2014/11 至今 武漢大學,生命科學學院,副教授
1) 組蛋白翻譯後修飾研究
1. 國家自然科學基金:組蛋白修飾在視網膜損傷中的關鍵作用研究。2015.1-2017.12,主持;
2. 教育部新教師基金:受登革病毒感染調控的宿主蛋白及其翻譯後修飾研究,2013.6-2015.6,主持;
4. 湖北省自然科學基金:二型糖尿病小鼠線粒體蛋白異常磷酸化研究,2013.12-2015.12,主持;
1) Zhao X, Sidoli S, Wang L, Guo L*, Jensen ON*, Zheng L*. (2014). Quantitative proteomic analysis of histone PTMs upon ischemia/reperfusion-induced retinal injury. J Proteome Res 4;13(4): 2175-86.
2) Zhao X, Bak S, Pedersen AJT, Jensen ON, Højlund K*.(2014). Insulin increases phosphorylation of mitochondrial proteins in human skeletal muscle in vivo. J Proteome Res 4;13(4): 2359−2369.
3) Zhang X, Zuo X, Yang B, Li Z, Xue Y, Yu Z, Huang J, Zhao X, Zhou J, Yan Y, Zhang H, Guo P, Guo L, Zhang Y, and Fu X*. (2014). MicroRNA Enhances Translation in the Mitochondria during Muscle Differentiation. Cell 158(3):607-19.
4) Zeng H, Rao X, Zhang L, Zhao X, Zhang W, Wang J, Xu F*, Guo L*. (2014). Quantitative proteomics reveals olfactory input-dependent alterations in the mouse olfactory bulb proteome. J Proteomics 109C:125-142.
5) Zhang X, Clausen MR, Zhao X, Zheng H, Bertram HC*. (2012). Enhancing the power of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based urine metabolomics in negative ion mode by optimization of the additive. Anal Chem 18;84(18):7785-92.
6) Zhao X, Leon IR, Bak S, Mogensen M, Wrzesinski K, Hojlund K*, Jensen ON*. (2011). Phosphoproteome analysis of functional mitochondria isolated from resting human muscle reveals extensive phosphorylation of inner membrane protein complexes and enzymes. Mol Cell Proteomics 10(1):M110.000299
7) Ye J, Zhang X, Young C, Zhao X, Hao Q, Cheng L, Jensen ON*. (2010). Optimized IMAC-IMAC protocol for phosphopeptide recovery from complex biological samples. J Proteome Res 2;9(7):3561-73.