
《講故事:商戰取勝之道》主要內容:您是否為職場中一次次的演講和宣講而備感頭疼?您是否在客戶和對手面前不知該如何組織語言?您是否希望能夠像故事大王那樣將連珠的妙語輕鬆順暢地一一道來?那么就請翻開這本《講故事——商戰取勝之道》吧。書中逐項深入地介紹了“講故事”的優勢、過程以及成功案例,將交流、心理、職場三方面結合,教給讀者如何在工作中“Ncver be boring”。在輕鬆愉快的閱讀中掌握輕鬆愉快的交流方式。


  • 書名:講故事:商戰取勝之道
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 頁數:319頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:科學出版社
  • 作者:D.) 史蒂文森 (Stevenson
  • 出版日期:2008年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787030220196





作者:(美國)史蒂文森 (Stevenson,D.)

Doug Stevenson 13歲時在童子軍中進行了人生中的第一次演講。他在家鄉芝加哥成為專業演員時才19歲。在22歲時,他搭著便車來到了好萊塢。在這兒,他在舞台上、電影裡、電視和商業演出中扮演了從卡通人物snooPy到莎士比亞等形形色色的角色。在16年的演藝生涯中,他逐漸摸索出了自己獨特的喜劇表演風格。憑藉著優秀的專業素養,他最終開始導演劇本並教授表演課程。


This Book is Right for You if....
PART ONE: Understand that Storytelling is Your Passport to Professional Success
1 Learn Why Storytelling is so Powerful
PART TWO: Use the Story Theater MethodTM to Make Your Presentations Come Alive
2 Realize that Great Stories Make Great Theater
3 Recognize that the Messenger is as Important as the Message
4 Connect with Your Audience via Non-Co-dependent Speaking
PART THREE: Choose the Right Story
5 Go on a Story Safari
6 Choose from the Seven Types of Stories
7 Differentiate Between First-Person Stories and Third-Person Stories
8 Go Deep and Tell the Truth to Add Insight
PART FOUR: Craft a Compelling Story
9 Ask Yourself, “What‘s the Point?”
10 Write the Way You Talk —— Talk onto Paper
11 Follow the Nine Steps of Story Structure
12 Brand Your Message with a Phrase that Pays
13 Link Your Openings, Closings, and Transitions
14 Create a Cast of Characters Your Audience Will Care About
15 Incorporate Comedy so Listeners Laugh While They Learn
16 Build Drama to Keep Your Audience on the Edge of Their Seats
PART FIVE: Put Your Story on its Feet
17 Move it or Lose’em with Show and Tell
18 Use Physical Language so Participants See What You‘ re Saying
19 Use Vocal Language so Your Audience Feels What You’re Saying
20 Act out Conversations Between Characters
21 Use Emotional Language so Listeners Connect with What You‘re Saying
22 Conduct “Walk and Talk” Rehearsals
PART SIX: Present Stories that Capture and Keep Attention
23 Stand in Your Power
24 Connect Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
25 Engage the Audience with Interaction Techniques
26 Brand Your Message with Cards and Posters
27 Heighten Your Impact with Audio/Visual/Technical Support
A Final Word
APPENDIX A: Wall Signs for Your Office
APPENDIX B: Recommended Reading
APPENDIX C: Resource List of Professional Organizations, Websites, and Training
Story Theater Retreats & Seminars
About the Author


