



  • 書名:走近中國文化(英文版)
  • 作者:王艷東、鄭永梅、趙唱白、呂歐、劉軒竹、周海林
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年8月
  • 定價:48 元
  • ISBN:9787302503323


《走近中國文化( 英文版)》的編寫宗旨是既能讓讀者從巨觀上了解中國文化的各個層面,又能讓讀者從趣味性較強的小文章中體味到中國文化的深邃與美好。《走近中國文化( 英文版)》結構清晰,每個單元由5 組文章構成,每組一大兩小的文章後面都配有習題。習題的難度由淺入深,兼顧了學習者語言技能的各個方面:有能夠增進對文章理解的回答問題、複述以及詞語造句,也有能夠鍛鍊學生創造性思維的寫作和辯論,還有必不可少的中英文語言轉換的翻譯練習。選用的所有文章和設計的所有練習都緊緊圍繞學習者對中國文化的了解和對英語語言學習的需求。《走近中國文化( 英文版)》既可以作為教輔材料幫助英語專業學生學習中國文化,也可以用於其他專業學生的中國文化通識教育。


Unit 1 Basic Information of China 1
Text A A Panoramic View of China 1
Text B Chinese Ethnic Groups 5
Text C Yangtze River and the Yellow River 9
Text D China’s Political System 13
Text E The Development of Civilization in China 17
Fun Time 21
Keys 22
Unit 2 Philosophy and Wisdom 24
Text A Life of Confucius 24
Text B Laozi and the Daodejing 28
Text C Hundred Schools of Thought 32
Text D Sunzi and The Art of War 36
Text E The Book of Changes 40
Fun Time 44
Keys 45
Unit 3 Scientific Development and Invention 47
Text A An Admirable Woman Tu Youyou and Her Achievements 47
Text B The Silk Road Dream of China’s High-speed Trains 51
Text C The Ever Shining Four Great Inventions of Ancient China 55
Text D Looking Up into the Space 59
Text E One Dedicated Scientist and Agricultural Advancement 63
Fun Time 67
Keys 68
Unit 4 Language and Literature 70
Text A Standard Mandarin 70
Text B Origin of Chinese Characters 74
IV 走近中國文化(英文版)
Text C Classification of Chinese Poetry 78
Text D Drama and Great Fictional Novels in Yuan Dynasty 82
Text E Historical Background of Dream of the Red Chamber 86
Fun Time 90
Keys 91
Unit 5 Education and Communication 93
Text A Education in Ancient China 93
Text B The Belt and Road 97
Text C The First Chinese Library in Mexico to Promote Cultural Exchange 101
Text D Traditional Chinese Lantern Festival Held in the UK 105
Text E Chinese Students Mobility Trends 109
Fun Time 113
Keys 114
Unit 6 Stories and Legends 116
Text A Beginning of the World 116
Text B The Story of Nezha 120
Text C Chinese Zodiac Stories 124
Text D The Chinese Dragon 128
Text E The Legend of Dong Yong and the Seventh Fairy 132
Fun Time 136
Keys 137
Unit 7 Festivals and Celebrations 139
Text A Spring Festival 139
Text B The Origin of the Double-Seventh Day 143
Text C Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai People 147
Text D The Tomb Sweeping Day 151
Text E The Dragon Boat Festival 155
Fun Time 159
Keys 160
Unit 8 Food and Health 162
Text A The Five Key Flavors of Chinese Food 162
Text B Characters of Chinese Cuisine 166
Text C Chinese Food Therapy 170
Text D Chinese Alcohol History and Culture 174
Text E Local Specialties 178
Fun Time 182
Keys 183
Unit 9 Arts and Crafts 185
Text A Chinese Traditional Operas 185
Text B Chinese Shadow Puppetry 189
Text C Chinese Embroidery 193
Text D Chinese Paper-Cut 197
Text E Chinese Seals 201
Fun Time 205
Keys 206
Unit 10 Natural and Cultural Wonders 208
Text A The Terracotta Army 208
Text B Yungang Grottoes 212
Text C Mount Tai 216
Text D The Forbidden City 220
Text E Humble Administrator’s Garden 224
Fun Time 228
Keys 229
Unit 11 Cultural and Historical Relics 231
Text A Chinese Porcelain 231
Text B Chinese Bronze Mirrors 235
Text C Along the River during the Qingming Festival 239
Text D Chinese Jade Burial Suits 243
Text E Heshi Jade 247
Fun Time 251
Keys 252
Unit 12 Animals and Plants 254
Text A Chinese River Dolphin 254
Text B Golden Snub-nosed Monkey 258
Text C Crested Ibis 262
Text D Dove Tree 266
Text E Ginkgo 270
Fun Time 274
Keys 275
參考文獻 277


