趙善廷 1964年9月出生,山東高青縣人。西北農林科技大學“后稷學者”特聘教授,陝西省“百人計畫”入選者,博士生導師,漢堡大學醫學院分子神經科學中心客座研究員,蘭州大學“萃英學者”特聘教授(客座),西北農林科技大學“中美食品安全中心”平台建設委員會主席。
- 中文名:趙善廷
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:山東省高青縣
- 出生日期:1964年9月
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:德國Freiburg大學
- 性別:男
1998.10-2001.1: 德國Freiburg大學醫學院,獲醫學博士學位;
2001.1-2004.9: 德國Freiburg大學醫學院, 博士後。
1994.9-1998.9: 新疆醫科大學組織胚胎學教研室主任;
2001.2-2004.9: 德國Freiburg大學醫學院, 博士後;
2004.10-2009.2: 德國Freiburg大學醫學院,助理教授;
西北農林科技大學“中美食品安全中心”平台建設委員會主席,楊陵區政協委員,中國動物福利與健康養殖學會常務理事,美國神經科學學會會員,歐洲神經科學學會會員,中國神經科學學會會員,德國解剖學會會員,中國解剖學會會員,中國體視學會會。國際著名發育學神經生物學學術期刊“Development”“Journal of Neuroscience”“European Journal of Neuroscience”“Journal of Comparative Neurology”“Neuroscience”的審稿專家。
1, 發育神經生物學
普通細胞培養,神經原代細胞培養,神經幹細胞培養,器官型腦片培養(organotypic slice culture),多種組織切片技術(石蠟切片法,冰凍切片法,振盪切片法,超薄切片法等),普通常用光鏡切片染色法,免疫組織化學染色法(包括DAB法和多重螢光標記法),原位雜交技術(in situ hybridization),印跡染色技術(western-blot),神經纖維示蹤術(Biocytin法和 DiI法等),透射電鏡和電鏡免疫膠體金標記技術,雷射共聚焦顯微鏡技術,活體動態顯微觀察技術(time-lapse),膜片鉗(patch-clamp)和LTP等電生理技術,質粒構建, 各種基因轉染技術(鈣離子法,脂質體法,基因槍法,子宮內電轉染法等)等分子生物學技術。
4、德國科學研究基金委(DFG:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)跨區特大項目(Transregio-Sonderforschungsbereich,簡稱SFB/TR),批准號SFB/TR3,第三資助期,總項目名稱“Mesiale Temporallappen-Epilepsien”, 子課題代號D6,子課題名稱“Roles of epileptic activity and Reelin in neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus”, 研究起止年月:2008.7-2012.6, 該子課題資助金額為51.92萬歐元,本人為D6子課題主持人。
5、德國科學研究基金委(DFG)特大項目(SFB),批准號SFB780,第一資助期,總項目名稱“Synaptic Mechanisms of Neuronal Network Function”, 子課題代號A4,子課題名稱“Relation between structure and function of hippocampal mossy fiber”,研究起止年月:2008.1-2011.12, 該子課題資助金額為56.42萬歐元,主要參與人。
6、德國科學研究基金委(DFG)特大項目(SFB),批准號SFB505,第四資助期,總項目名稱“Neuronale Differenzierung und Neurotrasmission(德語:神經元分化與神經遞質傳遞)”, 子課題代號A8,子課題名稱“Role of fiber lamination in the dentate gyrus”, 研究起止年月:2004.7-2007.6, 該子課題資助金額為23.64萬歐元,主要參與人。
7、德國科學研究基金委(DFG)特大項目(SFB),批准號SFB505,第三資助期,總項目名稱“Neuronale Differenzierung und Neurotrasmission(德語:神經元分化與神經遞質傳遞)”, 子課題代號A3,子課題名稱“Dynamik synaptischer Differenzierung in organotypischen Schnittkulturen der hippocampusformation”, 研究起止年月:2002.7-2004.6, 該子課題資助金額為28.35萬歐元,主要參與人。
8、歐共體協和項目,批准號QLRT-30158,項目名稱“Cellular and Molecular Basis in Cortical Development”,研究起止年月:2001.1-2004.12, 該子課題資助金額為31.35萬歐元,課題參與人。
本實驗室近年來碩士研究生在讀期間獲國家獎學金(2萬元)率100%,畢業後獲國家留學基金委資助到歐美國家著名實驗室攻讀博士率100%,博士研究生三年畢業率和就業率(包括出國讀博後)100%。本實驗室2014年發表學術論文24篇,其中SCI論文17篇。本實驗室主要套用螢光免疫組化(fluorescent immunohistochemistry)、鼠胚子宮內電擊轉染(mouse in utero electroporation)、(primary neural culture)、器官型腦片培養(organotypic slice culture)、雷射共聚焦顯微鏡(laser confocal microscope)、高壓冷凍電鏡(high-preesure freezingelectron microscope)等先進的形態學技術和Western-blot、原位雜交(in situ hybridization)、質粒構建(plasmid construction)、實時螢光定量PCR等分子生物學等技術對大腦發育(特別是神經元遷移neuronal migration)的分子機制、成體神經幹細胞(adult neural stem cell)、突觸可塑性(synaptic plasticity)、學習記憶(learning and memory)、神經毒理學(neural toxicology)等神經生物學熱點問題進行了深入細緻的研究,發表學術論文80餘篇,其中SCI論文50餘篇,影響因子在5.0以上15篇(兩篇Nature子刊),最高影響因子31.9(詳細目錄見上面代表性著作)。
