主講研究生的課程有:《常微分方程定性理論》、《非線性生物動力系統》、《傳染病模型與研究》、《時滯微分方程》、《脈衝微分方程》、《論文選讀》等。自2003年至今,共培養碩士研究生50餘名.2016年山西省優秀碩士論文1篇,2013-2017校優秀碩士論文4篇 。
在《CommunNonlinear Sci Numer Simulat》、《Appl. Math & Comp.》、《Physica A》、《J.Nonlinear Sci & Appl.》、《系統科學與數學》、《套用數學學報》、《套用數學》等國內外核心期刊上發表論文五十餘篇,其中二十餘篇被SCI、EI、ISTP檢索。2005年主編教材《常微分方程》由中國林業出版社出版。
1.Jia Jianwen, Li Qiuying. Qualitative analysis of SIREpidemic model with stage structure. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007,193,106—115.(SCI二區)
2. Jianwen Jia, Hui Cao. Dynamics complexities of Hollingtype IIpredator-prey system with timedelay and impulsive perturbations on the prey,International Journal of Biomathematics,2009,2(2):229—242(SCI四區)
3. Jianwen Jia, Chunhua Li. A predator-prey Gompertz modelwith time delay and impulsive perturbations on the prey,Discrete Dynamics in Nature andSoeciety, 2009, article ID 256195:1-15. (SCI四區)
4.Luping Li, Jianwen Jia, Hui Cao. On the chemostat model with impulsiveinput and time delay. Conference:InternationalConference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - ICBBE,pp. 1-5, 2010, DOI:10.1109/ICBBE.2010.5516572(EI)
6. JiaJianwen, Zhang Honghong. Dynamics complexities of predator-prey system in apulsed chemostat. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations,2012,7(6):2489—2500.(SCI二區)
7.Zhang Yinying, Jia Jianwen. Hopf bifurcation of an epidemic model with anonlinear birth in population and vertical transmission.Applied Mathematics and Computation,2014,230,164-173. (SCI二區)
8. Yan caijuan, Jia Jianwen .Hopf bifurcationof a delayed epidemic model with information variable and limited medicalresources. Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2014 (2014),1-11.Article ID 109372,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/109372.(SCI二區)
9. Yan caijuan, Jia Jianwen, Zhen Jin.Dynamicsof an SIR epidemic model with information variable and limited medicalresources revisited.Discrete Dynamics in Nature andSociety,Volume 2014 (2014),1-11. ArticleID 861710,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/861710.(SCI四區)
10.Xiaohong Zhang, Jianwen Jia, Xinyu Song. Permanenceand extinction for a nonautonomous malaria Transmission model with distributedtime delay.Journal of AppliedMathematics,Volume 2014(2014):1-15.Article ID 139046, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/139046(SCI四區)
11. JinhongZhang, Jianwen Jia, Xinyu Song. Analysis of an SEIR Epidemic Model withSaturated Incidence and Saturated Treatment Function,The Scientific World Journal.Vol. 2014, 1-11.ArticleID910421, (SCI四區)
12. XiaohongWang, Jianwen Jia. Dynamics of a delayed predator-prey model with birth pulseand impulsive harvesting in a polluted environment. Physica A: StatisticalMechanics and its Applications,2015, 422,1-15. (SCI三區)
13.Jianwen Jia, Tingting Lv. On the study of two-nutrient and two-microorganismchemostat model with pulsed in a polluted environment.InternationalJournal of Biomathematics,2015,8(4):1-15(SCI三區)
15. JianwenJia, Xuewei Shi. Analysis of a viral infection model with immune impairment andcure rate .J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 2016, 9,3287—3298. (SCI二區)
16. JianwenJia, Xiaomin Wei. On the stability and Hopf bifurcation of a predator-preymodel.Advances in Difference Equations,2016, 86:1--11, DOI 10.1186/s13662-016-0773-y. (SCI四區)
17. JianwenJia, Liping Li. Hopf bifurcation and periodic solution of a delayedpredator-prey-mutualist system.
Advances in Difference Equations,2016,2016,193:1-12. DOI: 10.1186/s13662-016-0907-2(SCI四區)
18. JianwenJia, Gailing Qin. Stability Analysis of HIV/AIDS Epidemic Model with NonlinearIncidence and Treatment. Advances in Difference Equations2017:136,1—11. DOI: 10.1186/s13662-017-1175-5(SCI四區)
19. Hang Yang,Jianwen Jia. Harvesting of a prey-predator model with reserve area for prey andin the presence of toxicity.Journal ofApplied Mathematics and Computation,2017(53)1:693--708.(EI)
20. JianwenJia, Jie Li. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed viral infection modelwith logistic growth and saturated immune impairment.MathematicalMethods in the Applied Sciences,2018,,4(2)839--849(SCI三區)
21. Jianwen Jia, WenjiangWu.A rumortransmission model with incubation in social networks. Physica A: StatisticalMechanics and its Applications,2018,491:453—462.(SCI三區)