



  • 中文名:賀偉 
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理學
  • 任職院校:南京大學


華中科技大學管理學博士(2013)、美國華盛頓大學博士聯合培養(2012-2013)。研究領域為人力資源管理和組織行為學。主要研究興趣包括組織薪酬分配與員工激勵、領導行為與領導力、員工組織公民行為與職場偏差行為。在Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 《管理世界》、《心理學報》、《中國工業經濟》和《南開管理評論》等國內外學術期刊發表研究論文30餘篇。主持國家自然科學基金3項。榮獲美國管理學會組織行為分部最佳會議論文獎(2014)和傑出審稿人獎(2015);榮獲Academy of Management Discoveries雜誌最佳審稿人獎(2018)。美國管理學會(AOM)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)會員。


1. 人力資源管理(薪酬分配差異、績效薪酬體系)
2. 領導行為與領導力(領導-成員交換關係、領導情緒表達、團隊共享式領導)
3. 員工組織公民行為與主動行為(建言、創造力)
4. 組織偏離、職場排斥等負面行為


1. 組織行為學
2. 績效與薪酬管理
3. 領導力



1. 賀偉,2016,華中科技大學教師教學競賽,一等獎
2. 賀偉,2015,華中科技大學教師教學競賽,二等獎


1. Academy of Management Discoveries雜誌最佳審稿人獎(2018)
2. 美國管理學會組織行為學分部傑出審稿人(2015)
3. 美國管理學會組織行為學分部最佳論文獎(2014)
4. 教育部博士研究生學術新人獎(2011)



1. 賀偉主持,組織薪酬分配與員工激勵,國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目,編號:71822203,執行年限:2019.01-2021.12
2. 賀偉主持,遵從規範還是真情流露?組織情境下領導情緒表達策略研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,編號:71772073,執行年限:2018.01-2021.12
3. 賀偉主持,領導-成員交換策略及其對個人與團隊產出的影響研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,編號:71402061,執行年限:2015.01-2017.12


