2019- 中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會應急管理專業委員會副秘書長
2017- 深圳市突發事件應急管理專家組成員
2015- 深圳市土木建築學會市政專業委員會委員
2014- 國家自然科學基金委評議人
2016- 住房與城鄉建設部科技計畫項目評審專家
2011- 《Transport Policy》、《
國家自然科學基金面上項目:城中村差異化更新策略背景下建成環境對出行行為的影響研究(編號: 71974043), 負責人
2019-2022國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫,大數據驅動的公共管理決策創新模式與集成示範平台(編號:91846301), . 參加人
2015-2018國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於交通行為的道路網路脆弱性識別及改善策略研究 (編號: 71473060),負責人
國家高技術研究發展計畫(863 計畫)項目:多源道路交通狀態數據分散式互動處理(2012AA112310),參加人
2009-2010 國家軟科學研究計畫:重大災害後城市交通系統的風險評價與應急管理研究(編號: 2009GXS5D130),負責人
市域綜合交通規劃數據集成分析系統. 2012-03-28
安實, 謝秉磊, 王健. 道路交通應急管理理論與方法,科學出版社, 2012年
[1] Xie Binglei*, An Shi. Applying genetic algorithm to vehicle routing problem with stochastic travel times. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, 2006, 13: 693-697.(SCI)
[2] Ding Chuan, Xie Binglei*, Wang Yaowu. Modeling the joint choice decisions on urban shopping destination and travel-to-shop mode: a comparative study of different structures. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014(SCI, SSCI)
[3] Chuan Ding, Binglei Xie*, Yaowu Wang, Sabyasachee Mishra. A tour-based analysis of travel mode choice accounting for regional transit service. Journal of Central South University , 2014 (SCI & EI)
[4] Ding Chuan, Wang Yaowu, Xie Binglei*, Liu Chao. Understanding the role of built environment in reducing vehicle miles traveled accounting for spatial heterogeneity. Sustainability, 2014, 6(2): 589-601(SCI, SSCI)
[5] Lu Yuwu, Fang Xiaozhao, Xie Binglei *. Kernel linear regression for face recognition. Neural Computation & Applications , 2013 (SCI, EI)
[6] Zhang Zheng *, Li Zhengming, Xie Binglei, Wang Long, Chen Yan. Integrating Globality and Locality for Robust Representation Based Classification, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 (SCI , EI)
[7] Li Zhengming *, Yang Nanyue, Xie Binglei, Zhang Jin. A two-phase face recognition method in frequency domain. Optik, 2013, 124(23): 6333-6337(SCI, EI)
[8] Li Zhengming *, Zhu Qi, Xie Binglei, Cao Jian, Zhang Jin. A Collaborative Neighbor Representation Based Face Recognition Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, , 2013 (SCI, EI)
[9] An Shi, Xie Binglei. Prior optimization of vehicle routing problem with fuzzy demands. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, 2006, 13: 703-707. (SCI)
[10] Xie Binglei*, Ding Chuan. An evaluation on coordinated relationship between urban rail transit and land-use under TOD mode. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2013,13(2): 9-13, 41 (EI: 20132016331193)
[11] Xie Binglei*, Li Ying, Jin Lei. Vehicle routing optimization for deicing salt spreading in winterhighway maintenance. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, 2013, 96: 945 – 953
[12] WangYaowu, DingChuan, Liu Chao, Xie Binglei*. An analysis of Interstate freight mode choice between truck and rail: A case study of Maryland, United States. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, 2013, 96:1239-1249
[13] Ding Chuan, Wang Yaowu, Xie Binglei*, Lin Yaoyu. Evaluation Index System on Relationship between Urban Mass Rail Transit and Its Surrounding Land Use Based on TOD Mode. Advanced Engineering Forum. 2012, V.5: 123-127
[14] 謝秉磊*, 李穎, 劉敏. 帶臨時補充點的融雪劑撒布車輛路徑問題, 系統工程理論與實踐 , 2014, 34(6): 1593-1598 (EI)
[15] 張俊容, 謝秉磊. 求模糊關係方程極小解的遞歸篩選法的矩陣實現. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 2014, 36(6):
[16] 丁川, 謝秉磊*, 王耀武. TOD模式下城市公交幹線與土地利用的互動關係研究. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 41(2): 66-73 (EI)
[17] 謝秉磊*,丁川. TOD下城市軌道交通與土地利用的協調關係評價. 交通運輸系統工程與信息, 2013,13(2): 9-13, 41 (EI)
[18] 謝秉磊, 胡小明, 張一喆. 需求可分的車輛路徑問題模型與算法. 運籌與管理, 2012, 21(3): 72-76
[19] 謝秉磊, 王志利, 趙澤斌. 基於前景理論的駕駛員停車選擇模型.
交通科學與工程, 2012, 28(3): 71-76
[20] 謝秉磊, 胡正, 趙航. 交叉口應急車輛信號優先控制的兩階段模型. 系統工程學報, 2011, 26(4): 492-499
[21] 謝秉磊. VMI模式下的隨機庫存路徑問題. 公路與汽運. 2010, (1): 71-73
[22] 謝秉磊, 毛科俊, 胡小明. 基於區間數的多屬性出行方式選擇模型. 交通運輸工程學報2009, 9(4): 61-64
[23] 謝秉磊, 穆威, 李斌. 災後恢復階段多期道路交通網路重建規劃. 交通信息與安全. 2009, 27(3): 101-104
[24] 謝秉磊, 安實, 郭耀煌. 隨機車輛路徑問題的多迴路最佳化策略. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2007, 27(2): 167-171
[25] 謝秉磊, 毛科俊, 安實. 應急物流運輸中的車輛調度策略分析. 西南大學學報, 2007, 29(3): 151-155
[26] 安實, 謝秉磊. 基於模糊優先關係的路徑選擇模型. 公路交通科技, 2007, 23(4): 126-128
[1] Ding Chuan, Zhu Xiaoyu, Mishra Sabyasachee, Xie Binglei*. Impact of Regional Transit Service on Tour-Based Commuter Travel Mode Choice Using Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling, The Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Jan 12-16, 2014, Washington D. C.
[2] Lv Ke, Xie Binglei*, Cui Ranran, Zhang Shude. Evaluation on Efficiency of Resource Allocation in Highway Transportation System with Data Envelopment Analysis. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering(ICTE 2013), 1668-1673, Chengdu, Oct. 19-20 , 2013 (EI: 20135117094761)
[3] Xie Binglei, Sun Lei, Wang Zhili. Commuter Drivers' Parking Choice Behavior in Central Business District. IET Conference Publications The 7th Advanced Forum on Transportation of China, Beijing, Oct 22, 2011, 48-52 (EI)
[4] Xie Binglei, Hu Xiaoming. A Model and Heuristic Algorithm for Inventory Routing Problem in Emergency. ICCTP 2009: Critical Issues in Transportation Systems Planning, Development, and Management. 2009. 3147~3153