













主持:國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家重點研發計畫子課題、軍委科技委重點基礎研究項目課題、陝西省科技重大專項課題、工信部揭榜掛帥項目課題、陝西省重點研發計畫、校企合作項目等 。
  • 人才項目:
1. 中國科協青年人才托舉工程,2021;
2. 陝西高校青年傑出人才支持計畫,2022;
3. “長安學者”青年學術骨幹一類,2022。
  1. 科研項目:
1. 國家自然科學基金—面上項目(高氧含量間隙原子對1500MPa級高強鈦合金變形模式的調控機制及強韌化機理),2024-2027。
2. 中央軍委科技委重點基礎研究項目子課題(新一代XX鈦合金材料力學行為強韌化機理),2021-2025。
3. 國家自然科學基金—青年科學基金項目(高強鈦合金非均質層狀多級組織塑性變形模式的調控與強韌化機理),2022-2024。
4. 陝西省科技重大專項—子課題(航天用低溫鈦合金波紋管與製品製備技術及產業化技術),2021-2023。
5. 陝西省科技重大專項—子課題(鉬及鉬合金單晶工程化製備技術),2021-2023。
6. 工信部揭榜掛帥項目—子課題(醫療用鈦纜及鈦合金超細絲材關鍵技術研究及產業化),2023-2025。
7. 陝西省工信廳揭榜掛帥項目—子課題(高強高韌鈦合金厚壁管材鍛造工藝),2023-2025。
8. 陝西省工信廳揭榜掛帥項目—子課題(超塑成形用高均質TC4鈦合金細晶厚板製備技術研發及產業化),2023-2025。
9. 陝西省科技廳揭榜掛帥項目—子課題(軋制變形和熱處理對鋁/鎂複合板顯微組織變化和結合強度研究),2021-2023。
10. 陝西省重點研發計畫-國際科技合作計畫項目(低成本粉末冶金高氧鈦合金高強度、高塑性、高韌性匹配關係),2021-2023。
11. 國防科技重點實驗室基金項目(超高強韌鈦合金抗衝擊機理與防護機制),2022-2024。
12. 陝西省重點研發計畫--重點產業創新鏈項目(高強鈦合金精密薄壁構件研製),2020-2022。
13. 陝西省重大科技專項(高性能大長徑比薄壁鉬合金管類產品的製備研究及產業化技術),2020-2023。
14. 陝西省科技重大專項(鎂製品表面複合塗層製備技術研發與套用示範),2020-2023。
15. 國家自然科學基金—面上項目(非共格納米界面梯度層的原位構建及減摩機理),2023-2025。
16. 校企合作項目,鈦合金微觀組織表征與性能評價,2020-2023。
17. 校企合作項目,超細鉬粉品質控制技術開發及質量評價,2022-2024。
18. 校企合作項目,TC4鈦合金絲材組織性能評價技術服務,2021-2024。
19. 校企合作項目,先進金屬材料粉末新型製備技術與製品評價技術開發,2023-2027。
20. 校企合作項目,先進金屬層狀複合材料製備技術及其評價技術開發,2023-2027。
21. 校企合作項目,“鋼鈦結合/短流程”鈦材生產模式研製的鈦合金研究,2023-2026。


  • 第一作者論文:
1. Qinyang Zhao*, Leandro Bolzoni, Yongnan Chen*, Yiku Xu, et al.Processing of metastable beta titanium alloy: Comprehensive study on deformation behaviour and exceptional microstructure variation mechanisms, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2022.
2. Qinyang Zhao, Qiaoyan Sun, Shewei Xin, Yongnan Chen, et al. High-strength titanium alloys for aerospace engineering applications: A review on melting-forging process, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022.
3. Qinyang Zhao*, Yongnan Chen, Yiku Xu, et al. Cost-affordable and qualified powder metallurgy metastable beta titanium alloy by designing short-process consolidation and processing, Materials & Design, 2021.
4.趙秦陽*,陳永楠,徐義庫,等.鈦合金材料低成本化製備技術進展與展望,中國有色金屬學報, 2021.
5. 趙秦陽*,陳永楠,徐義庫,等.鑄態亞穩β鈦合金高應變速率動態再結晶機理,中國有色金屬學報, 2022.
6. Qinyang Zhao, Ziqiang Pi, Xin Lu, et al. Superior strength-ductility balance in hot pressed swarf-Ti-6Al–4V alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020.
7. 趙秦陽*,陳永楠,徐義庫,等.快速固結粉末冶金亞穩β鈦合金熱加工性與組織性能,中國有色金屬學報, 2021.
8. Qinyang Zhao, Fei Yang, Rob Torrens, et al. Allotropic phasetransformation, oxidation behaviour and high-temperature tensile behaviour ofpowder metallurgy Ti-5553 alloy, International Journal of Refractory Metalsand Hard Materials, 2020.
