- 中文名:譚繼英
- 職業:副教授
- 畢業院校: 四川大學華西臨床醫學院
- 主要成就:甘肅省教育廳科技進步二等獎

2003.09-2006.06 四川大學華西臨床醫學院;外科學-循證醫學與免疫學;博士。
1997.09-2000.06 蘭州醫學院;病原生物學免疫學;碩士。
1986.09-1991.06 蘭州醫學院臨床醫學系;學士。
2007.01至今 蘭州大學基礎醫學院循證醫學、免疫學研究所 副教授。
2004.01至2006.12 蘭州大學病原生物學研究所,副教授。
1998.06至2003.12 蘭州醫學院免疫學與微生物學教研室,講師。
1991.06至1997.05 蘭州醫學院微生物學免疫學教研室 助教。
Ph.D. Degree the Key Laboratory of Transplant Engineering and Immunology, Ministry of Health, and Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University,Chengdu, China; Sep.. 2003 ? Jun. 2006。
Master Degree Major in Pathogenic Biology, Lanzhou University (Formerly Lanzhou Medical College) Sep. 1998 - Jun. 2000。
Bachelor Degree Major in Clinical Medicine Lanzhou University (Formerly Lanzhou Medical College) Sep. 1986 - Jun. 1991。
Work Experience:
Jan.2007 至Present Associated professor, Institute of Immunology, School of Basic Medical Science, Lanzhou University。
Jan. 2004 至Dec. 2006 Associated professor,Institute of Pathogenic Biology, School of Basic Medical Science, Lanzhou University。
Jun. 1998至Dec. 2003 Lecturer Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School (Formerly Lanzhou Medical College)。
Mar. 1997至Jun. 1991 assistant Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School (Formerly Lanzhou Medical College)。
Research Interests:
Evidence-based Medicine。
Anti-tuberculosis immune mechanism。
“宮內感染的血清學診斷及臨床推廣套用” 獲1998年甘肅省教育廳科技進步二等獎(第一承擔人)。
“微生物學免疫學實驗教學改革” 獲1999年甘肅省教教育廳教學成果獎(第三承擔人)。
2004年四川大學華西臨床醫學院獲得博士二等獎學金和 “恆瑞愛心獎”。
honors and awards:
“Intrauterine infection in serological diagnosis and clinical application” by Education Department of Gansu Province, in 1998(1/7)。
“Experimental Immunology Microbiology teaching reform” by Education Department of Gansu Province, in 1999(3/6)。
The second-classical scholarship and “Hengrui Charity Award” by West China Medical School, Sichuan University, in 2004。
Steroid Withdrawal Increases Risk of Acute Rejection But Reduces Infection:A System Review in Renal Transplantation Transplantation proceedings 2006 Sep;38(7):2054-6。
腎移植術後新三聯免疫抑制治療中激素撤出的安全性和有效性的系統評價 Safety and Efficacy of Steroid Withdrawal in Modern Triple Immunosuppressant: A Systematic Review 中國循證醫學雜誌,2006, 6(4): 273-281 J. of Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine, 2006, 6(4): 273-281。
依那西普治療強直性脊柱炎的系統評價 Efficacy and Safety of Etanercept for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Systematic Review。
中國循證醫學雜誌 2009, 9(4): 423~429 Journal of Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine. 2009, 9(4): 423~429。
Yisheng injection decreases the expression of H60 and RAE-1 genes in ischemic mice live. Transplantation proceedings 2006 Sep;38(7):2210-3。 套用RT-PCR檢測乳腺癌患者外周血CEA mRNA和CK-19 mRNA的研究及意義. (Derection of CEA mRNA and CK-19 in Peripheral Blood from Breast Patient by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) 中國腫瘤臨床2004,3:732-734。
Journal of Chinese Clinical Oncology 2004,3:732-734。
套用RT-PCR檢測乳腺癌患者外周血CEA mRNA和CK-19 mRNA的研究及意義. (Detection of CEA mRNA in peripheral blood from breast cancer patient by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) 中國腫瘤臨床與康復2004,11(2):109-111。
Journal of Chinese Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation。
紐西蘭醫療風險防範及監管機制現狀的循證評價??完善訴訟體系,規範醫療行為,防範醫療風險.(Evidence-Based Evaluation of a Medical Risk Management System and Preventative Measures in New Zealand) 中國循證醫學雜誌2006,6(9):637-81 Journal of Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine 2006,6(9):637-81。
蘭州大學醫學學科發展現狀調查(Current Development of Medical Science in Lanzhou University) 中國循證醫學雜誌2006,6(10):743-50
Journal of Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine 2006,6(10):743-50。
Safety of irinotecan/cisplatin versus etoposide/cisplatin for patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: a meta analysis. Clin Lung Cancer. 2007, 8(8):497-501。 Microwave therapy for cervical ectropion. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2007, Issue 4。
Azithromycin vs. benzathine penicillin G for early syphilis: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Int J STD AIDS. 2008,19(4):217-21。
Bicarbonate versus lactate solutions for acute peritoneal dialysis. Cochrane Database ofSystematic Reviews. 2008, Issue 2
Recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I for acute kidney injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2008, Issue 2。
Cisplatin plus etoposide versus other platin-based regimens for patients with extensive small cell lung cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2008, Issue 2。