[1]Principal Investigator, 2011, Effects of urban construction boundaries on urban development in China: assessment and rectification, Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy
[5]主持人,2007,Social and economic impacts of land acquisition in China,University of Maryland
[10]主持人,2005,Effects of land use plans on urban development in China: a property right approach,美國林肯土地政策研究中心
[1]Han, Haoying and Shih-Kung Lai, 2011, “Decision network: a planning tool for making multiple, linked decisions,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 38: 115-128.
[4]Han, Haoying, Shih-Kung Lai, Anrong Dang, Zongbo Tan, and Cifang Wu, 2009, “Effectiveness of urban construction boundaries in Beijing: an assessment,” Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 10(9): 1285-1295.
[8]Lai, Shih-Kung and Haoying Han, 2009, “Compensation policies for agricultural land requisition in China: a review,” Review of Real Estate and Urban Studies, 1(2), 123-134.
[9]Chiu, Ching-Pin and Shih-Kung Lai, 2009, “An experimental comparison of negotiation strategies for siting NIMBY facilities,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 36, 956-967.
[16]Lai, Shih-Kung, Chengri Ding, Po-Chun Tsai, I-Chih Lan, Minsheng Xue, Ching-Pin Chiu, and Li-Guo Wang, 2008, “A game-theoretic approach to urban land development in China,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35, 847-862.
[17]Chiu, Ching-Pin and Shih-Kung Lai, 2008, “A comparison of regimes of policies: Lessons from the two-person, iterated prisoner's dilemma game,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35, 794-809.
[20]Lai, Shih-Kung, 2007, "Review on 'A different universe: reinventing physics from the bottom down' by R B Laughlin," Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34, 570.
[22]Lai, Shih-Kung, 2006, “Emergent macro-structures of path-dependent location adoptions processes of firms,” the Annals of Regional Science, 40(3), 545-558.
[23]Lai, Shih-Kung, 2006, “A spatial garbage-can model,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 33 (1), 141-156.
[5]賴世剛,2005,「都市發展:制定計畫的邏輯」,五南出版社(譯述,原著者:Lewis D. Hopkins),台北(由北京商務印書館發行簡體版)。
[6]Lai, Shih-Kung, 1996, Meanings and Measurements of Multi-attribute Preferences, Jui-Hsing, Taipei.