9. 趙秦陽*,陳永楠,徐義庫,等.鑄態粗晶Ti-5553鈦合金的高溫變形行為與機理, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2020.
10. 趙秦陽*,陳永楠,徐義庫,等.粉末冶金態與鑄態Ti-5553合金高溫不連續屈服行為和絕熱溫升效應對比研究,稀有金屬材料與工程, 2020.
11. Qinyang Zhao, Fei Yang, Rob Torrens, et al. Comparison of hotdeformation behaviour and microstructural evolution for Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cralloys prepared by powder metallurgy and ingot metallurgy approaches, Materials & Design, 2019.
12. Qinyang Zhao, Fei Yang, Rob Torrens, et al. In-situ observation ofthe tensile deformation and fracture behaviour of powder-consolidated and as-cast metastable beta titanium alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019.
13. Qinyang Zhao, Fei Yang, Rob Torrens, et al. Evaluation of the hotworkability and deformation mechanisms for a metastable beta titanium alloyprepared from powder, Materials Characterization, 2019.
  • 通訊作者論文:
1.Runqi Zhang, Qinyang Zhao *,et al. New findings on the cryogenic TWIP effect in Ti-3Al-2Zr-1.5Mo alloy with lamellar microstructure, Scripta Materialia, 2023.
2.Zhiyuan Jia, Qinyang Zhao *,Yongnan Chen *,et al. Hot and cold rolling of a novel near-α titanium alloy: Mechanical properties and underlying deformation mechanism, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023.
3 Qian WF, Z Zhang, S Wang, NY Chen*, QY Zhao*, HF Zhan*, YQ Zhao et al. Enhancing the toughness of nano-composite coating for light alloys by the plastic phase transformation of zirconia. International Journal of Plasticity, 2023.
4. Zehui Yang, Bingkun Ning, Yongnan Chen*, Qinyang Zhao*, Yiku Xu, Guangrui Gao, Yufei Tang*, Yongqing Zhao, Haifei Zhan*. Large lattice mismatch of nanocomposite coating: In-situ establishment of MoS2 by precursor and desulfurization reaction. Applied Surface Science, 2023.
5. Nan Wang, Yongnan Chen*, Gang Wu , Qinyang Zhao*, et al, Influence of deformation substructure on the strain compatibility of ferrite and bainite in a commercial pipeline steel,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023.
6. Jihua Geng, Nan Wang, Yamei Mao, Yongnan Chen*, Qinyang Zhao*,et al, Dynamic competition between coarsening mechanisms of Ti2Cu phase during thermal cycling. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023.
7. Apeng You, Nan Wang, Yongnan Chen *, Chaoping Jiang, Ying Zhang, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Effect of linear energy density on microstructure and wear resistance of WC-Co-Cr composite coating by laser cladding. Surface and coatings technology, 2023.
8. Yuanpeng An,...Yongnan Chen*, Chaoping Jiang, Qinyang Zhao *, et al. Ablation behavior of PEO coatings on niobium alloy. Journal of alloys and Compounds. 2023.
9. W Liu , N Wang , Chen YN*, YK Xu, QY Zhao*,et al. Damping behavior of typical titanium alloys by varied frequency micro harmonic vibration at cryogenic temperatures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023.
10. 楊怡婷,趙秦陽*,等. 冷軋對CT20鈦合金微觀組織和力學性能的影響, 中國有色金屬學報, 2023.
11. 安毅,趙秦陽*,等. 典型鉬合金在簡諧振動中的能量消耗與失效機理, 中國有色金屬學報, 2023.
1.Zhen Zhang,...Yongnan Chen*,Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Achieving enhanced toughness of a nanocomposite coating by lattice distortion at the variable metallic oxide interface,Materials & Design, 2022.
2. Cheng Xin, Nan Wang, Yongnan Chen*, Binbin He, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Biological corrosion behaviour and antibacterialproperties of Ti-Cu alloy with different Ti2Cu morphologies for dental applications, Materials & Design, 2022.
3. Zehui Yang, Zhen Zhang, Yongnan Chen*, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Controllable in situ fabrication of self-lubricating nanocomposite coating for light alloys, Scripta Materialia, 2022.
4.Binbin He,Cheng Xi,Yongnan Chen*, ....Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Biological performance and tribocorrosion behavior of in-situ synthesized CuxO/TiO2 coatings, Applied Surface Science, 2022.
5.Benqi Jiao,Qinyang Zhao*,et al.New insights into the recrystallization behavior of large-size Mo-3Nb single crystal based on multi-scale characterization, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022.
6. Jiashi Yu, Yongqing Zhao,Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Microstructure and properties of titanium matrix composites synergistically refinforced by graphene oxide and alloying elements, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022.
7. Jiashi Yu, Yongqing Zhao, Wei Zhang, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. A novel heterogeneous network structure titanium matrix composite with a combination of strength and ductility, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022.
