



  • 中文名:賈夏
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:陝西府谷
  • 出生日期:1975年1月
  • 畢業院校西北林學院
  • 職業:教師


2012年加拿大Saint Mary's University訪問學者。






1.國家自然科學基金面上項目:AMF對大氣CO2升高與土壤Cd污染耦合的回響及對樹木幼苗調節機制(31870582), 2019年1月-2022年12月,59萬,主持人;
3.陝西省自然科學基金面上項目:大氣CO2升高與土壤鎘污染耦合對植物根際土壤硝化作用影響機制(2017JM3009),2017-2018, 4萬元,主持人;
5.國土資源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重點實驗室開放基金: 土壤微生物對土地整治的回響機理, 2017-2018, 12萬元,主持人;
9.中央高校基金:重金屬鎘對幼苗期冬小麥根際微生態系統的影響機制(CHD2009JC144),2009年9月-2011年9月,2.5萬元, 主持人。
10.天津環科院下屬公司:催化氧化工程技術諮詢,2013年2月-2013年4月, 25萬元,主持人;
1.國家自然科學基金面上項目:秦嶺火地塘森林景觀土壤微生物空間格局(31670549), 2017年1月-2020年12月, 第一參加主研人。


[1]Yunjie Wang, Chunyan Zhang, Lu Wang, Yonghua Zhao, Yunfeng Gao, Xia Jia*. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on low molecular weight soluble compounds in the rhizosphere soil of black locust seedlings grown in cadmium‑contaminated soils under elevated CO2 scenarios[J]. Plant and Soil, 2023.
[2]Yunfeng Gao, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Jiamin Zhao, Xiaoyi Ding, Chunyan Zhang, Xiaojuan Feng. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) and elevated air temperature on Cd migration in the rhizosphere soil alfalfa[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 248: 114342.
[3]Lu Wang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang, Jiamin Zhao. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community characteristics in roots on antioxidant enzyme activity in leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings under the combination of elevated CO2 and Cd exposure[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2022.
[4]Xia Jia*, Jiamin Zhao, Ningjing Zhang, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang, Lu wang, Kemeng Cao, Yunfeng Gao. Elevated atmospheric CO2 generally improved soluble sugars content in the rhizosphere soil of black locust seedlings under cadmium exposure[J]. Plant and Soil, 2021, 168: 606–616.
[5]Xia Jia*, Yunfeng Gao, Xiaodi Li, Yonghua Zhao, Lu Wang, Chunyan Zhang. Effects of cadmium on soil nitrification in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings under elevated atmospheric CO2 scenarios[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021.
[6]Lu Wang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang, Yunfeng Gao, Xiaodi Li, Kemeng Cao, Ningjing Zhang. Effects of elevated CO2 on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Robinia pseudoacacia L. grown in cadmium-contaminated soils[J] Science of the Total Environment, 2021.
[7]Chunyan Zhang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Lu Wang, Kemeng Cao, Ningjing Zhang, Yunfeng Gao, Ziwei Wang. The combined effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and cadmium exposure on flavonoids in the leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021.
[8]Xia Jia*, Ningjing Zhang, Yonghua Zhao, Lu Wang, Chunyan Zhang, Xiaodi Li, Kemeng Cao, Yunfen Gao.A consecutive 4-year elevated air temperature shaped soil bacterial community structure and metabolic functional groups in the rhizosphere of black locust seedlings exposed to lead pollution[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020.
[9]Xia Jia*, Lu Wang, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang, Xiao di Li. Soil microbial communities in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. after being exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 and cadmium for 4 years[J]. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020.
[10]Xia Jia*, Xiaodi Li, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang. Soil microbial community in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings exposed to elevated air temperature and cadmium-contaminated soils for 4 years[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 2355–2363.
[11]Xia Jia*, Chunyan Zhang, Yonghua Zhao, Tuo Liu, Yunhua He. Three years of exposure to lead and elevated CO2 affects lead accumulation and leaf defenses in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 349: 215–223.
[12]Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Yunhua He, Yafei Chang. Glomalin-related soil protein in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings under higher air temperature combined with Cd-contaminated soils[J]. EuropeanJournal of Soil Science, 2018, 69: 634–645.
