


  • 中文名:謝瑾奎
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:算法博弈論與社會計算
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學






上海市科委科技攻關項目“面向智慧型電視終端的自然人機互動技術研究”(No. 1511502203)
上海市自然科學基金項目“基於設計構件的形式規範自動生成與驗證分析”(No. 09ZR1409500)
國家自然科學基金項目“UML可執行的統一形式語義框架研究”(No. 61070226)
國家自然科學基金項目“Web事務的模型和語義研究”(No. 90718004)
國家自然科學基金項目“分散式系統中軟體動態更新的形式化研究”(No. 60673116)
上海市科委重大項目“信息格線設施環境建設與協定標準研究”(No. 03dz15026)
上海市科委重大項目“信息格線系統軟體開發與格線結點建設”(No. 03dz15027)
國家863高科技項目“分散式部分計值”(No. 2001AA113160)
Yuzhu Wu, Qianwen Zhang, Jinkui Xie. Coarsening Networks Based on Local Link Similarity for Community Detection. The 42nd IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference. (COMPSAC 2018), 2018.7.
Yuzhu Wu, Shumin Pan, Qianwen Zhang, Jinkui Xie. Dynamic Bidding Strategy Based on Probabilistic Feedback in Display Advertising. The 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.
Qianwen Zhang, Yuzhu Wu, Jinkui Xie. Layer-Prioritized Influence Maximization in Social Networks. The 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 2017.11.
金濤, 謝瑾奎, 楊宗源. 社交網路中快速群組生成及群組推薦研究,小型微型計算機系統,2017.3.
潘書敏, 顏娜, 謝瑾奎. 基於用戶相似度和特徵分化的廣告點擊率預測研究. 計算機科學, 2017.2.
萬路康, 章倩雯, 謝瑾奎.社會網路下的基於主題機率的影響從眾性模型和分析. 小型微型計算機系統, 2017.2.
胡啟志, 顏娜, 謝瑾奎.社交網路中基於信息詞頻和節點相似度的影響最大化算法.小型微型計算機系統, 2017.2.
Qianwen Zhang, Cheng-Chao Huang, Jinkui Xie, Influence spread evaluation and propagation rebuilding. The 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2016), 2016.10. (獲大會最佳學生論文獎)
張家利, 謝瑾奎, 王婷婷, 楊宗源. 從訊息傳播機率到機率親密度矩陣的社區挖掘算法. 小型微型計算機系統, 2015.8.
朱麗輝, 謝瑾奎, 潘書敏, 楊宗源. 線上廣告中改進數據分層的動態點擊率評估算法. 小型微型計算機系統, 2015.7.
劉英南, 謝瑾奎, 張家利, 楊宗源. 社交網路中基於信任的推薦算法. 小型微型計算機系統, 2015.6.
張洵彥, 謝瑾奎, 金一晟, 楊宗源. 基於虛擬節點的無線感測器組網近似算法. 計算機工程, 2013.12.
Yingnan Liu, Jinkui Xie, Liang Dou, Zongyuan Yang. Evaluating Social Network Reputation Based on Hybrid Efficiency and Strategy-proofness. Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI). October, 2013.
LiangDou,QiangLiu,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. A Situation Calculus-based semantic framework for UML. 2012 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT 2012). June 2012.
JieqiongXu,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. Research on the Translation from UPPAAL Timed Automata to UML Diagram. 2011 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference ononWearable Computing Systems (APWCS 2011). March 2011.
YishengJin,BeiJin,JinkuiXie,ZongyuanYang. Characteristic Genes Selection Research in Colon Cancer Gene Expression Profile. The 2011 International Conference on Database and Data Mining (ICDDM 2011). March 2011.
LiTan,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. OCL Constraints Automatic Generation for UML Class Diagram. 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2010). July 2010.
ZhuochengLi,JinkuiXie,YishengJin,ZongyuanYang. Game Algorithm of Trade Selection Based on Trust in E-marketplace. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2010). April 2010.
劉川博,楊宗源,謝瑾奎.基於UML的軟體設計信息抽取及在重構中的套用.華東師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2010.5.
譚力,楊宗源,謝瑾奎. Ajax技術的數據回響最佳化.計算機工程. 2010.4.
KangleCui,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie,KaiyuWan. Unify Modeling and Simulation Based on UML Timing Diagram and UPPAAL. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2010). January 2010.
TingtingWang,JinkuiXie,BeiJin,ZongyuanYang. Combinatorial Auctions based Network Resource Allocation Mechanism with High Welfare. The 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST 2009). December 2009.
BeiJin,JinkuiXie,TingtingWang,ZongyuanYang. Online Network Resource Allocation Mechanism with the Continuous High Satisfaction. 2009 International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering (ISISE 2009). December 2009.
LiTan,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. UCVSC: A Formal Approach to UML Class diagram online Verification based on Situation Calculus. International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology 2009 (ICCIT'09). November 2009.
YefeiZhao,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie,QiangLiu. Formal model and analysis of sliding window protocol based onNuSMV. Journal of Computers. May 2009. (Best paper of ISECS 2009)
YefeiZhao,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie,QiangLiu. Performance analysis of system model Based on continuous-time Markov chains. Journal of Software. May 2009.
YefeiZhao,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie,QiangLiu. Quantitative analysis of system Based on extended UML state diagrams and probabilistic model checking. Journal of Software. August 2009.
YefeiZhao,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. Pi-calculus based assembly mechanism of UML state diagram and Validation of model refinement. International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology 2009 (ICECT 2009). February 2009.
YefeiZhao,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. Formal semantics of UML state diagram and automatic verification Based onKripkestructure. 22nd IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2009). May 2009.
QiangLiu,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. Verifying Correctness of Pattern-based Composition. International Journal of Control and Automation. November 2008.
QiangLiu,ZongyuanYang,JinkuiXie. Description and Verification of Pattern-based Composition in Coq. Future Generation Communication and Networking December 2008.
JinkuiXie,LinpengHuang. A high-level design of mobile ad hoc system for service computing compositions. International Conference on High Performance Computing and Its Applications, August 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Engineering. Springer-Verlag,Berlin,2005.
JinkuiXie,LinpengHuang. An abstract model for service compositions based on agents. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2005),May 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. Springer-Verlag,Berlin,2005.
JinkuiXie,LinpengHuang. Specification and verification of position based routing for mobile ad hoc system. International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2005), IEEE Computer Society, September 2005.
JinkuiXie,LinpengHuang. Formal description and complexity analysis of routing in mobile ad hoc system. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2005), IEEE Computer Society, December 2005.
LeeChoonChiat,LinpengHuang,JinkuiXie. Matchmaking for semantic web services. International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2004), IEEE Computer Society, September 2004.




