課堂直播:五年級英語上(配外研版一起點 2018秋)

課堂直播:五年級英語上(配外研版一起點 2018秋)

《 課堂直播:五年級英語上(配外研版一起點 2018秋)》是2016年6月1日北京教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是劉強。


  • 書名: 課堂直播:五年級英語上(配外研版一起點 2018秋)
  • 作者:劉強
  • 出版社:北京教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787552273267




Module 1
Unit 1 There wasn't a clock here before.
Unit 2 There are tall trees now.
Module 2
Unit 1 This one is heavy.
Unit 2 They sell many different things.
Module 3
Unit 1 Today is Halloween.
Unit 2 Easter is in spring in the UK.
Module 4
Unit 1 We're going to tell stories.
Unit 2 I'm going to be eleven.
Module 5
Unit 1 It's mine!
Unit 2 Amy's blue dress is wet.
Module 6
Unit 1 You can play basketball well.
Unit 2 They got seventy points.
Module 7
Unit 1 His dog can help him.
Unit 2 It could find the people.
Module 8
Unit 1 Children often sit around tables.
Unit 2 There are lots of games.
Module 9
Unit 1 Are you sad ?
Unit 2 She was very happy.
Module 10
Unit 1 You should tidy your toys.
Unit 2 You shouldn't be late.
Review Module