[1]Studer D*, Zhao S*(equally contributed), Chai X, Jonas Peter, Graber W , Nestel S, Frotscher M. Capture of activity-induced ultrastructural changes at synapses by high-pressure freezing of brain tissue. Nat Protoc. 2014;9(6):1480-95.
[2]Forster E, Zhao S, Frotscher M.Laminating the hippocampus. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006;7(4):259-267.(SCI, IF 31.9)
[3]Chai X, Fan L, Shao H, Lu X, Zhang W, Li J, Wang J, Chen S, Frotscher M, Zhao S(通訊作者). Reelin Induces Branching of Neurons and Radial Glial Cells during Corticogenesis. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Sep 21. pii: bhu216. [Epub ahead of print](SCI, IF 8.367)
[4] Zhao S, Studer D, Chai X, Graber W, Brose N, Nestel S, Young C, Rodriguez EP, Saetzler K, Frotscher M. Structural plasticity of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses as revealed by high-pressure freezing. J Comp Neurol. 2012;520(11):2340-51. (SCI, IF 3.661)
[5] Zhao S, Frotscher M. Go or stop? Divergent roles of Reelin in radial neuronal migration. Neuroscientist. 2010; 16(4):421-34.(SCI, IF 5.952)
[6] Zhao S, Chai X, Bock HH, Brunne B, Forster E, Frotscher M. Rescue of the reeler phenotype in the dentate gyrus by wild-type coculture is mediated by lipoprotein receptors for Reelin and Disabled 1. JComp Neurol. 2006; 495(1):1-9.(SCI, IF 3.661)
[7] Zhao S, Chai X, Forster E, Frotscher M. Reelin is a positional signal for the lamination of dentate granule cells. Development. 2004; 131(20):5117-5125.(SCI, IF 7.3)
[8] Zhao S, Forster E, Chai X, Frotscher M.Different signals control laminar specificity of commissural and entorhinal fibers to the dentate gyrus. J Neurosci. 2003; 23(19):7351-7357. (SCI, IF 7.452)
[9] Forster E*, Jossin Y*, Zhao S*, Chai X, Frotscher M, Goffinet AM(*並列第一作者). Recent progress in understanding the role of Reelin in radial neuronal migration, with specific emphasis on the dentate gyrus. Eur JNeurosci. 2006; 23(4):901-909.(SCI, IF 3.385)
[10] Runchuan Yan,Xinde Hu,Wei Zhang,Lingzhen Song,Jiutao Wang,Yupeng Yin,Shulin Chen,Shanting Zhao(通訊作者). The mouse radial spoke protein 3 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein that promotes neurogenesis. Histochem Cell Biol, 2015, 16 June, DOI 10.1007/s00418-015-1338-y
[11] Runchuan Yan, Xinde Hu1, Qi Zhang, Lingzhen Song, Mengdi Zhang, Yamei Zhang, Shanting Zhao(通訊作者). Spag6 Negatively Regulates Neuronal Migration During Mouse Brain Development J Mol Neurosci, 2015, 18 June, DOI 10.1007/s12031-015-0608-4
[12] Jiutao Wang, Lingzhen Song, Lingling Li, Wei Zhang, Xuejun Chai, Lei. An, Shulin Chen, Michael Frotscher, Shanting Zhao(通訊作者). SRC controls neuronal migration by regulating the activity of FAK and cofilin. Neuroscience 2015, 292(1):90–100
