



  • 中文名:謝雄耀
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:隧道與地下工程無損檢測、風險與防災
  • 職務:同濟大學土木工程學院博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:同濟大學



博士後(2004.1—2004.7)法國里爾科技大學土木工程系,導師J.F. Shao 教授;


2001.12-2002.3 同濟大學地下建築與工程系,助教;
2002.3—2005.6 同濟大學地下建築與工程系,講師;
2005.6-2010.12 同濟大學地下建築與工程系,副教授;
2010.10-至今 同濟大學土木工程學院地下建築與工程系副系主任;
2010.12-至今 同濟大學土木工程學院地下建築與工程系,教授,博士生導師;


中國岩石力學與工程學會青年工作委員會秘書長,2006年2014年, 2015年起任 青委會主任委員;



(3) 《地下建築施工》2011年度上海市教委重點課程建設項目,負責人,2011.6~2013.6


(1) 國家自然科學基金項目:“軟土環境下基於MEMS技術超長線狀地下結構性能智慧型感知機理與方法”研究時間:2014.1-2017.12
(15) 國家973項目城市軌道交通地下結構性能演化與感控基礎理論課題:“超長線狀地下結構狀態智慧感知理論與方法”,課題骨幹,研究時間:2011.11-2016.8
(21)廣西壯族自治區交通廳 南寧軌道交通有限責任公司項目:“南寧軌道交通圓礫層地區明挖結構設計施工技術研究”,研究時間:2010.4-2011.8.
(22) 國家山區公路工程技術研究中心項目:“病害公路隧道最新無損快速檢測技術研究”,研究時間:2010.1-2010.12
(23)國家自然基金項目:“Multiscale modeling of granular materials in science”,研究時間:2010.1-2010.12
(28)國家863項目: “長大隧道工程風險評價與安全預警技術研究”,研究時間:2006.12-2008.12
(29)國家863項目: “超大特長越江盾構隧道關鍵技術研究”,研究時間:2006.12-2008.12
(35)上海市科委重點項目: “ 隧道工程的施工監控與預警、報警系統及風險管理系統研究”,研究時間:2004.8-2006.12


