供應鏈管理、管作風險管理、 市營-運作管理、庫存管理、供應鏈金融
2000年, 香港中文大學,哲學碩士(系統工程與工程管理學)
1998年, 香港中文大學, 工程學學士(榮譽, 甲級), 系統工程與工程管理學
2010.10-2012.07,香港城市大學管理科學系, 高級副研究員
2006.03-2010.09, 香港理工大學, 套用科學及紡織學院, 副研究員
2006.09-2006.12, 香港理工大學,紡織學院, 講師(兼職)
2006.01-2006.06, 香港中文大學, 系統工程與工程管理學系, 講師
2004.01-2005.07, 香港中文大學, 系統工程與工程管理學系, 導師
2010.05, 牛津大學,訪問學者
國家自然科學基金(71371197), 2014-2018, 項目負責人
2013.1, Customer Portfolio and Advertising Strategies for Conspicuous Product: A Mean-Variance Analysis, POMS-HK 2013 Conference, Hong Kong.
2013.5, Coordinating Global-brand Supply Chains with Multiple Heterogeneous Rosk-Averse Retailers Using Sales-rebate Contract, POM Annual Meeting 2013, Denver.
2013.7, Coordinating Supply Chains with Multiple Heterogeneous Risk-Averse Retailers Using Sales-rebate Contract, XXVI EURO – INFORMS, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome.
2014.7, Innovative Menu of Contracts for Coordinating a Supply Chain with Multiple Mean-Variance Retailers, POM – Singapore 2014 conference, Singapore.
2016.1, Supply Chain Coordination under Different Channel Leaderships and Information Asymmetry with Stochastic
Price-Dependent-Demand, POM – HK 2016 Conference, Hong Kong.
2016.11, Coordinating Supply Chains with a General Price-Dependent Demand Function: Impacts of Channel Leadership and Information Asymmetry, Seminar, Shenzhen University.
2017.1, Coordinating Supply Chains: Impacts of Channel Leadership and Information Asymmetry, POM-HK 2017 Conference, Hong Kong.
2017.6, Supply Contracting in Practice: Minimum Risk Price Rebate Return Coordination Contracts, 10th CSAMSE Conference 2017, Guangzhou.趙俊雄
Chow P.S., Chiu C.H., Yip A.C.Y., Tang A.K.Y. (2017). Editors of Contemporary Case Studies on Fashion Production, Marketing and Operations, Springer.趙俊雄
1. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Dai X., Shen B., Zheng J. (2018) Optimal advertising budget allocation in luxury fashion markets with social influences: A mean-variance approach. Production and Operations Management,
2. Chiu C.H., Peng Z. (2018) Optimal number of product of the fashion designer selling on the online designer sales platform. Accepted for publication, International Journal of Inventory Research.
3. Chiu C.H., Hou S.H., Li X., Liu W. (2017). Real options approach for fashionable and perishable products using stock loan with regime switching. Annals of Operations Research, 257, 357-337.
4. Cui Q.Q, Chiu C.H., Dai X., Li Z.F. (2016). Store brand introduction in a two-echelon logistics system with a risk-averse retailer. Transportation Research Part E, 90, 69-89.
5. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Li X., Yiu C.K.F. (2016). Coordinating supply chains with a general price-dependent demand function: Impacts of channel leadership and information asymmetry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 63(4), 390 – 403.
6. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M. (2016). Supply chain risk analysis with mean-variance models: A technical review. Annals of Operations Research, 240, 489-507. (ESI Highly cited paper)
7. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Tang C.S. (2016). Combining price, rebate and returns in retailer-supplier contracts. POM Review, archives June 2016, published online:
8. Choi T.M., Chiu C.H., Chan H.K. (2016). Risk management of logistics systems (Editorial). Transportation Research Part E, 90, 1-6.
9. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Li X., Hao G. (2015). Innovative Menu of Contracts for Coordinating a Supply Chain with Multiple Mean-Variance Retailers. European Journal of Operational Research, 246,815-826.
10. Lai X., Chen Z., Giri B.C., Chiu C.H. (2015) Two-echelon inventory optimization for imperfect production system under quality competition environment. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 326919, doi:10.1155/2015/326919.
11. Choi T.M., Yue X., Chiu C.H., Chow P.S. (2015). Mathematical modeling research in fashion and textiles supply chains and operational control systems 2014 (Editorial). Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 815658, 3 pages, doi:10.1155/2015/815658.
12. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Li Y., Xu L. (2014). Service competition and service war: A game theoretic analysis. Service Science, 6 (1), 63-76.
13. Choi T.M., Chiu C.H., Govindan K., Yue X. (2014). Sustainable fashion supply chain management: the European scenario (Editorial). European Management Journal, 32, 821-822.
