- 中文名:語言學文選(第一輯)
- 作者:石鋒、張洪明
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:2010年8月
- 頁數:340 頁
- 定價:49 元
- ISBN:9787510017681
《語言學文選(第1輯)》主要內容簡介:This is a translated collection of the most distinguishedjournal articles of the Chinese linguistics field. Articles wereselected for their originality, novelty, theoretical significance,and enlightenment to general linguistics study. Most ofthe articles selected were published in the last five years.The eighteen articles included in this book cover nearlyall major areas of Chinese linguistics, such as phonology,syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language contact, languageevolution, and comparative studies of Sino-Tibetan languages.These articles document discussions of some theoreticalissues through the case studies of Asian languages. Thisbook is appropriate for readers of the linguistics circle andserves as a reference book in Chinese linguistics study.
石鋒,Feng Shi is a professor andthe Director of Linguistics Instituteof Nankai University in China. Heis also currently serving as thechief editor of Journal of NankaiLinguistics as well as the presidentof Tianjin Linguistics Association.He received his M.A. in 1982 fromRenmin University in China and hisPh.D. in 1990 from Nankai University.He has been an adjunct professorof Beijing Language and CultureUniversity, a research fellow of CityUniversity of Hang Kong, and avisiting professor of Nagoya GakuinUniversity in Japan and ChineseSummer School of MiddleburyCollege in USA. His researchinterests include experimentalphonetics, language acquisition,language contact, and etc.
張洪明,Hongming Zhang is a tenuredprofessor of University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his B.A. in1981 and his M.A. in 1984 in Chinesefrom Fudan University in China,and Ph.D. in 1992 in linguistics fromUniversity of California at San Diego.Besides teaching at UW-Madison,he has also taught at FudanUniversity, San Diego Mesa College,National University of Singapore,and adjunctively serves NankaiUniversity as Shiing-shen Chern ChairProfessor and Honorary Directorof Nankai Linguistics Institute.He was awarded the title ofChangjiang Scholar by the Ministryof Education of China in 2009. He is currently serving the InternationalAssociation of Chinese Linguisticsas its Executive Secretary. His maininterests lie in the interface study of syntax-phonology, phonology, dialectology, poetic prosody, Chinese philology, and etc.