現任中國物流與採購聯合會常務理事、中國物流學會常務理事、中國醫藥設備工程協會專家委員會成員、2013-2017年教育部高等學校物流管理與工程類專業教學指導委員會副主任委員、德國Leibniz漢諾瓦大學客座教授、《系統工程理論與實踐》編委、《物流管理》編委、《物流技術》副主任編委,以及International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences(2008-)、International Journal of Innovative Computing & Information Control (IJICIC)(2009-)、Innovative Computing Information and Control--Express Letters(2007-)、Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Banking Research(2013-)等Associate editor。
1、國家自然科學基金重大項目—低碳和安全物流運營管理(71390333),2014.1-2018.12 2、國家自然科學基金項目—基於生物細胞彈性理論的供應鏈彈性測度模型研究:以食品安全事件衝擊下的食品供應鏈為例(71171050),2012.1-2015.12 3、“十二五”國家科技支撐計畫課題—物流環節質量安全控制技術與系統(2013BAD19B05),2013.1-2015.12 4、CSC-DAAD中德合作科研項目(PPP)-Modeling and Simulation of Supply Chain Resilience,2013-2014
1、Jing Hou, Amy Z. Zeng, Lindu Zhao*. Coordination with a Backup Supplier through Buy-back Contract under Supply Disruption. Transportation Research Part E, 2010, 46(6): 881-895
2、Lindu Zhao*, Shengnan Sun, Xiaoqiang Wang. Tracking and Traceability System Using Livestock Iris Code in Meat Supply Chain, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011, 7(5A):2201-2212
3、Ming Liu, Lindu.Zhao*. An integrated and dynamic optimization model for the multi-level emergency logistics network in anti-bioterrorism system. International Journal of Systems Science, 2012, 43(8): 1464-1478
4、Sheng Chen, Lindu Zhao*, Weigong Zhang, Peng Shi. Consensus on compact Riemannian manifolds, Information Science, 2014, 268(1):220-230
5、Li Sun, Lindu Zhao*, Jing Hou. Optimization of postal express line network under mixed driving pattern of trucks, Transportation Research Part E