趙翔宇 現任生命科學學院植物學系系主任,學院教授委員會委員。入選學校“1512”工程第一層次。兼任山東遺傳學會常務理事、副秘書長,美國IAPB會員,中國細胞生物學會會員,山東植物學會理事。為“泰山學者攀登計畫”學術團隊、“泰山學者學術團隊”、“教育部長江學者創新團隊”學術骨幹。2000年畢業於山東農業大學生物技術本科專業,獲得理學學士學位。2005年畢業於山東農業大學植物學專業,獲得理學博士學位,同年7月留校工作。2013年3月至2014年3月赴美國杜邦-先鋒公司、德拉瓦大學進行學術訪問。先後主持國家“973”課題、“國家863計畫項目”、“國家自然科學基金”面上項目、“國家轉基因生物新品種培育項目”重點課題、“國家重大科學研究計畫”子課題、“山東省優秀中青年科學家科研基金”等多項科研課題。榮獲山東省自然科學一等獎(第2位)、山東省自然科學二等獎(第3位)、山東省優秀博士學位論文獎、山東農業大學第四屆青年教師講課技能比賽一等獎、山東農業大學本科教學優秀獎,授權國家發明專利2項,在國內外學術刊物發表科研論文二十餘篇,先後獲得山東高校優秀共產黨員、校優秀班主任、校青年崗位能手等榮譽稱號。
- 中文名:趙翔宇
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:碩士生導師
榮譽獎勵:: | |
1. 2014年被評為山東農業大學學生心目中優秀教師; 2. 2014年獲得山東農業大學本科教學優秀獎; 3. 2014年獲得山東農業大學2014屆優秀學士學位論文(設計)(指導教師); 4. 2012年獲得山東農業大學第四屆青年教師講課技能比賽一等獎; 5. 2012年被評為山東農業大學優秀班主任; 6. 2010年獲得山東農業大學首屆身邊的感動“六個好”好黨員提名獎; 7. 2010年獲得山東農業大學優秀學士學位論文(指導教師); 8. 2010年被評為校第七屆師德先進個人; 9. 2008年被評為山東高校優秀共產黨員; 10. 2008年被評為山東農業大學“和諧校園建設先進個人”; 11. 2007年被評為山東農業大學優秀共產黨員; 12. 2006年被評為山東農業大學青年崗位能手; 13. 2001年被評為山東農業大學優秀共產黨員; 14. 2000年被評為山東農業大學優秀班主任。 |
科研成果:: | |
1、山東省自然科學一等獎一項(植物生殖器官的發育與激素調節,第二位,2012) 2、山東省優秀博士論文獎一項(小麥花發育重要基因TaGI1與TaMADS1的分離與功能分析,2007) 3、山東省自然科學二等獎一項(小麥品質性狀基因的分離與澱粉品質性狀的遺傳改良,第三位,2005)。 | |
::國家發明專利:: | |
1、小麥TaGI1基因及其克隆與套用(ZL200410035916.7) 2、小麥TaTOC1基因及其克隆方法和套用(ZL201110093145.7) | |
::學術論文(†為通訊作者,*為並列第一作者):: | |
1. Zhang, W.Y., Xu, Y.C., Li, W.L., Yang, L., Yue, X., Zhang, X.S., Zhao†, X.Y. (2014) Transcriptional analyses of natural leaf senescence in maize. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115617. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115617 2. Zhao*, X.Y., Liang* G.T., Li, X.G., (2014) Hormones regulate in vitro organ regeneration from leaf-derived explants in Arabidopsis. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5: 3535-3550. 3. Thatcher S.R., Zhou W., Leonard A, Wang B-B, Beatty M, Zastrow-Hayes G., Zhao X.Y., Baumgarten A., Li B. (2014) Genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing in Zea mays: landscape and genetic regulation. Plant Cell, 26: 3472-3487. 4. Cheng*, Z.J., Zhao*, X.Y., Shao*, X.X., Wang, F., Zhou, C., Liu, Y.G., Zhang, Y. Zhang, X.S. (2014) Abscisic acid regulates early seed development in Arabidopsis by ABI5-mediated transcription of SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1. Plant Cell 26;1053-1068. 5. Li, X.M., Sang, Y.L., Zhao, X.Y., Zhang, X.S. (2013) High-throughput sequencing of small RNAs from pollen and silk and characterization of miRNAs as candidate factors involved in pollen-silk interactions in maize. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72852. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072852 6. Cheng, Z.J., Wang, L., Sun, W., Zhang, Y., Zhou, C., Su, Y.H., Li, W., Sun, T.T., Zhao, X.Y., Li, X.G., Cheng, Y., Zhao, Y., Xie, Q., Zhang, X.S. (2013). Pattern of auxin and cytokinin responses for shoot meristem induction results from the regulation of cytokinin biosynthesis by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3. Plant Physiol., 161(1):240-251. 7.Zhao*, X.Y., Su*, Y.H., Zhang, C.L., Wang, L., Li, X. G., Zhang, X.S. (2013). Differences in capacities of in vitro organ regeneration between two Arabidopsis ecotypes Wassilewskija and Columbia. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 112:65–74. 8.於林卉, 劉保申, 李文蘭, 張憲省, 趙翔宇†. (2012). 玉米ZmAATP基因的克隆及遺傳轉化載體的構建. 山東農業大學學報(自然科學版),43 ( 3) : 321-327. 9.趙翔宇*, 謝洪濤*, 陳祥彬, 王帥帥, 張憲省. (2012). 小麥TaYAB2 基因的過量表達造成轉基因擬南芥葉片近軸面特徵趨向遠軸面. 作物學報, 38(11): 2042-2051. 10.劉 祿, 牛焱焱, 雷 昊, 林志珊, 趙翔宇, 葉興國, 張憲省. (2012). 