[13]Xia Jia*, Tuo Liu, Xiaodi Li, Yonghua Zhao. Needles resistance in Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolicaLitv. exposed to elevated air temperature and cadmium-contaminated soils for 3 years[J]. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018.
[14]Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Tuo Liu, Yunhua He. Leaf defense system of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings exposed to 3 years of atmospheric CO2 and Cd-contaminated soils[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 605-606: 48–57.
[15]Shuping Huang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Bo Bai, Yafei Chang. Elevated CO2 benefits the soil microenvironment in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils[J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 168: 606–616.
[16]Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Tuo Liu, Shuping Huang, Yafei Chang. Elevated CO2 increases glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Pb- and Cd-contaminated soils[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 218: 349–357.
[17]Yonghua Zhao,Xia Jia*, Wenke Wang, Tuo Liu, Shuping Huang, Mingyan Yang. Growth under elevated air temperature alters secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd-and Pb-contaminated soils[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 565: 586–594.
[18]Xia Jia*,Yonghua Zhao, Tuo Liu, Shuping Huang. Elevated CO2 affects secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils[J]. Chemosphere, 2016, 160: 199–207.
[19]Yunfeng Gao, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Xiaoyi Ding, Chunyan Zhang Xiaojuan Feng. Glomus mosseae Improved the Adaptability of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to the Coexistence of Cadmium-polluted Soils and Elevated Air Temperature[J]. Frontiers in Plant science, 2023.
[20]Yunjie Wang, Lu Wang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Chunyan Zhang. Adaptation of antioxidant enzymes in Robinia pseudoacacia L. grown in cadmium-contaminated soils under elevated CO2 to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis[J]. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2023.
[21]Xia Jia*, Tuo Liu, Yonghua Zhao, Yunhua He, Mingyan Yang. Elevated atmospheric CO2 affected photosynthetic products in wheat seedlings and biological activity in rhizosphere soil under cadmium stress[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 514–526.
[22]Shuping Huang, Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Yafei Chang, Bo Bai. Response of Robinia pseudoacacia L. rhizosphere microenvironment to Cd and Pb contamination and elevated temperature[J]. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016, 108: 269–277.
[23]Xia Jia*, Yonghua Zhao, Wenke Wang, Yunhua He. Elevated temperature altered photosynthetic products in wheat seedlings and organic compounds and biological activity in rhizopshere soil under cadmium stress[J]. Scientific Reports, 2015.
[24]Xia Jia*,Wenke Wang, Zhihong Chen, Yunhua He, Jingxin Liu. Concentrations of secondary metabolites in tissues and root exudates of wheat seedlings changed under elevated atmospheric CO2 and cadmium-contaminated soils[J]. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2014, 107: 134–143.
[25]Xia Jia*, Yunjie Wang, Jiamin Zhao, Yunfeng Gao, Chunyang Zhang, Xiaojuan Feng, Xiaoyi Ding. Effect of Glomus mosseae, cadmium, and elevated air temperature on main flavonoids and phenolic acids contents in alfalfa[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023.
[26]賈夏*, Lkhahvajargal Khadkhurel, 趙永華, 張春燕, 張寧靜, 高雲峰, 王子威. 連續4個生長季大氣CO2升高與土壤鉛(Pb) 污染耦合下刺槐幼苗根際土壤微生物特徵[J]. 環境科學, 2021. (EI)
[27]賈夏*,等.低含量鉛對鎘處理下冬小麥根際微生物的影響[J]. 同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2013,41(7),1072-1077 (EI).
[28]賈夏*,等.微生物生態研究中Biolog Eco微平板培養時間對分析結果的影響[J]. 套用基礎與工程科學學報,2013,21(1),10-19 (EI).
[30]17.王子威, 賈夏*,閆占寬, 曹柯萌, 張春燕, 王璐, 張寧靜, 高雲峰. 大氣CO2濃度升高和Cd污染耦合對刺槐幼苗根微域土壤酚酸積累的影響[J]. 生態學雜誌, 2021, 40(7): 2067-2075.


1. 2022年陝西省自然科學獎二等獎:根際微生態系統對大氣CO2升高和土壤Pb、Cd污染耦合的回響。
2. 2018年陝西省高等學校科學技術獎二等獎:不同種植物根際土壤微生態系統對大氣CO2升高和土壤Pb、Cd污染耦合作用的回響機制。


5.Journal of Chemistry (SCI) 客座主編 (Lead Guest Editor)


