



  • 中文名:超能陸戰隊小宏的絕密日記 
  • 作者:Disney
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年6月25日
  • 頁數:96 頁
  • 定價:36.8 元
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787115394613
  • 原作品:Disney Big Hero 6 Hiro's Journal
條形碼: 9787115394613 商品尺寸: 14 x 1.5 x 20.3 cm This replica of Hiro Hamada's journey takes fans further into the mind of the robotic genius. “Big Hero 6” features brilliant robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the fast-paced, high-tech city of San Fransokyo. With the help of his closest companion—a robot named B...(展開全部) 條形碼: 9787115394613 商品尺寸: 14 x 1.5 x 20.3 cm This replica of Hiro Hamada's journey takes fans further into the mind of the robotic genius. “Big Hero 6” features brilliant robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the fast-paced, high-tech city of San Fransokyo. With the help of his closest companion—a robot named Baymax—Hiro joins forces with a reluctant team of first-time crime fighters on a mission to save their city. Experience Hiro's adventures through his own writings and notes in this realistic replica of his personal journal filled with sketches of his own inventions. Get to know the lead character in Disney's Big Hero 6 and find out the secrets behind the action! Experience Hiros' adventures through his own writings and notes. This realistic replica of his personal journey is filled with sketches of his own inventions. Fold-out gatefold pages and flaps continue the realistic fell of this insider's view of Hiro's life. 大家期待已久的,美亞、日亞和ebay上早已斷貨的讀者文摘出版社October 28, 2014出版的《Disney Big Hero 6 Hiro's Journal》終於出了簡體字中文版。大家不用再去美亞二手商人處購買高價二手書了。此前,台灣和香港已經出版了繁體字版本的《大英雄天團》。大陸童趣出版公司聯合人民郵電出版社,特邀資深大陸兒童文學譯匠在第一時間為讀者呈現全新語言構架的《小宏的絕密日記》,敬請關注! 本書裝幀設計獨特,TADASHi的學生證HIRO的錄取通知書和課程表均為異型裁切,完全可以拿出來收藏。 編輯推薦 《超能陸戰隊 小宏的絕密日記》 你的感覺沒錯!這確實是一本不太尋常的日記。喜歡大白和超能陸戰隊的你,在看完電影后,有沒有想要知道那些炫酷的科技設備都是怎么發明出來的衝動?大白的內部構造是什麼樣的?(●—●) 小宏是怎么給書呆子死黨們升級裝備的?對了,小宏家的貓好像會飛……難道有什麼高科技機密在它的爪子上? Wow, wow, wow! 要是有一本能告訴我這一切內幕的超級揭秘小本本,那豈不是太炫酷了?! 如果有一大堆小宏的發明設計手稿現在就擺在你面前,你會不會毫不猶豫地收藏起來? 機會來了! 先欣賞下“潦草”的日記內頁吧!O(∩_∩)O 主要內容


