- 中文名:谷征
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:北京
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:管理學
- 職務:中國農業大學MBA教育中心常務副主任
- 學術代表作:A Multi-level Framework for Assessing Business Performance Based on Organisational Morphology
· 《東亞典型經濟體農業支持政策演變比較(1945-2013)》,電子工業出版社,專著,2016年11月;
· A Multi-level Framework for Assessing Business Performance Based on Organisational Morphology,電子工業出版社,專著,2015年12月。
- Huang YW, LI J, Gu Zheng ,Rural household income mobility in the people’s commune period: The case of Dongbeili production team in Shanxi province, China Agricultural Economic Review (2016), SSCI;
- Zheng Gu, Methods of Agricultural Support Measurement in China, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, EI Journal;
- 谷征, 我國農業支持政策對農民增收影響, 農村經濟, 2014, CSSCI;
- Zheng Gu, Agricultural Support Policy and Farmers’ Income in China, Asian Agricultural Research, 2014;
- Zheng Gu, Evolution of Post-war Agricultural Support Policies in China’s Taiwan, Asian Agricultural Research, 2014;
- Zheng Gu, Evolution of Japanese Post-war Agricultural Support Policy, 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education Reform and Management Innovation, 2014,CPCI-S;
- Zheng Gu, Evolution of Agricultural Support Policies in South Korea, 2014 2nd International Conference on Advanced ICT for Education, 2014, CPCI-S;
- Zheng Gu, Evaluation of Agricultural Support Policy in China, The 2014 International Conference on Economics and Management Engineering, 2014, CPCI-S;
- Zheng Gu; K.N. A Developed Organisational Morphology Model for Assessing Business Performance. International Conference on Management and Service Science (2012). Shanghai, China, 2012, CPCI-S;
- Zheng Gu, K. L., Zhao Dongmei, Methods of Modelling Information Intensive Organisation The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management. Wuhan, China, 2011, CPCI-S;
- Zheng Gu, K. N., A multi-layered framework for modelling and assessing information flows in information intensive organisations based on organisational morphology. The 13th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations. Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 2011, EI Compendex;
- Zheng Gu, Modelling Information Intensive Organisation in Agro Business: A Critical Review of the Literature. IN Committee, C. A. P. E.-b. R. (Ed.) Agricultural Commodity E-Commerce Conference. Beijing, China, China Agricultural Press, 2010.
- 廖玫,谷征,國有石油企業社會回報問題研究,經濟問題探索, 2010, CSSCI;
- 廖玫,谷征,國有企業社會回報測量方法研究,統計與決策, 2010, CSSCI;
- 谷征,劉會政,中位選民理論與台海產業合作,管理現代化, 2009, CSSCI;
- 中國農業大學創業實踐項目:“農大+”校內服務平台,指導教師,2015;
- 中國農業大學研究生教育教學改革項目:經管類研究生實踐基地建設,研究生院,2014;
- 中國農業大學MBA教育中心案例研發中心案例撰寫資助項目:洋啤酒漢化之路——德力士在中國,編號:2014ABL010, 2014;
- 中國農業大學本科生URP項目,指導教師,該項目獲評優秀,2014;
- 中國農業大學 教學成果二等獎 (2016)
- 中國農業大學 優秀共產黨員 (2014)
- 中國農業大學 優秀班主任 (2013)
- 中國農業大學經濟管理學院 十佳優秀教師 (2014)
- 中國農業大學經濟管理學院 優秀共產黨員 (2013)
- 中國農業大學經濟管理學院 突出貢獻獎 (2011 - 2013)