14. Wang X., Chiu C.H., Guo W. (2014). Improving the performance of modular production in the apparel assembly: A mathematical programming approach. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 472781, 7pages,
15. Wang Q., Ji Q., Chiu C.H. (2014). Optimal routing for heterogeneous fixed fleets of multicompartment vehicles. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 847630, 11pages,
16. Chiu C.H., Leung N.Z., Natarajan K. (2013). New analytical bounds on the average undershoot in an infinite horizon (s, S) inventory system. Operations Research Letters, 41, 67-73.
17. Dai X., Chow P.S., Zheng J., Chiu C.H. (2013). Crowdsouring new product design on the web: an analysis of online designer platform service. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 248170, 13pages,
18. Zheng J., Cao X., Dai X., Chiu C.H. (2013). Fashion brand purity and firm performance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 363095, 18 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/363095.
19. Zheng J., Shen B., Chow P.S., Chiu C.H. (2013). The impact of the strategic advertising on luxury fashion brands with social influences. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 534605, 16 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/534605.
20. Choi T.M., Yue X., Chiu C.H., Chow P.S. (2013). Mathematical modeling research in fashion and textiles supply chains and operational control systems (Editorial). Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 470567, 4 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/470567.
21. Li X.R., Yu C.W., Ren S.Y., Chiu C.H., Meng K. (2013). Day-ahead electricity price forecasting based on panel cointegration and particle filter. Electric Power Systems Research, 95, 66-76.
22. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Yeung H.T., Zhao Y. (2012). Sales rebate contracts in fashion supply chains. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 908408, 19 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/908408.
23. Zheng J., Chiu C.H., Choi T.M. (2012). Optimal advertising and pricing dtrategies for luxury fashion brands with social influences. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Human, 42(4), 827-837.
24. Choi T.M., Chiu C.H. (2012). “Mean-downside-risk and mean-variance newsvendor models: Implications for sustainable fashion retailers”, International Journal of Production Economics, 135, 552-560.
25. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Tang C.S. (2011). Price, rebate, and returns supply contracts for coordinating supply chains with price dependent demand. Production and Operations Management, 20(1), 81-91.
26. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Li X. (2011). Supply chain coordination with risk sensitive retailer under sales rebate contracts, Automatica, 47, 1617-1625.
27. Chiu C.H., Zhou X.Y. (2011). The premium of dynamic trading, Quantitative Finance, 11(1), 115-123.
28. Choi T.M., Chiu C.H., Fu P.L. (2011). Periodic review multi-period inventory control under a mean-variance optimization objective. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Human, 41, 678-682.
29. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M. (2010). Optimal pricing and stocking decisions for newsvendor problem with Value-at-Risk (VaR) consideration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Human, 40(5), 1116-1119.
30. Chen H., Chen Y. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Sethi S. (2010). Coordination mechanism for the supply chain with leadtime consideration and price-dependent demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 203(1), 70-80.
31. Choi T.M., Chiu C.H., To K.M. C. (2010). A fast fashion safety-first inventory model. Textile Research Journal, 81(8), 819-826.
32. Chiu C.H., Choi T.M.,Li D. (2009). Price wall or price war: The pricing strategies for retailers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Human, 39(2), 331-343.
33. Choi T.M., Li D., Yan H., Chiu C.H. (2008). Channel coordination in supply chains with agents having mean-variance objectives. OMEGA, 36, 565-576趙俊雄
Book Chapters
1. Chiu C.H., Zheng J., Choi T.M., 2012, Retail operations management with Value-at-Risk (VaR) consideration, In Choi T.M. (ed.), Fashion Supply Chain Management: Industry and Business Analysis, IGI Global, 100-109. 趙俊雄
· Editor in Chief, International Journal of Inventory Research, 2018.6 –present
· Associate Editor, International Journal of Inventory Research, 2015.8 –2018.6
· Editorial Review Board member, Production and Operations Management, 2015.4 - present
· Editorial Board member, Heliyon, 2018.3 –present趙俊雄
Special Issue on Risk management of logistics systems, Transportation Research Part E, 2016, with Choi T.M. and Chan H.K
Special Issue on Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management, European Management Journal, 2012-2013, with Choi T.M., Govindan K., and Yue X.
Special issue on Mathematical Modeling in Fashion and Textiles Supply Chains and Operational Control Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, with Choi T.M., Yue X., and Chow P.S.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management,
European Journal of Operational Research,
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Human,
Information Science,
International Journal of Production Economics,
International Journal of Production Research,
Journal of Applied Mathematics,
Naval Research Logistics,
Production and Operations Management,
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel,
Transportation Research: Part E.趙俊雄
1. 2016年何氏教育基金傑出教學貢獻獎, 二等獎
2. 2013 Wiley Library Online Top Research from China - Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting: "Chiu C.H., Choi T.M., Tang C.S. (2011). Price, rebate, and returns supply contracts for coordinating supply chains with price dependent demand.Production and Operations Management, 20(1)".
3. 2013 第十一屇中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,三等獎: "Chiu C.H., ChoiT.M.,YeungH.T., Zhao Y. (2013), Sales rebate contracts in fashion supply chains"