曾任蘭州大學萃英講席教授,美國環境保護署研究項目專家評審委員會委員(2002-2006,2010-2011)、美國地理學家協會水資源專業委員會主任(2008-2010)、美國地理學家協會水資源專業委員會秘書長兼司庫 (2006-2008),美國地理學家協會水資源專業委員會常務理事 (2004-2006),國際地理聯合會水資源專業委員會委員(International Geographical Union Commission for Water Sustainability)、美國水資源協會委員(American Water Resources Association)、美國科學發展協會會員(American Association for the Advancement of Science)、國際科學技術工程委員會成員(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology)、中美協會常務理事(2006-2008),中國海外地理信息系統協會理事 (2000-2001) 等.美國國家宇航局(NASA)、美國國家科學基金會(NSF)、美國農業部、美國地質調查局、中國國家科技獎辦公室、中國國家自然科學基金會、中國教育部長江學者評審,以及比利時、澳大利亞、馬來西亞等國科技機構評審。
任以下雜誌編委: 《資源與生態學報》 (Journal of Resources and Ecology, English edition,The Chinese Academy of Sciences), 《中國地理科學》 (Chinese Geographical Science, English edition,, China, Springer, SCI 收錄刊物), 《寒旱地區科學》(Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions (English edition, The Chinese Academy of Sciences), 《資源科學》 (Resources Science,The Chinese Academy of Sciences). 為20多個國際雜誌審稿.
2005年被中國科學院聘為”海外知名”學者。 列入世界名人榜 (Marquis Who‘s Who 55th-58th edition), 科學與工程名人榜(Who’s Who in Science and Engineering)。
任《資源與生態學報》 (Journal of Resources and Ecology, English edition,The Chinese Academy of Sciences), 《中國地理科學》 (Chinese Geographical Science, English edition,, China, Springer, SCI 收錄刊物), 《寒旱地區科學》(Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions (English edition, The Chinese Academy of Sciences), 《資源科學》 (Resources Science,The Chinese Academy of Sciences). 為20多個國際雜誌審稿.
在國際主流期刊Journal of Hydrology, Environmental Modeling & Software, Journal of American Water Resources Association, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management , Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Geographical Analysis, Landscape and Urban Planning等發表論文80多篇。
1. He, C. and T.E. Croley. 2010. Hydrological Resource Sheds and the U.S. Great Lakes Applications. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 1(1):25-30.
2. DeMarchi, Carlo, Fei Xing, Thomas E. Croley II, Chansheng He, Yaping Wang. 2011. Application of a Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model to Lake Erie: Model Calibration and Analysis of Parameter Spatial Variation. J. of Hydrologic Engineering(SCI), 16((3):193-202 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) HE.1943-5584.0000304).
3. Liu, Lei, Y. Luo, C. He, J. Lai, and X. Li. 2010. Role of the Dual Functional Canals in Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Irrigation Districts along the Lower Yellow River, China. Journal of Hydrology (SCI) Vol. 391( 1-2):157-174) .
4. He, C., X. He, and L. Fu. 2010. China’s South-to-North Water Transfer Project: Is It Needed? Geography Compass 4/9: 1312-1323, 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2010.00375.x.
5. Wang, Xili, L. Fu, and C. He. 2010. Applying Support Vector Regression to Water Quality Modeling by Remote Sensing Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI) (in press).
6. He, C. and C. DeMarchi. 2010. Modeling Spatial Distributions of Point and Nonpoint Source Pollution Loadings in the Great Lakes Watersheds. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 2(1):24-30.
7. Fu, B., Yafeng Wang, Yihe Lu, C. He, Liding Chen, and Chenjun Song. 2009. The effects of land-use combinations on soil erosion: a case study in the Loess. Plateau of China . Progress in Physical Geography (SCI) 33 (6): 793-804.
8. He, C., C. DeMarchi, T. E. Croley, Q. Feng, and T. Hunter. 2009. Modeling the Hydrology of the Heihe Watershed in Northwestern China. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, Vol.31 (3):410-421.
10. Luo,Y., C. He, M. Sophocleous, Z. Yin, and H. Ren. 2008. Assessment of Crop Growth and Soil Water Modules in SWAT2000 Using Extensive Field Experiment Data in the Irrigation District of the Yellow River Basin. Journal of Hydrology (SCI) (352):139-156.
11. Croley, T. E., II, D. F. Raikow, C. He, and J. F. Atkinson, 2008. Hydrological Resource Sheds. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol.13 (9):873-885.
12. He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2007. Application of a Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model in the Great Lakes Basin. Control Engineering Practice (SCI)Vol. 15 (8): 1001-1011.
13. Croley, T.E. II. and C. He, 2006. Watershed Surface and Subsurface Spatial Intraflows. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol.11 (1):12-20.
15. He, C. S. Cheng, and Y. Luo. 2005. Desiccation of the Yellow River and the South Water Northward Diversion Project. Water International (SCI) Vol. 30 (2):261-268.
16. Croley, T.E.II.and C.He. 2005. Distributed-Parameter Large Basin Runoff Model I: Model Development. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol. 10 (3):173-181.
17. Croley, T.E. II., C. He, and D.H. Lee. 2005. Distributed-Parameter Large Basin Runoff Model II: Application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol. 10 (3):182-191.
1. Bao, S., H. Lin, Q. Zhang, P. Gong, W. Ji, J. Qi, C. He, B. Xu, R. Yi, C. Chen, F. Kung, H. Qi, and Y. Liu. 2008. Comparative Analysis of The Development and Management of Domestic and International Lakes. Final Report of the Greater Poyang Lake Eco-Economic District Key Project to Jiangxi Provincial Government (in Chinese), 216 p.
2. Croley, T. E., II, C. He, J. F. Atkinson, and D. F. Raikow, 2007. Resource Shed Definitions and Computations. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-141, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 43pp.
1. He, C., C. DeMarchi, W. Tao, and T.H. Johengen. 2011. Modeling Distribution of Point and Nonpoint Sources Pollution Loadings in The Saginaw Bay Watersheds, Michigan. In: Lawrence, P. edited book: Urban GIS and Water Resources. Wiley and Son Co.
2. Croley II, T.E. and C. He. 2008. Ch.9. Spatially Distributed Watershed Model of Water and Materials Runoff. In: Ji, W. (ed). Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. CRC Press, New York, p.99-112.
3. He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2008. Ch.10. Estimating Nonpoint Source Pollution Loadings in the Great Lakes Watersheds. In: Ji, W. (ed). Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. CRC Press, New York, p.115-127.
4. He, C., S. Cheng, and Y. Luo. 2007. Water Diversions and China’s Water Shortage Crisis. In Robinson, P.J., T. Jones and M-K Woo (eds). Managing Water Resources in a Changing Physical and Social Environment. IGU Home of Geography Publication Series, Società Geografica Italiana, Rome. Pp. 89-102 .
5. He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2007. Integration of GIS and Visualization for Distributed Large Basin Runoff Modeling of the Great Lakes Watersheds. In: Scarpati and Jones (eds). Environmental Change and Rational Water Use. Orientación Gráfica Editora S.R.L., Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 247-260.