


  • 中文名:趙坤民
  • 外文名:ZHAO Kunmin
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學、清華大學、俄亥俄州立大學
  • 性別:男


於2012年12月來大連理工大學汽車工程學院和工業裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室任教授,從事汽車車身輕量化技術與先進制造技術研究和產業化推廣。分別於1993、1996年獲得大連理工大學工程力學學士學位、清華大學固體力學碩士學位,之後赴美國俄亥俄州立大學留學,參與新一代汽車新型板材衝壓成形回彈預示的研究,在材料模型的建模及參數識別領域取得突破性進展,不到3年就通過博士論文答辯,於1999年獲得博士學位,隨即加入美國通用汽車公司產品研發部,任高級工程師,之後又相繼在美國的正道汽車公司、奧拓福衝壓工程公司、克萊斯勒汽車公司從事先進制造工藝研究、套用、管理工作,在高強鋼板熱衝壓成形、鋁合金板溫成形、管材高壓脹形、高效自動化衝壓線設計、車身輕量化和裝配偏差控制、實用工藝改進體系和世界級製造工廠體系等方面取得豐碩研究成果,撰寫了100餘篇成果報告,公開發表了30餘篇學術論文,申報了5項發明專利,14次應邀到SAE, ASME, NADDRG, NUMISHEET等國際會議上做學術報告。是美國通用汽車公司和印第安納大學凱利商學院聯合培養MBA的首批學員,獲運營管理和風險管理方向的MBA學位。也是國際權威機構美國質量協會ASQ認證的質量工程師和六西格瑪黑帶大師。


1. 密西根大學《生產製造策略》
2. 印第安納大學《生產運營管理》
3. 伊利諾伊大學《工程材料的特性及選擇》
4. 左治亞理工大學《生產製造系統的模擬》
5. 密西根理工大學《有限元理論及工程套用》
6. 瑞典查默斯大學《汽車工業中的環境系統》
7. 大連理工大學《高等衝壓工程》(自編教材)
8. 大連理工大學《車輛工程集成》(自編教材)


美國汽車工程師協會期刊評審委員會第 #50號“製造工程委員會”和第 #52號“鍍層板和其它平軋板委員會”委員。


1. 汽車結構最佳化設計與可製造性分析;
2. 汽車結構件衝壓成形回彈分析及控制;
3. 汽車覆蓋件製造工藝、模具設計與製造;
4. 車身裝配偏差工程、分總成及總成的回彈分析;
5. 金屬成形的彈塑性力學本構模型建模及參數識別;
6. 輕量化車身結構與工藝、異質材料的連線及服役性能;
7. 超高強車身結構件熱成形工藝、模具技術、裝備生產線;
8. 輕質金屬鋁合金板材溫熱成形、焊接及總成裝備生產線;
9. 伺服壓機技術在車身結構件和大型覆蓋件製造中的套用;
10. 智慧型材料與結構的基礎研究及其在汽車和壓機等領域的套用。