1. Watkins, T., Fehr, R., & He, W.† 2018. Whatever it takes: Leader beliefs ofabusive supervision instrumentality. Leadership Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2018.09.002
2. Mackey, J. D., Huang, L., & He, W. 2018. You abuse and I criticize: An ego depletion and leader-member exchange examination of abusive supervision and destructive voice. Journalof Business Ethics. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10551-018-4024-x
3. Klotz, A., He, W., Yam, K. C., Bolino, M., Wei, W., & Houston III, L. 2018. Good actors but bad apples: Counterproductive consequences of daily impression management at work. Journalof Applied Psychology, 103 (10), 1145-1154.
4. *Chen, X. P., He, W.,† & Weng, L. C. 2018. What is wrong with treating followers differently? Thebasis of leader-member exchange differentiation matters. Journal of Management, 44 (3), 946-971. doi: 10.1177/0149206315598372
5. He, W., Zhou, R. Y., Long, L. R., Huang, X., & Hao, P. 2018. Self-sacrificial leadership and followers’ affiliative and challenging citizenship behaviors: A relational self-concept based study in China. Management and Organization Review, 14(1), 105-133.
6. Hao, P., He, W., & Long, L. R. 2018. Why and when empowering leadership has different effects on employee work performance: The pivotal roles of passion for work and role breadth self-efficacy. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 25(1), 85-100.
7. Wang, T., Long, L., Zhang, Y., & He, W. 2018. A social exchange perspective of employee-organization relationships and employee unethical pro-organizational behavior: The moderating role of individual moral identity. Journal of Business Ethics. Published online: 17 January 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10551-018-3782-9
8. Yam, K. C., Klotz, A., He, W.,† & Reynolds, S.2017. From good soldiers to psychologically entitled: Examining when and whycitizenship behavior leads to deviance. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1): 373-396.
9. He, W., Fehr,R., Yam, K. C., Long, L. R., & Hao, P. 2017. Interactional justice,leader-member exchange, and employee performance: Examining the moderating roleof justice differentiation. Journal of Organizational Behavior,38 (4): 537-557.
10. Fehr, R., Yam, K. C., He, W., Chiang, J., & Wei, W. 2017. Polluted work: A self-control perspective on air pollution, organizational citizenship, and counterproductive work behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 98-110.
11. He, W., Long, L. R., & Kuvaas, B. 2016. Workgroupsalary dispersion and turnover intention in China: A contingent examination ofindividual differences and the dual deprivation path explanation. Human Resource Management, 55, 301-320.
12. Gao, Y., & He, W. 2017. Corporate social responsibility and employee organizational citizenship behavior: The pivotal roles of ethical leadership and organizational justice. Management Decision, 55(2), 294-309.
13. *Li, S. L., *He, W.,† Yam, K. C., & Long, L. R. 2015. When and whyempowering leadership increases followers’ taking charge: A multilevelexamination in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32, 645-670.
14. *Zhu, L., *Yin, G., & *He, W.† 2014. Is this opinion leader's review useful?Peripheral cues for online review helpfulness. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 15(4), 267-280.
15. *Chen, X. P., *Liu, D., & *He, W.Does passion fuel entrepreneurship and job creativity? A review andpreview of passion research. In C. E. Shalley, M. Hitt, & J. Zhou (Eds.). TheOxford handbook of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship: Multilevellinkages. Oxford University Press, 2015.
16. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2011.實際收入水平、收入內部比較與員工薪酬滿意度的關係——傳統性和部門規模的調節作用. 管理世界, (4),98-110.
17. 賀偉,龍立榮. 2011.薪酬體系框架與考核方式對個人績效薪酬選擇的影響. 心理學報,43(10), 1198-1210.
18. 賀偉, 龍立榮, 趙海霞. 2011.員工心理賬戶視角的薪酬心理折扣研究. 中國工業經濟, (1),99-108.
19. 賀偉, 蒿坡. 2014.薪酬分配差異一定會降低員工情感承諾嗎?——薪酬水平、績效薪酬強度和員工多元化的調節作用. 南開管理評論,17(4), 13-23.
20. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2011.內外在薪酬組合激勵模型研究, 管理評論, (9),93-101.
21. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2010.基於需求層次理論的薪酬分類與員工偏好研究. 商業經濟與管理, (5),40-48.
22. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2010.轉型經濟下員工薪酬滿意度的維度及其與情感承諾、離職傾向的關係研究. 珞珈管理評論, 4(2), 42-54.
23. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2009.薪酬滿意度的維度及其作用研究評述. 軟科學,23(11), 87-91.
23. 賀偉, 龍立榮. 2009.西方組織多元化理論研究進展探析. 外國經濟與管理, 31(7),43-50.
