2011.12-2015.12 華東師範大學,生態與環境科學學院,講師
2008.9-2011.12, 上海交通大學,獲環境工程博士學位
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上海市司法局生態環境損害司法鑑定人;環境領域主流期刊Environmental Science &Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials等審稿人。
Yongliang Zhang, Lu Zhan,* Bing Xie, Zhenming Xu, Chao Chen. Decomposition of Packaging Materials and Recycling GaAs from Waste ICs by Hydrothermal Treatment. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 14111?14118
Xuyuan Zhao, Yuhan Xia, Lu Zhan,* Bing Xie, Bin Gao, Junliang Wang. Hydrothermal Treatment of E Waste Plastics for Tertiary Recycling: Product Slate and Decomposition Mechanisms. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7 (1), pp 1464–1473.
Lu Zhan*, Shihao Shen, Bing Xie, Kai Yang. A novel method of preparing PbS from waste lead paste through in-situ vulcanization and reduction.Journal of Cleaner Production 208 (2019) 778-784.
Lu Zhan*, Ouyang Li, Zhengyu Wang, Bing Xie. Recycling Zinc and Preparing High-Value-Added Nanozinc Oxide from Waste Zinc–Manganese Batteries by High-Temperature Evaporation-Separation and Oxygen Control Oxidation. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6 (9), pp 12104–12109.
Xuyuan Zhao, Lu Zhan*, Bing Xie, Bin Gao. Products derived from waste plastics (PC, HIPS, ABS, PP and PA6) via hydrothermal treatment Characterization and potential applications. Chemosphere. 2018, 207, 742-752.
Lu Zhan*,Fafa Xia, Yuhan Xia, Bing Xie. Recycle Gallium and Arsenic from GaAs-Based E-Wastes via Pyrolysis–Vacuum Metallurgy Separation: Theory and Feasibility. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2018, 6, pp 1336–1342.
Lu Zhan*, Jianguo Li, Bing Xie, Zhenming Xu. Recycling Arsenic from Gallium Arsenide Scraps through Sulfurizing Thermal Treatment, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2017, 5, 3179–3185.
Huipeng Xia, Lu Zhan*, Bing Xie. Preparing ultrafine PbS powders from the scrap lead-acid battery by sulfurization and inert gas condensation. Journal of Power Sources. 2017,341, 435-442.
Lu Zhan, Xishu Xiang, Bing Xie, Bin Gao. Preparing lead oxide nanoparticles from waste electric and electronic equipment by high temperature oxidation-evaporation and condensation. Powder Technology. 2017, 308, 30–36.
Lu Zhan, Xishu Xiang, Bing Xie, Jie Sun. A novel method of preparing highly dispersed spherical lead nanoparticles from solders of waste printed circuit boards. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 303, 261–267.
Lu Zhan, Fafa Xia, Xishu Xiang, Bing Xie. Novel Recycle Technology for Recovering Rare Metals (Ga, In) from Waste Light-emitting Diodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 29, 388–394.
Xiang, X.; Xia, F.; Zhan, L. *; Xie, B. Preparation of zinc nano structured particles from spent zinc manganese batteries by vacuum separation and inert gas condensation, Sep. Purif. Technol. 2015, 142, 227-233.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. State-of-art of recycling e-wastes by vacuum metallurgy separation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14092–14102.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Assessment of heavy metals exposure, noise and thermal safety in the ambiance of a vacuum metallurgy separation system for recycling heavy metals from crushed e-wastes. Waste Manage. Res. 2014, 32, 1247-1253.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Vacuum separation behavior of Pb from copper-Rich particles of crushed e-wastes. Sep. Sci. Technol. 2014, 49, 2440-2447.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Separating criterion of Pb, Cd, Bi and Zn from metallic particles of crushed e-wastes by vacuum evaporation.Sep. Sci. Technol.2012,47, 913-919.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Separating and recovering Pb from copper-rich particles of crushed waste printed circuit boards by evaporation and condensation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 5359–5365.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Separating and recycling metals from mixed metallic particles of crushed electronic wastes by vacuum metallurgy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 7074–7078.
Zhan, L.; Qiu, Z.; Xu, Z. Separating zinc from copper and zinc mixed particles using vacuum sublimation. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2009, 68, 397-402.
Zhan, L.; Xu, Z. Application of vacuum metallurgy to separate pure metal from mixed metallic particles of crushed waste printed circuit board scraps. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 7676–7681.
詹路; 陳廣坤.從廢舊含銦霍爾元器件中回收銦、銀的方法.2017.10.20, 上海, CN201710402953.4
詹路; 李建國. 從砷化鎵晶片生產廢料中製備砷的硫化物的方法. 2018.3.13, 上海, CN201610908388.4
詹路; 夏輝鵬. 一種利用廢舊鉛酸蓄電池鉛膏製備硫化鉛超細粉的方法. 2017.10.27, 上海, ZL201610865699.7
詹路; 向希蜀. 利用電子廢物中含鉛焊錫製備高分散性球形納米鉛粉方法. 2018.6.22, 上海, ZL201610954438.2
詹路; 向希蜀. 一種利用廢舊含鉛焊錫製備納米氧化鉛粉的方法. 2017.11.24, 上海, ZL201610954560.X
詹路; 向希蜀. 利用廢舊鋅錳電池製備納米鋅粉的方法. 2018.2.23, 上海, ZL201410785128.3
詹路; 夏發發. 從氮化鎵晶片生產廢料中回收鎵、金的方法. 2016.8.24, 上海, ZL201410785130.0
詹路; 向希蜀. 一種利用廢舊鋅錳電池製備納米鋅粉的真空裝置. 2015.5.20, 上海, ZL201420806111.7
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在國外學術刊物上發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇,包括在環境領域頂級期刊Environ. Sci. Technol.上發表4篇,其中一篇綜述。申請專利9項,授權7項,相關研究成果引起國內外廣泛關注。
2017年7月 上海市“浦江人才”;
2015年6月 上海市晨光學者;
2014年4月 上海市優秀博士論文;
2011年3月 教育部“博士研究生學術新人獎”;
2010年9月 高廷耀環保科技發展基金“青年博士生傑出人才獎學金”。