



  • 中文名:許開全
  • 畢業院校:香港城市大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:信息系統學
  • 任職院校:南京大學




1. 移動商務
2. 社會化媒體分析與挖掘
3. 基於最佳化的數據挖掘


1. 大數據挖掘
2. 商業數據科學
3. 網路行銷
4. 管理科學



1. 自然科學基金 (“優青”基金), No. 71622008, RMB 130萬, 2017.01~2019.12, 主持人
2. 自然科學基金 (青年基金), No. 71301071, RMB 23萬, 2014.01~2016.12, 主持人
3. 高等教育博士點基金, No. 20120091120007, RMB 4萬, 2012~2015, 主持人
4. 南京大學文科基金, RMB 2萬, 2012~2013, 主持人
5. 南京大學商學院青年基金, RMB 1萬, 2011~2013, 主持人


1. D. Wang, J. Li, K. Xu(*), Y. Wu, 2016, Sentiment Community Detection: Exploring Sentiments and Relationships in Social Networks, Electronic Commerce Research (ECR), DOI: 10.1007/s10660-016-9233-8
2. K. Xu, J. Chan, A. Ghose, S. Han, 2015, Battle of the Channels: The Impact of Tablets on Digital Commerce, Management Science (MS), DOI:mnsc.2015.2406
3. G. Wang, J. Sun, J. Ma, K. Xu, J. Gu, 2014, Sentiment Classification: the Contribution of Ensemble Learning, Decision Support System (DSS), 57, 77–93
4. K. Xu, S.S. Liao, R.Y.K. Lau, J. Zhao, 2014, “Effective Active Learning Strategies for the Use of Large-Margin Classifiers in Semantic Annotation: An Optimal Parameter Discovery Perspective”, INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC), 26(3), 461-483
5. G. Zhou, K. Xu, S.S. liao, 2013, “Do Starting and Ending Effects in Fixed-Price Group Buying Differ?”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), 12(2), 78–89
6. G. Wang, J. Ma, L. Huang, K. Xu, 2012, “Two credit scoring models based on dual strategy ensemble trees”, Knowledge Based System (KBS), 26, 61~68
7. B. Fang, S.S. Liao, K. Xu, H. Cheng, C. Zhu, H. Chen, 2012, “A Novel Mobile Recommender System for Indoor Shopping”, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), 39(15), 11992-12000
8. K. Xu, X. Guo, J. Li, S.S. Liao, R.Y.K. Lau, 2012, “Discovering Target Groups in Social Networking Sites: an Effective Method for Maximizing Joint Influential Power”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), 11(4), 318-334
9. K. Xu, J. Li, Y. Song, 2012, “Identifying Valuable Customers on Social Networking Sites for Profit Maximization”, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), 39(17), 13009-13018
10. K. Xu, W. Wang, J.S. Ren, J. Xu, L. Liu, S.S. Liao, 2011, “Extracting Consumer Comparison Opinions to Uncover Product Strengths and Weaknesses”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT), 7(1), 1~14
11. R.Y.K. Lau, S.S. Liao, K. Ron, K. Xu, Y. Xia, Y. Li, 2011, “Text mining and probabilistic language modeling for online review spam detection”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 2(4)
12. S.S. Wang, K. Xu, L. Liu, B. Fang, S.S. Liao, HQ Wang, 2011, “An ontology based framework for mining dependence relationships between news and financial instruments”, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), 38(10), 12044–12050
13. K. Xu, S.S. Liao, J. Li, Y. Song, 2011, “Mining Comparative Opinions From Customer Reviews for Competitive Intelligence”, Decision Support System (DSS), 50, 743-754
14. L. Liao, K. Xu, S.S. Liao, 2005, “Constructing intelligent and open mobile commerce using a semantic web approach”, Journal of Information Science (JIS), 31(5), 407–419
1. A. Ghose, S. Han, K. Xu. Mobile Commerce in the New Tablet Economy, the International Conference on Information Systems 2013 (ICIS 2013). Milano, Italy, December 15-18, 2013.
2. K. Xu, J. Li, R.Y.K. Lau, S.S. Liao, B. Fang. An Effective Method of Discovering Target Groups on Social Networking Sites, the International Conference on Information Systems 2011 (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, December 4-7, 2011.
3. J.S. Ren, W. Wang, Z. Hua, K. Xu, S.S. Liao. Optimal Refactoring Policy for Agile Information Systems Maintenance: A Control Theoretic Approach, the International Conference on Information Systems 2011 (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, December 4-7, 2011.
4. R.Y.K. Lau, S.S. Liao, K. Xu. An Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Spam: A Design Science Approach, the International Conference on Information Systems 2010 (ICIS 2010). St. Louis, USA, December 12 - 15, 2010
5. K. Xu, S.S. Liao, R.Y.K. Lau, S. Wang. Toward Semantic Annotation for Business Analysis: a Method for Reducing Training Samples, the International Conference on Information Systems 2009 (ICIS 2009). Phoenix, Arizona, USA, December 15-18, 2009.
6. K. Xu, S.S. Liao, R.Y.K. Lau, L. Liao and H. Tang. Self-Teaching Semantic Annotation Method for Knowledge Discovery from Text. the 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2009). Hawaii, USA, January 5-9, 2009.


