



  • 中文名:賈保國
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:時標動態方程,分數階差分方程
  • 任職院校:中山大學












國家自然科學基金面上項目,11271380,高階時標動態方程解的振動性和漸近性,2013/01-2016/12, 60萬元,在研,主持。
國家自然科學基金面上項目,10971232,二階非線性時標動態方程及相關問題的研究,2010/01-2012/12, 27萬元,已結題,主持。


1)Baoguo Jia, Xiang Liu, Feifei Du and Mei Wang, The Solution of A New Caputo-like Fractional h-Difference Equation, Rocky Mountain Mathematics Journal,2018, to appear,
1)Baoguo Jia, Siyuan Chen, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Lyapunov Functional and Stability of Linear Nabla (q,h)-Fractional Difference Equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2017, 23 (12), 1974-1985.
2)Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Fractional Nabla q-Difference Equations, Georgian Math. J.,2017,1-8
3) Xiang Liu, Baoguo Jia, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Existence and rapid convergence results for nonlinear Caputo nabla fractional difference equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,2017,51, 1-16.
4)Baoguo Jia, Lynn Erbe, Chris Goodrich and Allan Peterson, The relation between Nabla fractional differences and Nabla integer differences, Filomat, 2017, 31 (6), 1741-1753.
5)Hongwu Wu, Baoguo Jia and Lynn Erbe, Oscillation criteria for second order superlinear dynamic equations with oscillating coefficients, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2017, 72, 29-34.
6) Lynn Erbe, Chris Goodrich, Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson, Monotonicity results for delta fractional differences revisited, Math Slovaka, 2017, 67 (14), 895-906.
1)Baoguo Jia, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Comparison theorems and asymptotic behavior of solutions of Caputo fractional equations, International Journal of Difference Equations, 2016, 11 (2), 163-178.
2) Feifei Du,Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Monotonicity and convexity for nabla fractional (q,h)-differences,Journal of difference equations and applications,2016,22 (9), 1224-1243
3)Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Monotonicity and convexity for nabla fractional q-differences, Dynamic Systems and Applications,2016,25, 47-60.
4)Baoguo Jia,The asymptotic behavior of the Caputo delta fractional equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2016,39, 5355-5364.
5)Lynn Erbe,Chris Goodrich,Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson, Survey of the qualitative properties of fractional difference operators: monotonicity, convexity, and asymptotic behavior of solutions, Advances in Difference Equations,2016, 43, 1-31.
6)Qiaoshun Yang,Baoguo Jia and Zhiting Xu,Nonlinear oscillation of second order neutral dynamic equations with distributed delay, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2016,39 (1), 202-213.
7) Boqun Ou, Quanwen Lin, Feifei Du and Baoguo Jia, An extended Halanay ineqa-lity with unbounded coefficient functions on time scales, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016, 316, 1-11.
8) Hongwu Wu, Baoguo Jia, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson,Oscillation criteria for second order sublinear dynamic equations with oscillating coefficient, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2016, 61, 167-172.
1) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Convexity for nabla and delta fractional differences, J. Difference. Equ. Appl.,2015,21 (4), 360-373.
2) Boqun Ou,Baoguo Jia and Lynn Erbe, A generalized Halanay-type inequality on time scales, Dynamic Systems and Applications,2015, 24 (6), 389-398.
3) Hongwu Wu,Baoguo Jia and Lynn Erbe,Theorems of Kiguradze-type and Belohorec-type revisited on time scales,Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 71, 1-12.
4) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Two monotonicity results for nabla and delta fractional differences, Archiv der Mathematik,2015,104 (5), 589-597.
5) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe,Allan Peterson, Oscillation of n-th order linear dynamic equations on time scales,Communications in Applied Analysis,2012,16 (3), 447-458.
6) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Comparison theorems and asymptotic behavior of solutions of discrete fractional equations, Electron J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ., 2015, 89, 1-18.
7) Boqun Ou, Baoguo Jia and Lynn Erbe, An extended Halanay inequality of integral type on time scales, Electron J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ.,2015, 38, 1-11.
8) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Some relations between the Caputo fractional difference operators and integer order differences, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,2015, 163, 1-7.
1) Qiaoshun Yang,Lynn Erbe and Baoguo Jia, Oscillation of certain Emden-Fowler dynamic equations on time scales, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 1-7.
2) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, A Butler-type oscillation theorem for second order dynamic equations on discrete time scales, J. Difference Equation and Applications,2014,20, 392-405.
3) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Raziye Mert, A Halanay-type inequality on time scales in higher dimensional spaces, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications,2014,17 (3), 813-821.
4)Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Raziye Mert,Comparison theorems for even order dynamic equations on time scales,Dynamic Systems and Applications,2014, 23, 221-234.
5) Lynn Erbe,Baoguo Jia and Raziye Mert,A wong-type necessary and sufficient condition for nonoscillation of second order linear dynamic equations on time scales, Communication in Applied Analysis, 2014, 18, 41-58.
1) Baoguo Jia,Oscillation for second order dynamic equations with mixed nonlinearities, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A Mathematical Analysis,2013,20, 423-432.
2) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson,An oscillation theorem for second order dynamic equations on time scales,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2013,219, 10033-10342
1) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson,Oscillation of n-th order linear dynamic equations on time scales,Communications in Applied Analysis,2012, 16 (3), 447-458.
2) Lynn Erbe,Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson,On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of Emden–Fowler equations on time scales, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 191 (2), 205-217
3) Quanwen Lin and Baoguo Jia, Nonoscillatory solutions of second order superlinear dynamic equations with integrable coefficients,Abstract and Applied Analysis,2012, 1-16.
4) Baoguo Jia,Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson,Oscillation Theorems for Second Order Sublinear Dynamic Equations on Time Scales,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A, Mathematical Analysis,2012, 19, 615-626
1) Baoguo Jia, Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, Kiguradze-typeoscillation theorem for second order superlinear dynamic equation on timescales, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2011, 54 (4), 580-592.
2) Lynn Erbe, Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson, Belohorec -type oscillation theorem for second order sublineardynamic equations on time scales, Math. Nachr, 2011, 284, 1658-1668.
3) Baoguo Jia, Kwong-Wong-Type integral equation on time scales, Electronic Journal of differential Equations, 2011, 25, 1-14.
4) Baoguo Jia, A new oscillation criterion for two-dimensional dynamic systems on time scales, Kamkang Journal of Mathematics, 2011, 42 (2), 237-244.
5) Lynn Erbe, Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson, Oscillation of n-th order superlinear dynamic equations on time scales, Rocky Mountain Journal of mathematics, 2011, 41 (2), 471-491.
6) Lynn Erbe, Baoguo Jia and Allan Peterson, Asymptotic behavior of n-th order Sublinear dynamic equations on time scales,Communications in Applied Analysis, 2011, 15, 183-194.


