



  • 中文名:賓建輝
  • 畢業院校:天津大學
  • 學位/學歷: 博士
  • 職業:教師


1. 雷射驅動離子加速及套用 (生物醫學、雷射質子刀-癌症治療、材料科學等)
2. 雷射電漿物理
3. 雷射固體靶相互作用(阿秒脈衝產生、高次諧波等)


2010-01--2015-06 德國慕尼黑大學 博士
2006-09--2009-07 中科院上海光機所 碩士
2002-09--2006-07 天津大學 本科


2020-現在, 中科院上海光機所, 研究員
2020-2021, 美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室, 客座研究員
2017-2020,美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室, 洪堡學者, 博士後研究員
2015-2017,德國慕尼黑大學, 博士後研究員




  1. A new platform for ultra-high dose rate radiobiological research using the BELLA PW laser proton beamline, Scientific Reports, 2022, 第 1 作者
  2. Emittance preserving thin film plasma mirrors for GeV scale laser plasma accelerators, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2021, 第 5 作者
  3. Target normal sheath acceleration with a large laser focal diameter, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2020, 第 2 作者
  4. Laser-heated capillary discharge waveguides as tunable structures for laser-plasma acceleration, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2020, 第 6 作者
  5. A compact, high resolution energy, and emittance diagnostic for electron beams using active plasma lenses, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2020, 第 2 作者
  6. A feasibility study of zebrafish embryo irradiation with laser-accelerated protons, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 2020, 第 4 作者
  7. Laser-heated capillary discharge plasma waveguides for electron acceleration to 8 GeV, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2020, 第 6 作者
  8. Acceleration of high charge ion beams with achromatic divergence by petawatt laser pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, 2020, 第 2 作者
  9. Ion acceleration in laser generated megatesla magnetic vortex, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2019, 第 3 作者
  10. Temporally Resolved Intensity Contouring (TRIC) for characterization of the absolute spatio-temporal intensity distribution of a relativistic, femtosecond laser pulse, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2019, 第 2 作者
  11. Absolute calibration of GafChromic film for very high flux laser driven ion beams, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 2019, 第 1 作者
  12. I-BEAT: Ultrasonic method for online measurement of the energy distribution of a single ion bunch, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2019, 第 3 作者
  13. Petawatt Laser Guiding and Electron Beam Acceleration to 8 GeV in a Laser-Heated Capillary Discharge Waveguide, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2019, 第 8 作者
  14. Ring-like spatial distribution of laser accelerated protons in the ultra-high-contrast TNSA-regime, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 2018, 第 5 作者
  15. Enhanced laser-driven ion acceleration by superponderomotive electrons generated from near-critical-density plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2018, 第 1 作者
  16. A novel approach to electron data background treatment in an online wide-angle spectrometer for laser-accelerated ion and electron bunches, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 2018, 第 2 作者
  17. An automated,0.5 Hz nano-foil target positioning system for intense laser plasma experiments, HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2017, 第 2 作者
  18. The impact of femtosecond pre-pulses on nanometer thin foils for laser-ion acceleration, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 2017, 第 2 作者
  19. Dynamics of laser-driven proton acceleration exhibited by measured laser absorptivity and reflectivity, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017, 第 1 作者
  20. Proton acceleration by single-cycle laser pulses offers a novel monoenergetic and stable operating regime, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2016, 第 5 作者
  21. Laser-driven ion acceleration from carbon nano-targets with Ti: Sa laser systems, 2015, 博士論文
  22. Ion Acceleration Using Relativistic Pulse Shaping in Near-Critical-Density Plasmas, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2015, 第 1 作者
  23. Laser-driven three-stage heavy-ion acceleration from relativistic laser-plasma interaction, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2014, 第 7 作者
  24. Bright Subcycle Extreme Ultraviolet Bursts from a Single Dense Relativistic Electron Sheet, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2014, 第 2 作者
  25. Dependence of Laser-Driven Coherent Synchrotron Emission Efficiency on Pulse Ellipticity and Implications for Polarization Gating, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2014, 第 7 作者
  26. On the small divergence of laser-driven ion beams from nanometer thick foils, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2013, 第 1 作者
  27. Efficient and stable proton acceleration by irradiating a two-layer target with a linearly polarized laser pulse, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2013, 第 6 作者
  28. A laser-driven nanosecond proton source for radiobiological studies, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 第 1 作者
  29. Introducing the fission-fusion reaction process: using a laser-accelerated Th beam to produce neutron-rich nuclei towards the N = 126 waiting point of the r-process, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2011, 第 5 作者
  30. Improving proton acceleration with circularly polarized intense laser pulse by radial confinement with heavy ions, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2010, 第 3 作者
  31. Quasi-monoenergetic proton beam generation from a double-layer solid target using an intense circularly polarized laser, LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 2009, 第 1 作者
  32. 相對論雷射與電漿相互作用中的高能離子產生, 2009, 碩士論文
  33. Influence of the target front-surface curvature on proton acceleration in laser-foil interaction, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 2009, 第 1 作者
  34. 電漿初始溫度對強雷射與電漿相互作用中的高能質子產生的影響, Influence of Initial Plasma Temperature on Energetic Proton Generation From Laser-Plasma Interactions, 中國雷射, 2009, 第 1 作者


( 1 ) 雷射驅動離子加速基礎物理以及套用研究, 主持, 國家級, 2020-01--2022-12
( 2 ) 雷射驅動離子加速基礎物理以及套用研究, 主持, 部委級, 2020-01--2022-12
( 3 ) 嘉定區創新資助項目, 主持, 省級, 2022-01--2024-12


  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, USA)
  • Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany)
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Munich, Germany)
  • Technical University of Munich (Munich, Germany)
  • Helmholtz Institute Jena (Jena, Germany)
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Jena, Germany)
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, HZDR (Dresden, Germany)
  • Technical University of Dresden (Dresden, Germany)
  • Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron, DESY (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Didcot, UK)
  • Queen's University Belfast (Belfast, UK)
  • Imperial College London (London, UK)


