- 中文名:賴志超
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1986年11月
- 畢業院校:美國普渡大學(Purdue University)
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:結構工程
- 創新與可持續鋼-混凝土組合結構
- 核電站安全殼結構
- 高層鋼-混凝土組合結構(組合框架、聯肢剪力牆)
- 鋼-混凝土組合結構抗震修復、加固及其在多重耦合極端荷載作用下的性能
- 鋼結構橋樑連續倒塌系統冗餘度分析與連續性倒塌
- 2009.8 – 2014.8:美國普渡大學 (Purdue University),結構工程專業,博士
- 2005.9 – 2009.6:同濟大學,土木工程專業,學士
- 2018.1 –至今:福州大學,土木工程學院,教授/博士生導師
- 2014.12 – 2018.1:美國普渡大學,土木工程學院,博士後
- 美國土木工程師協會(American Society of Civil Engineers)組合結構委員會,委員(committee member)
- 美國混凝土結構協會(American Concrete Institute)組合結構委員會,委員(committee member)
- 美國結構穩定協會(Structural Stability Research Council, SSRC)薄壁結構分會,委員(task group member)
- 美國結構穩定協會(Structural Stability Research Council, SSRC)構件穩定分會,委員(task group member)
- 美國土木工程師協會(American Society of Civil Engineers),高級會員(Associate member)
- 美國鋼結構協會(American Institute of Steel Construction),會員
- 美國地震研究協會(Earthquake Engineering Research Institute),會員
- 美國結構工程協會(Structural Engineering Institute),會員
參編AISC 360-16等3部美國國家規範,在國際著名學術期刊和國際知名學術會議上發表高水平學術論文34篇(其中SCI收錄15篇)。學術論文被AISC 360-16、AISC 341-16、N690s1-15等3部美國國家規範引用33次。兼任ASCE組合結構委員會委員等4項國際學術組織職務,也擔任《ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》等14個國際知名SCI期刊的審稿人。
於2016年被ASCE著名SCI期刊《Journal of Structural Engineering》評為傑出審稿人,2015年被核工程結構領域著名SCI期刊《Nuclear Engineering and Design》評為傑出審稿人。主持或參與美國自然科學基金2項、科學院基金1項、能源部項目1項,加拿大核安全委員會項目1項,中國國家自然科學基金重點項目1項、國家重點實驗室開放基金1項。
- 2016年,Outstanding Reviewer,美國土木工程師協會(ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering(2016年僅13人獲此榮譽)
- 2016年,Postdoc Travel Grant,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)
- 2015年,Outstanding Reviewer, ELSEVIER: Nuclear Engineering and Design(前10%的審稿人獲獎)
- 2014年,Vinnakota Award-Honorable Mention,美國結構穩定協會(SSRC)(全球範圍每年三人榮獲此獎)
- 2013年,Pai Tao Yeh Fellowship,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)
1. Lai, Z.* and Varma, A. H. (2018). “High-strength rectangular CFT members: database, modeling, and design of short columns.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(5), 04018036:1-18.
2. Huang, W., Lai, Z.*, Chen, B., Xie, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2018). “Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders: experimental tests, analysis, and design.” Engineering Structures, 156, 118-129.
3. Huang, W., Lai, Z.*, Chen, B., and Yao, P. (2017). “Experimental behavior and analysis of prestressed concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders.” Engineering Structures, 152, 607-618.
4. Chen, B., Lai, Z.*, Yan, Q., Varma, A. H., and Yu, X. (2017). “Experimental behavior and design of CFT-RC short columns subjected to concentric axial loading.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(11), 04017148: 1-16.
5. Lai, Z.*, Huang, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2017). “Modeling of high-strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs) for seismic analysis.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138, 526-537.
6. Pan, J., Chen, S.*, Lai, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, J., and Xie, H. (2017). “Analysis and fracture behavior of welded box beam-to-column connections considering residual stresses.” Construction and Building Materials, 157, 557-566.
7. Chen, B., Lai, Z.*, Lai, X., Varma, A. H., and Yu, X. (2017). “Creep prediction models for concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) arch bridges.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(7), 04017027:1-15.
8. Lai, Z*., and Varma, A. H. (2017). “Seismic behavior and modeling of concrete partially filled spirally welded pipes (CPF-SWP).” Thin-Walled structures, 113, 240-252.
9. Lai, Z.*, Huang, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Seismic analysis and performance of high strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs).” Structures, 9, 165-178.
10. Lai, Z.*, and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Effective stress-strain relationships for analysis of noncompact and slender filled composite (CFT) members.” Engineering Structures, 124, 457-472.
11. Lai, Z.*, Connor, R. J., and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Retrofit of steel columns: parametric studies and design.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(11), 04016080: 1-11.
12. Lai, Z.*, Varma, A. H., and Connor, R. J. (2016). “Retrofit of built-up steel columns: modeling and fundamental behavior.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(3), 04015054: 1-11.
13. Lai, Z.*, Varma, A. H., and Griffis, L. G. (2016). “Analysis and design of noncompact and slender CFT beam-columns.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142 (1), 04015097:1-14.
14. Lai, Z.*, and Varma, A. H. (2015). “Noncompact and slender circular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106, 220-223.
15. Lai, Z.*, Varma, A. H., and Zhang, K. (2014). “Noncompact and slender rectangular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 101, 455–468.
16. Varma, A. H.*, Malushte, S. R., Sener, K. C., and Lai, Z. (2014). “Steel-plate composite (SC) walls for safety related nuclear facilities: Design for in-plane forces and out-of-plane moments.” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 269, 240–249.