1. Comparison of the methods for calculating the interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot stamping. Kunmin Zhao, Bin Wang, Ying Chang, Xinghui Tang, Jianwen Yan. Applied Thermal Engineering 79 (2015) pp.17-26
2. Influence of stress on martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of hot stamped AHSS parts. Y. Chang, X.D. Li, K.M. Zhao, C.Y. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 629(2015) pp.1–7
3. Influence of rapid cooling pretreatment on microstructure and mechanical property of hot stamped AHSS part. Kunmin Zhao, Ying Chang, Ping Hu, Yucheng Wu. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Available online, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.09.022
4. Investigation of the factors influencing the interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot stamping. Ying Chang, Xinghui Tang, Kunmin Zhao, Ping Hu, Yucheng Wu. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Available online, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.10.008
5. Development and applications of forming-condition-based formability diagram for split concerns in stamping. Jianwei Zhang, Yanwu Xu, Ping Hu, Kunmin Zhao. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 17 (2015) pp.151–161
6. Optimization evaluation test of strength and toughness parameters for hot-stamped high strength steels. Liang YING, Jin-dong LU, Ying CHANG, Xing-hui TANG, Ping HU, Kun-min ZHAO. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 51-56
7. Phase distributions and mechanical properties of hot stamped part. Kunmin Zhao, Ying Chang, Jindong Lu, Liang Ying. SAE World Congress, Detroit USA, 2014.04.08-10
8. Comparison of the methods for calculating the interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot forming process. Ying Chang, Xinghui Tang, Liang Ying, Bin Wang, Kunmin Zhao. SAE World Congress, Detroit USA, 2014.04.08-10
9. Thermal forming limit behavior of 6xxx series aluminum alloys at warm forming temperatures. Liang Ying, Jindong Lu, Ying Chang, Kunmin Zhao, Minghua Dai, Ping Hu. SAE World Congress, Detroit USA, 2014.04.08-10
10. Numerical Investigation for Formability of Aluminum 6016 Alloy under Non-isothermal Warm Forming Process. P. Hu, M.H. Dai, L. Ying, D.Y. Shi, K.M. Zhao and J.D. Lu. Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2013, pp 464-470, Shenyang China, 2013.07.06-10
11. Low/distortation on Exterior Surface of Auto Body and Its Correction Method. HU Ping, BAO Jingru, ZHAO Kunmin. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2012; 25(2):299-305
12. Investigation and correction of surface distortion in dies with typical depression features. H.P. Wang, K.M. Zhao, P. Hu, Z.C. Fu and J.R. Bao. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2011; 133(4):041004
13. Analytical approach versus numerical approach in modeling drawbeads. K.M. Zhao, P. Hu and R. Jin. SAE Technical Paper Series 2010-01-0984
14. Investigation and Correction of Sheet Metal Distortion in Draw Operation. K.M. Zhao, P. Hu, H.P. Wang and Z.C. Fu. SAE Technical Paper Series 2010-01-0985
15. Research on experiment and simulation of automobile panel redrawing character. Z.C. Fu, P. Hu, H.P. Wang and K.M. Zhao. Proceedings of NUMISHEET 2008, Edited by P. Hora. pp. 767-771
16. Design of a stamping test for investigating surface distortion in sheet metal parts. Z.C. Fu, P. Hu, H.P. Wang and K.M. Zhao. Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. MSEC2008 Paper Number 72478
17. Virtual manufacturing of automotive body side outers using advanced line die forming simulation. J.J. Zhang, V. Aitharaju, W.D. Wu, K.M. Zhao and C.T. Wang. SAE Technical Paper Series 2007-01-1688
18. On improving the accuracy of springback prediction and die compensation. S.G. Xu, K.M. Zhao, T. Lanker, J.J. Zhang and C.T. Wang. SAE Technical Paper Series 2007-01-1687
