



  • 書名:走向成功:英語視聽說教程
  • 作者:戚元方
  • 出版日期:2013年10月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787562836667
  • 外文名:A Passport to English Three Dimensional Course
  • 出版社:華東理工大學出版社
  • 頁數:207頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:華東理工大學出版社




Unit 1 Family Relationship
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Family Members
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Family Personalities
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Family Characters
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy In—law Relationships
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Dad and Kid
Unit 2 School Life
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Language Learning
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen College Majors
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak School Life
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy A Math Class
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Univ ersity Life
Unit 3 The Value of Books
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Bookstore
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Library
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak The Value of Books
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Daunt Books
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Free Time Activities
Unit 4 Friendship
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Long Time No See
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Is Your Major?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak What Are They Doing?
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Make Friends?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Roommates
Unit 5 Food
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch To Order Food for a Dinner Party
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Hamburger Restaurant?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Eat Out in a Restaurant
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy The Perfect Hamburger
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Thai Cooking
Unit 6 Sports
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Signing up for Yoga Classes
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen New Exercise Program
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak My Exercise Program
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Massage
Part Ⅴ Home Listening The Sport I Like
Unit 7 Hotel Check—in
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Check in Hotel
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Room Reservation
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Want a Room?
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Tips for Hotel Reservation
Part Ⅴ Home Listening In a Restaurant
Unit 8 Sightseeing
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Welcome to Go—Away—Now
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Sightseeing around the Town
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak The Cheapest Way to Travel
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Great London Attractions
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Tokyo vs.New York
Unit 9 Healthy Lifestyle
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Diet
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Healthy Lifestyle
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Tasty Burger
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Anger Management
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Keep Healthy Overseas
Unit 10 Shopping
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Grocery Shopping
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Father's Day Gift
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Shopping Style
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Shopping with Boyfriend
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Flea Market
Unit 11 Romance
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Romance
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen First Date
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak What a Romance!
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Break up the Right Way
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Online Dating
Unit 12 Computers Science
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch How to Use the Internet?
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen I Want a Computer—related Job
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Artificial Intelligence
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Video Games to Improve Your Brain
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Laptop vs.Desktop
Unit 13 Job Hunting
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch A Job Interview
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Job Do You Want?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Employment or Further Study
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Find a Job?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening A Cool Job
Unit 14 Environment
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch What Can You Do for the Environment?
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Bike Their Way to Work
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Combating Environmental Pollution
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy What Is Climate Change?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Deforestation
Unit 15 Traffic
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Avoiding Traffic Jams
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Ditching Traffic Lights to Cut Accidents
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Improving the Road Conditions
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Staying Incredibly Safe on Car Journeys
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Teen Driving
Unit 16 Housing
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Looking for a Roommate
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Is Your House Like?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Renting an Apartment
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Be a Smart Buyer at an Open House?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Renting or Owning a Home
Appendix Ⅰ Key
Appendix Ⅱ Scripts




Unit 1 Family Relationship
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Family Members
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Family Personalities
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Family Characters
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy In-law Relationships
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Dad and Kid

Unit 2 School Life
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Language Learning
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen College Majors
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak School Life
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy A Math Class
Part Ⅴ Home Listening University Life

Unit 3 The Value of Books
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Bookstore
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Library
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak The Value of Books
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Daunt Books
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Free Time Activities

Unit 4 Friendship
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Long Time No See
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Is Your Major?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak What Are They Doing?
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Make Friends?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Roommates

Unit 5 Food
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch To Order Food for a Dinner Party
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Hamburger Restaurant?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Eat Out in a Restaurant
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy The Perfect Hamburger
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Thai Cooking

Unit 6 Sports
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Signing up for Yoga Classes
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen New Exercise Program
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak My Exercise Program
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Massage
Part Ⅴ Home Listening The Sport 1 Like

Unit 7 Hotel Check.in
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Check in Hotel
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Room Reservation
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Want a Room?
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Tips for Hotel Reservation
Part Ⅴ Home Listening In a Restaurant

Unit 8 Sightseeing
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Welcome to Go-Away-Now
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Sightseeing around the Town
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak The Cheapcst Way to Travel
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Great London Attractions
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Tokyo Vs. New York

Unit 9 Healthy Lifestyle
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Diet
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Healthy Lifestyle
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Tasty Burger
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Anger Management
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Keep Healthy Overseas

Unit 10 Shopping
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Grocery Shopping
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Father's Day Gift
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Shopping Style
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Shopping with Boyfriend
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Flea Market

Unit 11 Romance
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Romance
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen First Date
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak What a Romance!
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Break up the Right Way
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Online Dating

Unit 12 Computers Science
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch How to Use the Internet?
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen I Want a Computer-related Job
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Artificial Intelligence
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Video Games to Improve Your Brain
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Laptop Vs. Desktop

Unit 13 Job Hunting
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch A Job Interview
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Job Do You Want?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Employment or Further Study
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Find a Job?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening A Cool Job

Unit 14 Environment
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch What Can You Do for the Environment?
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Bike Their Way to Work
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Combating Environmental Pollution
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy What Is Climate Change?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Deforestation

Unit 15 Traffic
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Avoiding Traffic Jams
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen Ditching Traffic Lights to Cut Accidents
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Improving the Road Conditions
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy Staying Incredibly Safe on Car Journeys
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Teen Driving

Unit 16 Housing
Part Ⅰ Time to Watch Looking for a Roommate
Part Ⅱ Time to Listen What Is Your House Like?
Part Ⅲ Time to Speak Renting an Apartment
Part Ⅳ Time to Enjoy How to Be a Smart Buyer at an Open House?
Part Ⅴ Home Listening Renting or Owning a Home
Appendix Ⅰ Key
Appendix Ⅱ Scripts


本書為《走向成功英語聽力教程》的姐妹篇,可作為學生英語視聽說自學材料,同時也可以作為全國大學英語四六級網考專訓教材。全書分16單元,每單元由五個部分組成。第一部分(Time to Watch)話題入門,旨在激發學生已有的相關知識。第二部分(Time to Listen)讓學生熟悉英語國家人們講英語的不同語音語調。第三部分(Time to Speak)根據上面兩部分的內容,進行口語操練,模仿原汁原味的英語表達,拓寬自身的表達思路。第四部分(Time to Enjoy)是正常語速的英語視頻,幫助學生熟悉和聽懂視頻中的英語表達。第五部分(Home Listening)類似於網考中的中篇對話。


