



  • 中文名:謝忠穩
  • 畢業院校:1999年獲中國科學院植物研究所植物學專業博士學位。
  • 職業:教師
  • 主要成就:在國際知名雜誌發表論文30多篇,總計被引次數近千次,H因子16。




先後參與國家自然科學基金重大項目和美國NIHR01項目的研究。在Journal of Clinical Investigation (IF:13.765); NucleicAcidsResearch(IF:8.808)JBiol Chem(IF:4.651)、Arteriosclerosis,Thrombosis,andVascularBiology(IF:6.338)、Cardiovascularresearch(IF:5.94)、AmJPhysiol–HeartandC(IF:3.629)等國際知名雜誌發表論文30多篇,總計被引次數近千次,H因子16。




1. Xie Z., Su W., Liu S., Zhao G., Esser K., Schroder E., Lefta M., Stauss H., Guo Z. and Gong MC. 2015, Smooth-muscle BMAL1 participates in blood pressure circadian rhythm regulation. Journal of Clinic Investigation. 125(1),324-3336. (SCI,影響因子13.765)
2. Huang J., Wang Y., Xie Z., Zhou Y. and Wan X. 2014,The anti-obesity effects of green tea in human intervention and basic molecular studies. European Journal of Clinic Nutrition 68, 1075-1087(SCI,影響因子2.95)
3. Jiang L., Li W., Wang Y., Zhang X, Yu D., Yin Y.,Xie Z. and Yuan Y. 2014, Effects of Cichoric Acid Extract from Echinacea purpurea on Collagen-induced Arthritis in Rats.The American J of Chinese Medicine 42(3): 679-692 (SCI,影響因子2.625)
4. Huang J., Zhang Y., Zhou Y., Zhang Z., Xie Z., Zhang J and Wan X. 2013, Green Tea Polyphenols Alleviate Obesity in Broiler Chickens through the Regulation of Lipid-Metabolism-Related Genes and Transcription Factor Expression. Journal of Agricultural. Food Chemistry., 61 (36), 8565–8572 (SCI,影響因子3.107)
5. Yu D., Yuan Y., Jiang L.,Tai Y., Yang X., Hu F. and Xie Z. 2013, Anti-inflammatory effects of essential oil in Echinacea purpurea L. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.26, No.2, 403-408 (SCI,影響因子1.103)
6. Liu S., Xie Z., Daugherty, A., Cassis L., Pwarson K., Gong MC. and Guo Z.. 2013, Mineralocorticoid Receptor Agonists Induce Mouse Aortic Aneurysm Formation and Rupture in the Presence of High Salt. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 33: 1568-1579 (SCI,影響因子6.338)
7. Su W, Xie Z, (co-first authors), Liu S, Calderon LE, Guo Z, Gong MC. 2013, Smooth muscle-selective CPI-17 expression increases vascular smooth muscle contraction and blood pressure. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 305(1): H104-13 (SCI,影響因子4.23)
8. Kuang L., Kou H., Xie Z., Zhou Y., Feng X., Wang L. and Wang Z. 2013, A Non-catalytic Function of Rev1 in Translation DNA Synthesis and Mutagenesis is Mediated by Its Stable Interaction with Rad5. DNA Repair 12(1):27-37 (SCI,影響因子4.274)
9. Liu S., Xie Z., Zhao Q. (co-first authors), Pang H., Turk J., Calderon L., Su W., Zhao G., Xu H., Gong MC and Guo Z.. 2012,Smooth Muscle-Specific Expression of iPLA β Participates in the Initiation and Early Progression of Vascular Inflammation and Neointima Formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287 (29):24739-24753 (SCI,影響因子4.651)
10. Calderon L., Liu S., Su W., Xie Z., Guo Z., Eberhard W. and Gong MC.2012, iPLA2β over-expression in smooth muscle exacerbates Angiotensin II-induced hypertension and vascular remodeling. PLOS ONE 7(2): e31850 (SCI,影響因子3.73)
11. Su W., Xie Z., (co-first authors), Guo Z., Duncan M., Lutshumba J., Gong MC,
2012 Altered clock gene expression and vascular smooth muscle diurnal contractile
variation in type 2 diabetic db/db mice. American Journal of Physiology-Heart
and Circulatory Physiology 302(3): H621-33(SCI,影響因子4.23)
12. Xie Z., Liu D., Liu S., Turk J., Guo, Z. 2011. Identification of a cAMP-response element in RGS2 promoter as a Key cis-regulatory element for RGS2 transcriptional regulation by angiotensin II in VSMC. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286 (52), 44646-44658(SCI,影響因子4.651)
