strik, B. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Effect of edible coatings on the quality of fresh blueberries (Duke and Elliott) under commercial storage conditions. Postharvest Biol. & Technol. 59(1), 71-79.
15. Duan, J., Chrieton, G., and Zhao, Y. 2010. Effect of combined chitosan-krill oil coating and modified atmosphere packaging on the storability of cold-stored lingcod (Ophiodon elongates) fillets. Food Chem. 122(4), 1035-1042.
16. Wu, Y., Frei, B., Kennedy, J. and Zhao, Y. 2010. Effects of refrigerated storage and processing technologies on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacities of ‘Marion’ and ‘Evergreen’ blackberries. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol. 43(8), 1253-1264.
17. Duan, J., Cheriton, G., and Zhao, Y. 2010. Fish oil incorporated chitosan coatings for enhancing quality and nutraceutical benefit of ling cod fish. Food Chem. 119(2), 524-532.
18. Duan, J. and Zhao, Y. 2009. Antimicrobial efficiency of essential oil and freeze-thaw treatments against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in strawberry juice. J. Food Sci. 74 (3), M131 - M137.
19. Ngo, T and Zhao, Y. 2009. Stabilization of anthocyanins on thermally processed red D’anjou pears through complexation and polymerization. LWT-Food Sci. & Technol. 42(6), 1144-1152.
20. Duan, J., Kim, B., Daeschel, M. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Storage life of chitosan-lysozyme composite coating and film forming solutions. J. Food Sci. 73(6), M321-M329.
21. Kim, B., Daeschel, M. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Edible Coatings for enhancing microbial safety and extending shelf-life of hard-boiled eggs. J. Food Sci. 73 (5), M227-235.