[1] 曾琛超,陳方偉,武建力,謝雄耀,王善高. 基於一致性消除法的盾構隧道探地雷達正演模擬研究[J]. 現代隧道技術,2015,04:173-178.
[2] 楊雨冰,謝雄耀. 基於斷裂力學的盾構隧道管片結構開裂破損機制探討[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報,2015,10:2114-2124.
[3] Feng, L., Yi, X., Zhu, D., Xie, X., & Wang, Y. (2015). Damage detection of metro tunnel structure through transmissibility function and cross correlation analysis using local excitation and measurement. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 60, 59-74.
[4] Xie, X., Yang, Y., & Ji, M. (2016). Analysis of ground surface settlement induced by the construction of a large-diameter shield-driven tunnel in Shanghai, China. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 51, 120-132.
[5] Xie, X. Y., & Zhu, K. W. (2015, May). Development of a Three-Dimensional Modeling Method for Monitoring Overall Foundation Pit Deformation Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 743, pp. 866-875).
[6] Qin, H., Xie, X.Y. Design and Test of an Improved Dipole Antenna for Detecting Enclosure Structure Defects by Cross-Hole GPR. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. pp, Sep. 14, 2015, Page: 1-7
[7]Liu H, Xie X, Cui J, et al. Groundwater Level Monitoring for Hydraulic Characterization of an Unconfined Aquifer by Common Mid-point Measurements using GPR[J]. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2014, 19(4): 259-268.
[8] 劉鳳洲,謝雄耀. 捷運基坑圍護結構成槽施工對鄰近建築物沉降影響及監測數據分析[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報,2014,S1:2901-2907.
[9] 謝雄耀,姜毅,盧曉智,梁浩,王承. 超高壓服役桿塔病害及三維雷射掃描檢測技術[J]. 地下空間與工程學報,2014,03:668-674.
[10]謝雄耀,郁宏傑. 基坑開挖對下臥隧道的變形監控實例研究[J]. 地下空間與工程學報,2014,S1:1646-1652.
[11]唐開順,謝雄耀,楊磊. 圓礫土大型三軸試驗力學特性研究[J]. 地下空間與工程學報,2014,03:580-585.
[12] 謝雄耀,王培,李永盛,牛建宏,覃暉. 甬江沉管隧道長期沉降監測數據及有限元分析[J]. 岩土力學,2014,08:2314-2324.
[13] Xiongyao Xie, Rongjie Yao, Hui Qin, Hai Liu. Study on radargram characteristics of the backfill grouting quality evaluation of a shield tunnel using GPR. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar - GPR 2014, p 407-12, 2014.
[14] Biao Zhou, XiongYao Xie, YongSheng Li. A structural health assessment method for shield tunnels based on torsional wave speed. Science China Technological Sciences, v 57, n 6, p 1109-20, June 2014.
[15] Xiongyao Xie, Rongjie Yao, Design of an improved dipole antenna for detecting enclosure structure defects by crosshole GPR. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar - GPR 2014, p 723-7, 2014.
[16] Zhou Biao, Xie Xiong-Yao,Yang YB. Simulation of wave propagation of floating slab track-tunnel-soil system by 2d theoretical model. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.v14, n1,January 2014.
[17] Xie XY, Liu C. Micro-disturbance construction in closely overlapped shield tunneling based on automatic monitoring. Proceedings of the 8th Int. Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, TC204 ISSMGE - IS-SEOUL 2014, p 275-280, 2014.
[18] Wang Jifei, Huang Hongwei,Xie Xiongyao,Bobet Antonio.Void-induced liner deformation and stress redistribution. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v 40, p 263-276, February 2014.
[19] Xie, Xiongyao, Qin Hui. "An automatic recognition algorithm for GPR images of RC structure voids." Journal of Applied Geophysics 99 (2013): 125-134.
[20] Xie, Xiongyao, Li Pan. "GPR identification of voids inside concrete based on the support vector machine algorithm." Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 10.3 (2013): 034002.
[21] Xie, Xiongyao, Chenchao Zeng, and Zhigao Wang. "GPR signal enhancement using band-pass and K–L filtering: a case study for the evaluation of grout in a shielded tunnel." Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 10.3 (2013): 034003.
[22] 謝雄耀,牛俊濤,楊國偉,劉晨. 重疊隧道盾構施工對先建隧道影響模型試驗研究[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報,2013,10:2061-2069.
[23] 謝雄耀,盧曉智,田海洋,季倩倩,李攀. 基於地面三維雷射掃描技術的隧道全斷面變形測量方法[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報,2013,11:2214-2224.
[24] 李攀,謝雄耀,季倩倩. 上海長江隧道凍土帷幕溫度場動態演化機理[J]. 同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2013,04:515-521. (收錄號:20132116362736)
[25] Liu, Lanbo; Xie, Xiongyao. GPR for geotechnical engineering. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING 10.3 (2013): 030201