13. Xie Z., Gong MC., Su W., Xie DP., Turk J. and Guo Z. 2010, Group VIA phospholipase A2 beta participates in high glucose induced activation of RhoA/ROCK and PKC/CPI-17 pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells and in herper-contractivity of diabetic animals.Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(12) : 8628-37(SCI,影響因子4.651)
14. Xie Z., Gong MC., Su W., Turk J. and Guo Z. 2007, Group VIA phospholipase A2 (iPLA2beta) participates in angiotensin II-induced transcriptional up-regulation of regulator of g-protein signaling-2 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(35):25278-89(SCI,影響因子4.651)
15. Xie Z., Su W., Guo Z., Pang H., Post SR. and Gong, MC. 2006, Up-regulation of CPI-17 phosphorylation in diabetic vasculature and high glucose cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Research 69(2):491-501(SCI,影響因子5.94)
16. Pang H., Guo Z., Xie Z., Su W. and Gong, MC. 2006, Divergent kinase signing mediates agonist-induced phosphorylation of phosphatase inhibitory proteins PHI and CPI-17 in vascular smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology-cell physiology 290(3):C892-9(SCI,影響因子3.67)
17. Xie Z., Zhang Y., Guliaev AB., Shen H., Huang B., Singer B., and Wang Z. 2005, The p-benzoquinone DNA adducts derived from benzene are highly mutagenic. DNA Repair 4(12):1399-409(SCI,影響因子4.274)
18. Pang H., Guo Z., Su W., Xie Z., Eto M., Gong MC. 2005, RhoA-Rho kinase pathway mediates thrombin- and U-46619-induced phosphorylation of a myosin phosphatase inhibitor, CPI-17, in vascular smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 289 (2):C352-360(SCI,影響因子3.67)
19. Xie Z., Liu S., Zhang Y., and Wang Z. 2004, Roles of Rad23 protein in yeast nucleotide excision repair. Nucleic Acids Research 32 (20): 5981-90(SCI,影響因子8.808)
20. Zhao B., Xie Z., (co-first authors), Shen H., and Wang Z., 2004. Role of DNA polymerase h in the bypass of abasic sites in yeast cells.Nucleic Acids Research 32 (13): 3984-94(SCI,影響因子8.808)
21. Guo D., Xie Z., Shen H., and Wang Z. 2004. A non-catalytic function of Rev1 in response to acetylaminofluorene-dG DNA adducts in yeast: stimulating Polz-catalyzed translesion synthesis. Nucleic Acids Research 32 (3): 1122-30 (SCI,影響因子8.808)
22. Xie Z., Braithwaite E., Guo D., Geacintov N., and Wang Z. 2003. Mutagenesis of Benzo【a】pyrene diolepoxide in yeast: requirement for DNA polymerase z and involvement of DNA polymerase h. Biochemistry 42(38): 11253-62 (SCI,影響因子3.194)
23. Zhou H., Xie Z., Ge S. 2003. Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) in China. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107 (2): 332-39(SCI,影響因子3.507)
24. Zhang Y., Wu X., Yuan F., Xie Z., and Wang Z. 2001. Highly frequent frame-
shift DNA synthesis by human DNA polymerase m. Molecular and Cellular
Biology 21(23): 7995-8006(SCI,影響因子5.036)
25. Xie Z., Lu Y., Ge S., Hong D., and Li F. 2001. Clonalityin wild rice (Oryza. rufipogon) and its implication for conservation managements. American Journal of Botany 88:1058-68(SCI,影響因子2.586)
26. Xie Z., Ge S., and Hong D., 1999. Preparation of DNA from silica gel dried mini-amount of leaves of Oryza rufipogon for RAPD studies and total DNA bank construction. Acta Botanica Sinica 41 (8): 807-812(SCI,影響因子3.448)
27. Qian, W., Xie, Z., Ge S., and Hong D. (2001) Distribution and conservation of an endangered wild rice Oryza granulata in China, Acta Botania Sinica, 43(12): 1279-1287 (SCI,影響因子3.448)