19. Springback prediction, compensation and correlation for automotive stamping. S.G. Xu, K.M. Zhao, T. Lanker, J.J. Zhang and C.T. Wang. Proceedings of NUMISHEET 2005, Edited by L.M. Smith, etc. pp. 350-345
20. Mesh-free simulation of automotive decklid inner panel. H.P.
21. Inverse estimation of material properties for sheet metals. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 2004; 20:105-118
22. Springback compensation for ultra high strength stamping. L.M. Geng, C.Y. Sa, T. Oetjens and K.M. Zhao. SAE Technical Paper Series 2003-01-0686
23. Finite element analysis of the three-point bending of sheet metals. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2002; 122:6-11
24. Generation of cyclic stress-strain curves for sheet metals. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 2001; 123:391-397
25. Material properties of aluminum alloy for accurate draw-bend simulation. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 2001; 123:287-292
26. Finite element analysis of tailor-welded blanks. K.M. Zhao, B.K Chun, and J. K. Lee. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2001; 37:117-130
27. On simulation of a forming process to minimize springback. K.M. Zhao. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2001; Edited by K.J. Bathe, pp. 568-570
28. Generation of cyclic stress-strain curves for sheet metals. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. Proceedings of the 2000 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MED-Vol. 11, pp. 667-674
29. Numerical modeling technique for tailor welded blanks. K.M. Zhao, B.K. Chun and J. K. Lee. SAE Technical Paper Series 2000-01-0410
30. Springback prediction using combined hardening model. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. SAE Technical Paper Series 2000-01-2659
31. Estimation of material properties from cyclic bend test. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. SAE Technical Paper Series 2000-01-2660
32. On simulation of bend/reverse bend of sheet metals. K.M. Zhao and J. K. Lee. Proceedings of the 1999 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MED-Vol. 10, pp. 929-933
33. Limiting drawing height of a cylindrical cup (benchmark). K.M. Zhao, B.K. Chun, J.T. Jinn and J. K. Lee. Proceedings of NUMISHEET 1999, Edited by J.C. Gelin, etc. pp. 792
34. Reverse deep drawing of a cylindrical cup (benchmark). B.K. Chun, J.T. Jinn, K.M. Zhao and J.K. Lee. Proceedings of NUMISHEET 1999, Edited by J.C. Gelin, etc. pp. 900
35. The mechanism analysis and dynamic simulation of iced cable galloping. Q.S. Fan, F. Guan, K.M. Zhao and H.Y. Wu. Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1996; pp. 224-227
36. 覆冰導線舞動的機理分析及動態模擬。范欽珊,官飛,趙坤民,吳宏宇。《清華大學學報》(自然科學版)1995年,第35卷,第2期,第34-40頁
37. 汽車外覆蓋件表面凹陷與畸變的實驗與仿真研究。付爭春,馬俊山,胡平,王慧萍,趙坤民。《塑性工程學報》2009年4月,第16卷,第2期,第24-28頁
38. 汽車外覆蓋件表面凹陷與畸變及修正方法。胡平,鮑靜茹,趙坤民。《中國機械工程學報》(英文版),2012年,第25卷,第2期,第299-305頁
39. 汽車鋁合金覆蓋件輕量化溫成形技術關鍵問題。韓小強,戴明華,胡平,盈亮,趙坤民。《鍛造與衝壓》2013年,第12期,第38-42頁
40. 高強鋼熱成形淬火界面換熱係數估算方法分析。唐行輝,盈亮,廖錚瑋,常穎,王斌,李燁,趙坤民。《中南大學學報》,DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2015.04.006
41. 高強度熱衝壓鋼板強韌性工藝最佳化研究。盈 亮,賈治域,常 穎,唐行輝,李樹娟,靳 菲,趙坤民。 《材料科學與工藝》,2013年,第21卷,第6期,第72-77頁
42. 回火工藝對熱成形AHSS力學特性的影響。常穎,盈亮,靳菲,李樹娟,趙坤民,胡平。《材料熱處理學報》,2013年,第34卷,第11期,第74-78頁
43. 改善複雜形狀的熱成形AHSS結構件成形性的工藝開發和機理分析。常穎,靳菲,盈亮,史棟勇,李樹娟,趙坤民。《中國科學E》 2014年,第44卷,第8期,第839-846頁
44. 車用熱成形AHSS樣件的熱脹形特性及成形性分析。常穎,靳菲,李曉東,史棟勇,王存宇,趙坤民。《機械工程學報》 2014, 50(24): 73-78
45. 熱成形中材料熱物性參數對Beck反算法IHTC的影響。常穎,盧金棟,靳菲,盈亮,王存宇,趙坤民。《哈爾濱工業大學學報》(自然科學版)2015, 47(3): 97-102
46. 22MnB5高強度鋼熱成形淬火界面微觀形貌對IHTC的影響。常穎,李樹娟,李曉東,盈亮,王存宇,趙坤民。《材料熱處理學報》 2015, 36(3): 226-231
47. 熱變形和淬火配分處理的複合作用對低碳合金鋼馬氏體相變機制的影響。王存宇,常穎,楊潔,趙坤民,董瀚。《金屬學報》,DOI: 10.11900/0412.1961.2014.00709


1. 一種擺動式金屬板材落料裝置及其使用方法和套用該方法沖模的坯料。專利號 201310261663.4
2. 一種消除衝壓件側壁翹曲回彈的裝置及其壓邊工藝。專利號 201310261618.9
3. 一種降低衝壓件側壁翹曲回彈的活動式拉延筋裝置及其壓邊工藝。專利號 201310261698.8
4. 一種用於雷射拼焊板高溫成形極限測量的實驗裝置。專利號 201310337974.4
5. 一種獲取金屬高溫成形極限曲面圖的方法及其測試裝置。專利號 201310337979.7


1. 美國麻省理工首屆國際計算流體-固體力學會議“青年科研專家獎”
2. 美國汽車工程師協會“悉尼.H.墨爾本汽車鋼板套用進展卓越貢獻獎”