[13] Jiutao Wang, Lingzhen Song, Kaikai Li, Runchuan Yan, Xinde Hu, Wei Zhang, Yupeng Yin, Shanting Zhao(通訊作者). Protective effects of lithium against lead-induced toxicities in multiple systems of adult mouse. Toxicology Research 2015, 16 Sept. DOI: 10.1039/C5TX00071H
[14] Wang J, Song L, Zhang Q, Zhang W, An L, Zhang Y, Tong D, Zhao B, Chen S, Zhao S (通訊作者). Exposure to swainsonine impairs adult neurogenesis and spatial learning and memory. Toxicology Letters.2015, 232(1):263–270. doi:10.1016
[15] An L, Song L, Zhang W, Lu X, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). The aspartic acid of Fyn at 390 is critical for neuronal migration during corticogenesis. Exp Cell Res. 2014 Sep 22. pii: S0014-4827(14)00401-7. doi: 10.1016
[16] Song L, Wang J, Zhang W, Yan R, Hu X, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Effective suppression of acrylamide neurotoxicity by lithium in mouse. Neurochem Res. 2014 Nov;39(11):2170-9. doi: 10.1007
[17] An L, Liu S, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Hu X, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Mouse Fyn induces pseudopodium formation in Chinese hamster ovary cells. J Vet Sci. 2014;15(1):111-5. Epub 2013 Dec 27.
[18] An L, Huang Y, Song L, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Overexpression of Fyn Induces Formation of filopodia and lamellipodia in CHO Cells viaRearrangement of F-Actin.PakistanVeterinary Journal. 2014,34(2)
[19] Lu X, Hu X, Song L, An L, Duan M, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). SH2 domain is crucial for function of Fyn in neuronal migration and cortical lamination. BMB Rep. 2014 Jun 10. pii: 2757
[20] Yang CQ, Li XY, Li Q, Fu SL, Li H, Guo ZK, Lin JT, Zhao ST(通訊作者). Evaluation of three different promoters driving gene expression in developing chicken embryo by using in vivo electroporation. Genet Mol Res. 2014 Feb 27;13(1):1270-7. doi: 10.4238
[21] Zhang W, Li L, Wang J, An L, Hu X, Xie J, Yan R, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the mouse neocortex and posterior piriform cortices during postnatal development. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Nov;34(8):1183-97. doi: 10.1007
[22] Hu X, Yan R, Song L, Lu X, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Subcellular localization and function of mouse radial spoke protein 3 in mammalian cells and central nervous system. J Mol Histol. 2014 Dec;45(6):723-32. doi: 10.1007
[23] Li L, Zhang W, Chai X, Zhang Q, Xie J, Chen S, Zhao S(通訊作者). Neuronal maturation and laminar formation in the chicken optic tectum are accompanied by the transition of phosphorylated cofilin from cytoplasm to nucleus. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 Oct 5. pii: S1567-133X(14)00088-X. doi: 10.1016