[26] Zhao, Yonghui; Xie, Xiongyao; Wu, Jiansheng. Maxwell curl equation datuming for GPR based on the Kirchhoff integral solution and application in a tunnel grouting test .Near Surface Geophysics 11.2(2013):211-219.
[27] Xie XY, Zhao YH, Liu LB, Sato M, 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), IEEE,2012.
[28] Zhao YH, Xie XY, Wu JS, Chen J and Ge SC,Maxwell curl equation datuming for GPR based on the Kirchhoff integral solution and application in a tunnel grouting test. Near Surface Geophysics, 2012
[29] Zhou B, Xie XY, Yang YB and Jiang JC, A Novel Vibration-based Structure Health Monitoring Approach for the Shallow Buried Tunnel, 2012, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 86(4), 321-348.
[30] Xie XY, Li P, Liu LB. GPR identification of voids inside concrete based on support vector machine (SVM) algorithm , 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), pp 381 – 386.
[31] Xie XY, Zeng CC. Non-destructive evaluation of shield tunnel condition using GPR and 3D laser scanning , 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), pp 479 – 484.
[32] Liu H, Xie XY, Sato, M. Accurate thickness estimation of a backfill grouting layer behind shield tunnel lining by CMP measurement using GPR, 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), pp137 – 142.
[33] Wang ZG, Xie XY. Design and optimization of the antenna applied for detecting the voids in tunnel lining by GPR, 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), pp 131 – 136.
[34] Wang JF, Xie XY, Huang HW, Development of radar antennas for the detection of voids behind tunnel liner and laboratory experiments. 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), pp 103 - 108.
[35] Xie, XY. Feng L. Wireless Sensor Network Transmission Tests for Metro Tunnel Application Based on Multiple Evaluation Indicators. International conference on computational & Experimental engineering & sciences - 2012 Crete, Greece, April 30 - May 4, 2012 (KEYNOTE REPORT)
[36] Xie, XY. Feng L. Real-Time Health Monitoring System for Power Tunnel. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, Oakland March 25-29, 2012.
[37] 李攀; 謝雄耀, 上海長江隧道凍結監測最佳化設計及數據分析, 地下空間與工程學報, 2012年第1期
[38] 紀梅; 謝雄耀, 大直徑土壓平衡盾構掘進引起的地表沉降分析, 地下空間與工程學報, 2012年第1期
[39] Wang, JF, Xie, XY, Huang, HW. A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation system of mountain tunnel lining based on the fast nondestructive inspection. International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, PP2832 - 2834 24-26 June 2011.
[40] B. Zhou, X.Y. Xie, Y.S. Li, A Innovative Transfer Matrix Simulatiing Method for Dynamic Response Analysis in Metro line, 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe.
[41] Wang, Jifei, Xie, Xiongyao, Huang, Hongwei. A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation system of mountain tunnel lining based on the fast nondestructive inspection. International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, PP2832 - 2834 24-26 June 2011.
[42] 謝雄耀 馮雷 無線感測器網路技術的研究進展及其在捷運隧道中的套用挑戰 岩石力學與工程學報, 4047-4055,2011,Vol30, Sup2.
[43] 張文瀚 謝雄耀 李攀 淺層頂管隧道施工對路基變形影響數值分析 地下空間與工程學報, 1619-1624,2011, Vol 7, Sup2.
[44] 楊磊 謝雄耀 南寧圓礫地層M值位移反分析研究,地下空間與工程學報, 1667-1672,2011, Vol 7, Sup2 .
[45] Xiongyao Xie Zhigao Wang Research on GPR Identification of the Voids Behind Tunnel Lining Based on SVM . IEICE Technical Report, 53-58, 2011,Vol 111, No. 312.
[46] 李攀; 謝雄耀; 肖立; 陳志強; 盾構在下立交下長距離推進的三維數值模擬, 瀋陽建築大學學報(自然科學版), 1070-1077,2011年 06期.
[47] 謝雄耀,丁良平,李永盛,高速鐵路隧道火災列車繼續運行疏散模式CFD分析,同濟大學學報,2010, 38(12): 1746-1752.
[48] 謝雄耀,寧張偉,周彪等,內支撐基坑開挖對近間距下立交道路影響離心機試驗,岩土工程學報,2010,32(7):1114-1123.
[49] Zhao YH, Wu JS, Xie XY, Multiple suppression in GPR image for testing back-filled grouting within shield tunnel, Proceedings of the 13th Internarional Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, 2010, 271-276.
[50]Xie XY, Jin GL, Wang RL, Evaluation of Bogie Frame Safety of Shanghai Metro Line 1 by 3D FEM Analysis, AIP Conf. Proc., 2010, 1233(2): 1140-1147.
[51] Xie XY, Ning ZW, Liu XR, Centrifuge Model Study of Impact on Existing Undercrossing Induced by Deep Excavation, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2010, 206: 132-143.
