2. Zheng Dong, Dongbao Zhao, Chengde Yang, Jingru Zhou, Qiaoxia Qian, Yanyun Ma, Hongjun He, Hengdong Ji, Yajun Yang, Xiaofeng Wang6, Xia Xu, Yafei Pang, Hejian Zou, Li Jin, Jiucun Wang. Common Variants in LRP2 and COMT Genes Affect the Susceptibility of Gout in a Chinese Population. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(7): e0131302.
3. W Wan, X Xu, DB Zhao*, YF Pang and YX Wang. Polymorphisms of uric transporter proteins in the pathogenesis of gout in a Chinese Han population. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (1): 2546-2550 (*表示通訊作者)
4. Jin YUAN, Dongbao ZHAO(共同第一作者), Lijun WU, Xia XU, Yafei PANG, Jun ZHANG, Yanyun MA, Jie LIU and Jiucun WANG. FCGR3B copy number loss rather than gain is a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematous and lupus nephritis: a meta-analysis. Int J Rheumatic Dis, 2014, 18(4):392-7
5. Ling-Ling He, Ying Gao, Lan-Ling Zhang, Xia Xu, Wei Wan, Yang-Xi-Zi Peng, Dong-Bao Zhao*. Expression of inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood of gout patients. Gout and Hyperuricemia, 2014; 1(1):28-32(*表示通訊作者)
6. Fan W, Zhao DB, Hu SX, Xu HJ, Zhang X, Zhang MJ, Chen ZW, Zhang FX, Zhu P, Li XF, Bi LQ, Zhou B, Bao CD. A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial of a novel cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 fusion protein, Leining, in Chinese active rheumatoid arthritis patients with an inadequate response to methotrexate. Rheumatol Int, 2014 Mar 27. [Epub ahead of print] (影響因子IF=1.27)
7. Qiang Tong, Liang Zhao, Xiao-Di Qian,Lan-Lin Zhang, Xia Xu, Sheng-ming Dai, Qing Cai, Dong-bao Zhao*. Association of TNF-alpha polymorphism with prediction to TNF-blockers in spondyloarthritis (SpA) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): a meta-analysis.Pharmacogenomics, 2013:14(14 ),1691–1700(*表示通訊作者,影響因子IF=3.85)
8. Qin Qin, Hui Wang, Huai-Zhou Wang, Yuan-Lan Huang, Hu Li, Wei-Wei Zhang, Jian-Rong Zhang, Ling-Ling He, Rong Xia, Dong-Bao Zhao, An-Mei Deng. Diagnostic accuracy of anti-alpha-fodrin antibodies for primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Mod Rheumatol, 2013; Early Online: 1-5(影響因子IF=1.716)
9. Chen XX, Dai Q, Huang AB, Wu HX, Zhao DB, Li XF, Hu SX, Yang NP, Tao Y, Xu JH, Jiang LD, Bao CD. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of combination therapy with Anbainuo, a novel recombinant human TNFRII:Fc fusion protein, plus methotrexate versus methotrexate alone or Anbainuo alone in Chinese patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol, 2013 Jan;32(1):99-108. (影響因子IF=2.037)
10. Wang LB, Yin F, Xu X, Hu XX, Zhao DB*. X-ray repair cross-Complementing Group 1 (XRCC1) genetic polymorphisms and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A meta-analysis. PLoS One, 2012, 7(4):e34897(*表示通訊作者,影響因子IF=4.1)
11. Bao LZ, Zhu TT, Zhao DB*, Han XH, Guan JL, Shi YQ, Zhang LL. Adeno-associated virus-mediated osteoprotegerin gene transfer protects against joint destruction in a collagen-induced arthritis rat model. Joint Bone Spine, 2012, 79(5):482-487(*表示通訊作者,影響因子IF=2.46)
12. Xie WL, Li ZL, Xu Z, Qu HR, Xue L, Su X, Wei QH, Wang H, Li MY, Zhao FT, Jiang LD, Zhang J, Wan WG, Dai M, Yang CD, Guan JL, Su L, Zhao DB, He DY, Xu HJ, Zou HJ, Bao CD.The risk factors for nosocomial infection in chinese patients with active rheumatoid arthritis in shanghai. ISRN Rheumatol, 2012:215692. Epub 2012 Mar 19. (影響因子IF=1.27)
13. Qiang Tong, Dong-Bao Zhao, Punam Bajracharya, Xia Xu, Rui-Na Kong, Ju Zhang, Sheng-Ming Dai, Qing Cai. TNF-α -857 and -1031 polymorphisms predict good therapeutic response to TNF-α blockers in Chinese Han patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Pharmacogenomics, 2012, 13(13): 1459-1467(影響因子IF=3.85)
14. Liu Y, Zhu T, Cai G, Qin Y, Wang W, Tang G, Zhao DB, Shen Q. Elevated circulating CD4+ICOS+Foxp3+ T cells contribute to overproduction of IL-10 and are correlated with disease severity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus, 2011, 20: 620-627(影響因子IF=2.599)
15. Wang LY, Zhao DB, Gu J, Dai SM. Clinical characteristics of Behçet's disease in China. Rheumatol Int, 2010,30:1191-1196(共同第一作者,影響因子IF=1.27)
16. Xiao-Liang Cong, Sheng-Ming Dai,Xiang Feng, Zhi-Wei Wang, Qing-Sheng Lu, Liang-Xi Yuan, Xian-Xian Zhao, Dong-Bao Zhao, Zai-Ping Jing. Takayasu’s arteritis: clinical features and outcomes of 125 patients in China. Clin Rheumatol, 2010, 29:973–981(影響因子IF=2.037)
17. Zhao DB, Dai SM. Interstitial inflammation in visceral organs is a pathologic feature of adult-onset Still’s disease. Rheumatol Int, 2009, 9:1228-5(影響因子IF=1.27)"