趙晶,女,生於1975年6月,漢族,河北邯鄲人,消費者科學博士,武漢大學市場行銷與旅遊管理系講師。曾承擔課程:本科生課程《定價策略》、本科生課程《行銷管理》、IMBA課程《Consumer Behavior》。
- 中文名:趙晶
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1975年6月
- 性別:女
主要研究領域:消費者行為、服務行銷、醫療保健行銷。先後在Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking,Journal of service management,Industrial Marketing Management,Journal of Services Marketing,Information technology and management,Behaviour & Information Technology,《管理評論》發表多篇學術論文。主持國家青年自然科學基金一項、中國博士後特別資助一項、中國博士後面上基金一項、並參與多項自科面上項目、青年項目。
1. Zhao Jing, Ha Sejin., Widdows Richard (forthcoming). “The Influence of Social Capital on Knowledge Creation in Online Health Communities”. Information technology and management. (SSCI源期刊)
2. Zhao Jing, Wang Tao, Fan Xiucheng, (forthcoming). “Patient Value Co-creation in Online Health Communities: The Effects of Social Identity on Knowledge Contribution and Membership Continuance Intention,” Journal of service management, Vol. 26. (SSCI源期刊)
3. Wang Tao, Zhou Ling, Mou Yupeng, and Zhao Jing, 2014. “Study of Country-of-origin Image from Legitimacy Theory Perspective: Evidence from the USA and India”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 43, pp. 769-776. (SSCI源期刊)
4. 趙晶和汪濤, 2014. 社會資本、移情效應與虛擬社區成員的知識創造,《管理學報》,第十一期,921-927頁.
5. Zhao Jing, Ha Sejin., Widdows Richard, 2013. “Building Trusting Relationships in Online Health Communities”, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, Vol. 16, pp. 650-657. (SSCI源期刊)
6. Anaza Nwamaka, and Zhao Jing, 2013. “Encounter-Based Antecedents of E-customer Citizenship Behaviors,” Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 27, pp. 130-140. (SSCI源期刊)
7. Zhao Jing, Abrahamson K., Anderson James, Ha Sejin, and Widdows Richard, 2013. “Trust, Empathy, Social Identity, and Contribution of Knowledge within Patient Online Communities,” Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 32, pp. 1041-1048. (SSCI源期刊)
8. 王全喜、趙晶,2001. 虛擬股份:對國有小企業進行產權改造的構想,《經營與管理》, 1。
1. 汪濤、趙晶2013.社會資本、移情效應與虛擬社區成員的知識創造. 2013中國行銷科學年會,清華大學。
2. Zhao Jing, Wang Tao, and Nwamaka Anaza, 2013. The Relationship between E-shopper Perceptions of Value and Citizenship Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation. 2013 AMA summer educator’s conference, Boston, USA.
3. Nwamaka Anaza and Zhao Jing, 2013. Encounter-Based Antecedents of E-customer Citizenship Behaviors. 2013 AMA winter educator’s conference, Las Vegas, USA.
4. Zhao Jing, Abrahamson K., Anderson James, Ha Sejin, and Widdows Richard, 2012. Trust, empathy, social identity, and contribution of knowledge within patient online communities. 2012 Society for the Study of Social Problem annual meeting, Denver, USA.
5. Zhao Jing, Ha Sejin, and Widdows Richard, 2012. The influence of social capital on knowledge creation in online healthcare communities. 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, Seoul, Korean.
6. Zhao Jing, 2012. Meta synthesis of business model for effective health care management in hospital sector. 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, Service Innovation in Emerging Economy: Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspective. 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Science, Shanghai, China.
1. 主持國家自然科學基金青年項目,金額:21萬,基金號:71302095
2. 主持中國博士後特別資助項目,金額:15萬,基金號:2014T70743
3. 主持中國博士後面上項目,金額:5萬,基金號:2013M542068