24. 周如意, 龍立榮, 賀偉. 2016. 自我犧牲型領導與員工反生產行為:領導認同與心理權利的作用. 預測, 35(3),1-7.
26. 龍立榮, 賀偉, 陳琇霖. 2016.由舍到得的領導力. 清華管理評論, (3),54-59.
27. 朱蘇麗, 龍立榮, 賀偉, 王忠軍. 2015.超越工具性交換:中國企業員工-組織類親情交換關係的理論建構與實證研究. 管理世界, (11),119-134.
28. 蒿坡, 龍立榮, 賀偉. 2015. 共享型領導如何影響團隊產出?信息交換、激情氛圍與環境不確定性的作用. 心理學報,47(10), 1288-1299.
29. 張勇, 龍立榮, 賀偉. 2014.績效薪酬對員工突破性創造力和漸進性創造力的影響. 心理學報, 46(12), 1880-1896.
30. 蒿坡, 龍立榮, 賀偉. 2014. 領導力共享、垂直領導力與團隊創造力:雙視角研究. 管理科學,27(6), 53-64.
31. 潘欣, 李紹龍, 賀偉. 2014. 高管團隊薪酬差異與企業績效關係的研究進展. 中國人力資源開發, (3),43-49.
32. 衛武, 夏清華, 賀偉, 資海喜. 2013.企業的可見性和脆弱性有助於提升對利益相關者壓力的認知及其反應嗎?——動態能力的調節作用. 管理世界, (11),101-117.
33. 李紹龍, 龍立榮, 賀偉. 2012. 高管團隊薪酬差異與企業績效關係研究:行業特徵的跨層調節作用. 南開管理評論,15(04), 55-65.
34. 金凌志, 賀偉. 2011. 理工科博士生創新績效影響因素的識別. 高等工程教育研究, (3),133-139.
35. 龍立榮, 祖偉, 賀偉. 2010. 員工對企業經濟性薪酬的內隱分類與偏好研究. 科學學與科學技術管理,31(12), 154-162.
1. Zhan, Y. F., He, W., Long, L.R., & Li, S. L. 2018. Feeling gratitude and depleted: The ambivalent consequences of receiving help in the workplace. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois (August).
2. Watkins, T., Fehr, R., & He, W. 2017. Whatever it takes: Leader beliefs ofabusive supervision instrumentality. Paper presented at the 77th AnnualMeeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA(August).
3. Mackey, J. D., Huang, L., & He, W. 2017. You abuse and Icriticize: An ego depletion perspective of abusive supervision and destructivevoice. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta GA(August).
4. Pan, J. Z., Chen, X. P., & He, W. 2017. The basis ofleader-member exchange (LMX) differentiation: Content and consequence. Paperpresented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Atlanta GA(August).
5. He, W., Chen,X. P., Hao, P., & Wei, W. 2016. Open the door positively: The effects ofleader framing and employee affect on prohibitive voice. Paper presented in thesymposium “An exploration of team and managerial effects on employee voicefrequency and quality” at the 76th Annual Meeting of Academy ofManagement, Anaheim, CA (August).
6. Shi, J., He, W., Li, S. L., & Chen, Z. X. 2016. Perpetrator’s affectiveand behavioral reactions to own counterproductive work behavior. Paperpresented at the 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA (August).
7. Hao, P., He, W., Long, L. R., & Huang, X. 2015. Shared leadership and individual and team creativity. Paperpresented at the 75th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Vancouver, BC (August).
8. Fehr, R., Yam, K. C., He, W., Chiang, J., & Wei, W. 2015. Polluted work: Aself-control perspective on air pollution, organizational citizenship, andcounterproductive work behavior. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC (August).
9. He, W. Managerial Responses to Voice: A Content and Process Model of ManagerialVoice-Taking Theory. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA (August).
10. He, W., Fehr,R., Yam, K. C., & Long, L. R. Why are you treating me so well? A multilevelmodel of interactional justice, leader-member exchange, and employeeperformance. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA (August).
11. Yam, K.C., Klotz, A., He, W., &Reynolds, S. 2014. Turning good soldiers into bad apples: The influence ofextrinsic motivation and psychological entitlement on the relationship betweencitizenship behavior and deviance. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA (August). Winnerof the Best Paper Award of the Organizational Behavior Division.
12. Chen,X. P., Weng, L. C., & He, W. 2014. Leader-member exchange (LMX) differentiation and employee extra-rolebehavior: The crucial role of performance-based LMX. Paper presented at the Biannual Meeting of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR),Beijing (June).
13. Li, S.L., He, W., & Long, L. R. 2014.A multi-level examination on the relationship between empowering leadership andemployee taking charge: Role breadth self-efficacy as a mediator anddifferentiated empowering leadership as a moderator. Paper presented at the Biannual Meeting of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR),Beijing (June).
14. He, W., & Long, L. R. 2012.Unraveling the relationship between pay dispersion and turnover intention. Paperpresented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts (August).
15. He, W., & Long, L. R. 2011.Verifying the influences of actual income and in-department comparison on payand benefit satisfaction. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX (August).