[52]Wang JF, Huang HW, Xie XY, The application of F&EI method in risk assessment of tunnel gas explosion, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2010, 206: 320-326.
[53]Wang JF, Huang HW, Xie XY, Risk Assessment of Voids Behind the Lining of Mountain Tunnels,ASCE Conf. Proc. 2010,235:2319-2328.
[54] Zhang FS, Xie XY, Huang HW, Application of ground penetrating radar in grouting evaluation for shield tunnel construction, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2010, 25(1):99-107.
[55] 劉鳳洲,謝雄耀,汪銀華等,節理髮育泥岩地區邊坡光爆損傷範圍預測技術,地下空間與工程學報,2009,5(SUPL):1349-1354.
[56] 劉曉瑞,謝雄耀,基於圖像處理的隧道表面裂縫快速檢測技術研究,地下空間與工程學報,2009,5(SUPL): 1624-1628.
[57] 金國龍,謝雄耀,王如路,上海捷運1號線車輛轉向架壽命預測數值分析,地下空間與工程學報,2009,5(5):860-866.
[58] 劉海,謝雄耀,上海盾構隧道壁后土體介電常數測試實驗,岩土工程學報,2009,31(2):294-297.
[59] Zhou B. Xie XY, Li YS, Analysis of Ground Settlement Induced by Vibrating Loads of Operating Cross Subways in Soft Soil Area, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Environment Vibrations, 2009, 463-469.
[60] 趙永輝,謝雄耀,陳軍等,隧道壁後注漿缺陷的雷達波場模擬及信息提取,同濟大學學報,2008,36(10):1433-1438.
[61] 汪小敏, 黃宏偉, 謝雄耀,軟弱圍岩隧道施工三維有限元分析,地下空間與工程學報,2007,3(6),1114-1118.
[62] 金淼, 趙永輝, 吳健生, 謝雄耀, 隧道三維可視化監測系統的研製與開發, 計算機工程, 2007, 33(22), 255-257.
[63] 黃宏偉,杜軍,謝雄耀,盾構隧道壁後注漿的探地雷達探測模擬試驗,岩土工程學報,2007,19(2):243-248.
[64] 黃宏偉 朱琳 謝雄耀.上海捷運11號線關鍵節點工可階段工程風險評估.岩土工程學報,2007,29(7):1103-1107.
[65] 田海洋 謝雄耀 張豐收, 探地雷達在上海捷運隧道壁後注漿探測中的套用, 南昌航空大學學報,2007,21,(suppl):244-248
[66] Xie X Y, Liu Y J, Huang H W, Du J, Zhang F S. Evaluation of grout behind lining of shield tunnel using ground penetrating radar in Shanghai metro line, China. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2007,4(3),253-261.
[67] Liu L B, He K, Xie X Y, and Du J. Image enhancement with wave-equation redatuming: application to GPR data collected at public transportation sites. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2007, 4(2), 139–147.
[68] 寧張偉,謝雄耀,黃宏偉,某鋼廠熱軋帶鋼漩流池圓形基坑監測分析,地下空間與工程學報,2007,3(8), 1391-1396.
[69] 黃宏偉,杜軍,謝雄耀. 盾構隧道壁後注漿的探地雷達檢測模擬試驗. 岩土工程學報,2007,29(2):243-248.
[70] 謝雄耀,黃宏偉,杜軍,某深水港岸坡樁基碼頭設計方案有限元分析,地下空間與工程學報,2005,1(6):1104-1108.
[72] Xie X Y, Li Y S, and Huang H W. Settlement analysis in deep excavation by top-down construction in soft soils using FEM. ASCE Geotechnical Special Pulbication-Underground Construciton and Ground Movement, 2006, 155, 401-408.
[72] Du J, Huang HW, Xie XY, Research on the effect of permittivity on the result of GPR detection of grouting material behind shield tunnel segment. ASCE Geotechnical Special Pulbication-Underground Construciton and Ground Movement, 2006, 155, 120-127.
[73] 謝雄耀,黃宏偉,張冬梅. 深水港碼頭高承台樁共同作用數值模擬分析. 岩土工程學報,2006,28(6):715-722.
[74] 張豐收,黃宏偉,謝雄耀,杜軍. 盾構隧道壁後注漿材料的介電常數測定. 岩石力學與工程學報,2006,25(S2):3757-3762.
[75] 杜軍,黃宏偉,謝雄耀. 注漿材料介電常數在雷達圖像識別中的套用. 岩土力學,2006,27(7):1219-1223.
[76] 謝雄耀,杜軍,黃宏偉,非開挖施工中機率估價方法分析,地下空間與工程學報,2006,2(1), 42-46.
[77] 王國欣,謝雄耀,黃宏偉.(2006)公路隧道洞口滑坡的機制分析及監控預報.岩石力學與工程學報,2006,25(2):268-272.
[78] 呂常新,謝雄耀,淺埋偏壓三車道隧道洞口施工與監測技術,第九屆全國岩石力學與工程學術大會論文集,科學出版社,北京,2006,478-183.
[79] 謝雄耀,杜軍,黃宏偉,非開挖施工中風險機率估價方法分析,地下空間與工程學報,2006,2(1):42-46.
[80] 趙永輝,謝雄耀,王承. 地下管線雷達檢測圖像處理及解釋系統. 同濟大學學報,2005, 33(9):1253-1258.
[81]謝雄耀,趙永輝. 基於神經網路識別技術的地下管線地質雷達智慧型解釋研究. 二十一屆中國地球物理年會論文集,吉林大學出版社,2005年
[82] 關振長,謝雄耀,黃宏偉,逆作法施工中地下連續牆入土深度的探討,岩土力學,2005, 26(7),1104-1108.
[83] Xie X Y, Liu Y J, Huang H W, and Shao J F. Evaluation of grouting behind lining of shield tunnel using ground penetrating radar in Shanghai metro, China. Proceedings of the 10th GPR International Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 2004, 419-422.
[84] Zhao Y H, Xie X Y. Fractal technique for abstracting high-resolution information from GPR section. Proceedings of the 10th GPR International Conference, Delft, Netherlands 2004, 295-298.
[85] Xie X Y, Shao J F, Zhang G X. Risk analysis in trenchless construction across Huangpu river, China. Proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium 3rd ARMS, Kyoto, Japan, 2004, 317-321.
[86] Xie X Y, Zhao Y H. A case study-GPR testing of Shanghai historical bank building. Proceedings of SPIE, 2002, 4758(2), 625-629.
[87] 謝雄耀,萬明浩. 覆信號分析技術在探地雷達信號處理中的套用. 物探化探計算技術, 2000, 22(2), 108-112
[88] 謝雄耀,李永盛,黃新才. 探地雷達檢測在保護性建築結構加固中的套用. 同濟大學學報,2000, 28(1),19-23