8. Jiapei Jiang, Yongnan Chen*, ....Qinyang Zhao*, et al. Composite ceramic coating with enhanced thermal shock resistance formed by the in-situ synthesis of nano-ZrO2, Ceramics International, 2022.
9. Ziwei Guo, Zehui Yang, Zhen Zhang, Yongnan Chen*, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. One-step plasma electrolytic oxidation with Graphene oxide for Ultra-low porosity Corrosion-resistant TiO2 coatings, Applied Surface Science, 2022.
10.Benqi Jiao,Qinyang Zhao*,et al. Impact characteristic and crack propagation mechanisms of large-size molybdenum alloy single crystal and polycrystal, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2022.
1. Cong Wu, Qinyang Zhao*, Shixing Huang, et al. Deformation mechanisms in a β-quenched Ti-5321 alloy: In-situ investigation related to slip activity, orientation evolution and stress induced martensite, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021.
2. Cong Wu, Qinyang Zhao*, Shixing Huang, et al. New insights in the development of α phase during continuously heating in a β-quenched Ti-5321 alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021.
3. Lei Lei, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al. Gradient nanostructure, phase transformation, amorphization and enhanced strength-plasticity synergy of pure titanium manufactured by ultrasonic surface rolling, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021.
4. Lei Lei, Qinyang Zhao*, Cong Wu, et al.Variant selection, coarsening behavior of α phase and associated tensile properties in an α+β titanium alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021.
5. Benqi Jiao, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al.The Recovery and Recrystallization Behavior of Cold-Compressed Mo-3Nb Single Crystal, JOM, 2021.
6. Benqi Jiao, Qinyang Zhao*, et al. A new approach to understand the deformation behavior and strengthening mechanism of molybdenum alloy: From single crystal to polycrystal, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2022.
7. Huan Wang, Qinyang Zhao*, Shewei Xin, et al. Microstructural morphology effects on fracture toughness and crack growth behaviors in a high strength titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021.
8. Huan Wang, Qinyang Zhao*, Shewei Xin, et al.Fatigue crack propagation behaviors in Ti-5Al-3Mo-3V-2Zr-2Cr-1Nb-1Fe alloy with STA and BASCA heat treatments, International Journal of Fatigue, 2021.
9. Shixing Huang, Qinyang Zhao*, Chen Lin, et al. Effects of oxygen content on Charpy impact properties and crack resistance of α titanium alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021.
10. Jiashi Yu, Qinyang Zhao*, Shixing Huang, et al. Effect of sintering temperature on microstructure and properties of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced TC21 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021.
11. Jiashi Yu, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al. The tribological behavior of different carbon nanomaterials-reinforced the titanium (TC21) matrix composite, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021.
12. Benqi Jiao, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al. The relationship between slip behavior and dislocation arrangement for large-size Mo-3Nb single crystal at room temperature, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021.
13. Lei Lei, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al. Study on the intrinsic factors determining impact toughness of TC21 alloy, Materials Characterization, 2021.
14. Shixing Huang, Qinyang Zhao*, Cong Wu, et al. Effects of β-stabilizer elements on microstructure formation and mechanical properties of titanium alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021.
15. Jiashi Yu, Qinyang Zhao*, Shixing Huang, et al.Enhanced mechanical and tribological properties of graphene nanoplates reinforced TC21 composites using Spark Plasma Sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021.
16. Shixing Huang, Qinyang Zhao*, Chen Lin, et al. In-situ investigation of tensile behaviors of Ti-6Al alloy with extra low interstitial, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021.
17. Lei Lei, Yongqing Zhao, Qinyang Zhao*, et al.Impact toughness and deformation modes of Ti–6Al–4V alloy with different microstructures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021.
18. Shixing Huang, Qinyang Zhao*, Yongqing Zhao, et al. Toughening effects of Mo and Nb addition on impact toughness and crack resistance of titanium alloys, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020.
  • 出版專業教材:
1.《金屬材料熱加工設備》 2022 副主編
2.《模具CAD/CAM》 2021 副主編





1.2022年 中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽 省級銀獎;
2.2023年 中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽 省級銀獎;
3.2022年 長安大學優秀畢業論文;
4.2022年 中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽 校級銅獎;
5.2022年 陝西省研究生創新成果展 二等獎;
6.國家級、省級 大學生創新創業項目 多項。


1. 中國有色金屬學會-稀有金屬材料專業委員會 副主任委員;
2. 中國材料研究學會-鈦合金分理事會 副主任委員;
3. 《中國有色金屬學報》(中、英文版)期刊 青年編委;
4. 陝西省海洋工程稀有金屬材料工程技術研究中心 副主任;
5. 陝西省“四主體一聯合”校企聯合研究中心 副主任;
6. 《稀有金屬材料與工程》(中、英文版)期刊 青年編委;
7. 《稀有金屬》期刊 青年編委;
8. 陝西省層狀金屬複合材料工程研究中心 技術委員會副秘書長。


