[1] Zhao, RB*; Yu, S; Yang, J; et al. Optimization of well spacing to achieve a stable combustion during the THAI process[J]. Energy, 2018,151(3): 467-477.SCI.1區.
[2] Zhao, RB*; Li, BC; Yang, XY; et al. Analysis of a feasible field THAI pattern by the derivation of scaling criteria and combustion experiments[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2018,168(4): 380-389.SCI.3區
[3] Zhao, Renbao; Xu, Mengfan; Yang, Jiaolong; et al. Non-constant Diffusion Behavior for CO2 Diffusion into Brine: Influence of Density-driven Convection[J]. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2018, 47(12):1926-1941.SCI.4區
[4] Zhao, RB*; Zhang, CH; Yang, FX. Influence of temperature field on rock and heavy components variation during in-situ combustion process[J]. Fuel, 2018, 230(5): 244-257.SCI.2區
[5] Zhao, RB*; Li, BC; Yang, J; et al. Temperature prediction via reaction heat calculation of burned pseudo-components during in-situ combustion[J]. Fuel, 2018, 214(2): 264-271.SCI.2區
[6] RB Zhao; JD Sun; Q Fang; et al. Evolution of Acidic Compounds in Crude Oil during In Situ Combustion[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(6): 5926-5932.SCI.2區.
[7] RB Zhao*; YG Wei; ZM Wang; et al. Kinetics of Low-Temperature Oxidation of Light Crude Oil[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(4): 2647-2654.SCI.2區
[8] RB Zhao*; XT Xia; WW Luo; et al. Alteration of Heavy Oil Properties under in Situ Combustion: A Field Study[J]. Energy & Fuels. 2015, 29(10): 6839-6848.SCI.2區.
[9] RB Zhao*; YX Chen; RP Huan; et al. An experimental investigation of the in-situ combustion behavior of Karamay crude oil[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2015,127(1): 82-92.SCI.3區..
[10] Zhao, RB*; Tang, GQ; Kovscek, AR*. Modification of heavy-oil rheology via alkaline solutions[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2013, 103: 41-50.SCI.3區
[14] 趙仁保*, 高珊珊, 楊鳳祥等. 稠油火燒過程中的活化能測定方法[J]. 石油學報, 2013, 34(6): 1125-1130. EI
[15] Zhao RB, Ke WQ, Wu YH, et al. Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery from Fractured Vuggy Carbonated Reservoir of Tahe Oilfield with N2/CO2 Gas Mixture. SPE 132247, 2010. EI
[17] Zhao RB, Hou YL, Ke WQ, and Yue XA. Stability and water control of nitrogen foam in bulk phase and porous media[J]. Petroleum Science, 2009, 6: 181-187. SCI
[20] 趙仁保, 岳湘安, 吳亞紅. 氮氣在水飽和岩心中的滲流規律. 吉林大學學報(工學版), 2009, 39(1): 244-248. EI
[21] Zhao RB, Yue XA, Wu YH, et al.. Flow characteristics and reaction properties of carbon dioxide in microtubules and porous media[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(21): 3409-3415. SCI
[22] 趙仁保, 岳湘安, 吳亞生. 污泥與鹽酸在多孔介質中的反應及分布規律. 吉林大學學報(工學版), 2008, 38(5): 1252-1256. EI
Fuel、Energy & Fuels、JPSE、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry、Petroleum Science、《中國石油大學學報(自然版)》審稿人
[6] RB Zhao; JD Sun; Q Fang; et al. Evolution of Acidic Compounds in Crude Oil during In Situ Combustion[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(6): 5926-5932.SCI.2區.
[7] RB Zhao*; YG Wei; ZM Wang; et al. Kinetics of Low-Temperature Oxidation of Light Crude Oil[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(4): 2647-2654.SCI.2區
[8] RB Zhao*; XT Xia; WW Luo; et al. Alteration of Heavy Oil Properties under in Situ Combustion: A Field Study[J]. Energy & Fuels. 2015, 29(10): 6839-6848.SCI.2區.
[9] RB Zhao*; YX Chen; RP Huan; et al. An experimental investigation of the in-situ combustion behavior of Karamay crude oil[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2015,127(1): 82-92.SCI.3區..
[10] Zhao, RB*; Tang, GQ; Kovscek, AR*. Modification of heavy-oil rheology via alkaline solutions[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2013, 103: 41-50.SCI.3區
[14] 趙仁保*, 高珊珊, 楊鳳祥等. 稠油火燒過程中的活化能測定方法[J]. 石油學報, 2013, 34(6): 1125-1130. EI
[15] Zhao RB, Ke WQ, Wu YH, et al. Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery from Fractured Vuggy Carbonated Reservoir of Tahe Oilfield with N2/CO2 Gas Mixture. SPE 132247, 2010. EI
[17] Zhao RB, Hou YL, Ke WQ, and Yue XA. Stability and water control of nitrogen foam in bulk phase and porous media[J]. Petroleum Science, 2009, 6: 181-187. SCI
[20] 趙仁保, 岳湘安, 吳亞紅. 氮氣在水飽和岩心中的滲流規律. 吉林大學學報(工學版), 2009, 39(1): 244-248. EI
[21] Zhao RB, Yue XA, Wu YH, et al.. Flow characteristics and reaction properties of carbon dioxide in microtubules and porous media[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(21): 3409-3415. SCI
[22] 趙仁保, 岳湘安, 吳亞生. 污泥與鹽酸在多孔介質中的反應及分布規律. 吉林大學學報(工學版), 2008, 38(5): 1252-1256. EI
Fuel、Energy & Fuels、JPSE、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry、Petroleum Science、《中國石油大學學報(自然版)》審稿人