基於地高辛標記對小麥進行 Southern 雜交分析主要影響因素的最佳化和驗證. 植物遺傳資源學報, 13( 2) : 182-188. 11.Yue*, X., Zhao*, X.Y., Fu, Y.K., Zhang, X.S. (2012). Correlation of aquaporins and transmembrane solute transporters revealed by genome-wide analysis in developing maize leaf. Comparative and Functional Genomics, Article ID 546930, (doi:10.1155/2012/546930). 12. Li, X.G., Su, Y.H.,Zhao, X.Y., Li, W., Gao, X.Q., and Zhang, X.S. (2010). Cytokinin overproduction-caused alteration of flower development is partially mediated by CUC2 and CUC3 in Arabidopsis. Gene, 450:109-120. 13. Zhou, Y., Zhang, X. J., Kang,* X.J., Zhao,*X.Y., Zhang, X.S., and Ni, M. (2009).SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1 associates with MINISEED3 and HAIKU2 promoters in vivo to regulate Arabidopsis seed development.Plant Cell, 21:106-117. 14. Su, Y.H., Zhao, X.Y., Liu, Y.B., Zhang, C.L., O’Neill, S.D. and Zhang, X.S. (2009). Auxin-induced WUS expression is essential for embryonic stem cell renewal during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 59:448-460. 15. Zhao, X.Y., Su, Y.H., Cheng, Z.J., and Zhang, X.S. (2008). Cell fate switch during in vitro plant organogenesis.J. Integr. Plant Biol. 50: 814-822. 16. Ma, X.J., Tao, Y.,Zhao, X.Y., andZhang, X.S. (2007). Wheat TaAS2, a member of LOB-Domain family, affects the adaxial-abaxial polarity of leaves in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Sci.172:181-188. 17. Dong,* Y.X., Zhao,* X.Y., Wang, J.W., Yuan, G.L., and Zhang, X.S. (2007). Improvement for agronomic traits of partial waxy wheat by combination of backcrossing with a PCR-based DNA marker.J. Genet. Genomics 34: 836-841. 18. Qiao, W.H., Zhao, X.Y., Li, W., Luo, Y., and Zhang, X.S. (2007). Overexpression of AeNHX1, a root-specific vacuolar Na/H antiporter from Agropyron elongatum, confers salt tolerance to Arabidopsis and Festuca plants. Plant Cell Rep. 26:1663-1672. 19. Chu, Z.Q., Chen, H., Zhang, Y.Y., Zhang, Z.H., Zheng, N.Y., Yin, B.J., Yan, H.Y., Zhu, L., Zhao, X.Y., Yuan, M., Zhang, X.S., and Xie, Q. (2007). Knockout of the AtCESA2 Gene Affects Microtubule Orientation and Causes Abnormal Cell Expansion in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 143: 213-224. 20. Zhao, X.Y., Cheng, Z.J., and Zhang, X.S. (2006). Overexpression of TaMADS1,a SEPALLATA-like gene in wheat, causes early flowering and the abnormal development of floral organs in Arabidopsis. Planta, 223: 698-707. 21. Zhao, W., Su, H.Y., Song, J.,Zhao X.Y., andZhang, X.S. (2006). Ectopic expression of TaYAB1, a member of YABBY gene family in wheat, causes the partial abaxialization of the adaxial epidermises of leaves and arrests the development of shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis.Plant Sci.170: 364-371. 22. Zhao, X.Y., Liu, M.S., Li, J.R., Guan, C.M., and Zhang, X.S. (2005). The wheat TaGI1, involved in photoperiodic flowering, encodes an Arabidopsis GI ortholog. Plant Mol. Biol. 58: 53-64. 23. Li, J.R., Wang, F., Zhao, X.Y., Dong, Y.X., Zhang, L.Y., An, B.Y., and Zhang X.S. (2004). Analysis of seed-expressed sequence tags in Triticum aestivum.Acta Bot. Sinica 46:363-370. 24. Lan, L.F., Chen, W., Lai, Y., Suo, J.F., Kong, Z.S., Li, C., Lu, Y., Zhang, Y.J, Zhao, X.Y., Zhang, X.S., Zhang, Y.S., Cheng, J., Han, B., and Xue Y.B. (2004). Monitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice ( Oryza sativa L.) with a 10K cDNA microarray. Plant Mol. Biol. 54: 471-487. 25. 董淑英,李梅,孫靜,趙翔宇,陳振德,於秋華。(2002). 馬鈴薯試管苗低成本快繁方式研究。中國馬鈴薯,16(1):7-10。 |