【1】謝雄耀主編, 山區管道建設工程風險分析與保險應對,同濟大學出版社,2014.




(1) 山區高速公路運營保障關鍵技術及裝備. 2015年國家科技進步獎二等獎.謝雄耀(10)
(2)軟土隧道運營安全預警技術及裝備. 2015年上海市科技進步獎二等獎. 謝雄耀(1)
(3) 海克斯康2015年會徠卡測量優秀論文一等獎.謝雄耀(1)
(4)山區公路隧道災害預警集成技術與集成裝備研究. 2014年中國公路學會科技進步獎一等獎.謝雄耀(6)
(5)山區公路隧道災害預警集成技術與集成裝備研究. 2014年雲南省科技進步二等獎.謝雄耀(6)
(6)南寧軌道交通圓礫層地區明挖結構設計施工技術研究. 2013年南寧市科學技術獎進步獎一等獎.謝雄耀(5)
(10)跨江海結構預警評估方法及其系統設計和套用, 2012年上海市科學技術進步三等獎,謝雄耀(2);
(12) 山區高速公路邊坡光面爆破關鍵技術研究,2010年浙江省公路學會科學技術獎一等獎,謝雄耀(2);
(13) 城市越江隧道結構的性能與安全控制技術,2009年教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎,謝雄耀(6);
(14) 隧道工程施工風險管理及預警技術,2008年上海市科學技術進步三等獎,謝雄耀(4);


