



  • 中文名:許立新
  • 出生日期:1982年3月
  • 畢業院校:天津大學機械工程學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:接觸多體動力學與控制


  1. 接觸多體動力學與控制
  2. 機器人多體系統動力學
  3. 機器人關節精密傳動技術



2006.09-2010.12 天津大學機械工程學院 博士(碩博連讀)
2002.10-2006.06 天津工業大學機械工程學院 學士


2018.04-至今 重慶大學機械工程學院 副教授
2013.12-2018.03 天津職業技術師範大學 副教授
2011.04-2013.11 天津職業技術師範大學 講師




國際雜誌《Mechanism and Machine Theory》審稿人(2013—)
國際雜誌《Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing》審稿人(2015—)
國際雜誌《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》審稿人(2016—)
國際雜誌《Nonlinear Dynamics》審稿人(2016—)
國際雜誌《ASME, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control》審稿人(2016—)
國際雜誌《Science China Technological Sciences》審稿人(2017—)
國際雜誌《Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》審稿人(2017—)
國際雜誌《Advanced in Mechanical Engineering》審稿人(2017—)
國際雜誌《Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering》審稿人(2018—)







近年來,以第一作者或通信作者在國際期刊《Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing》,《Nonlinear Dynamics》,《Mechanism and Machine theory》,《Multibody System Dynamics》,《Proceedings of the iMeche,Part K:Journal of Multi-body Dynamics》,《Proceedings of the iMeche,Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》,《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》,《Journal of Central South University of Technology》以及國內期刊《機械工程學報》,《中國機械工程》,《振動工程學報》,《天津大學學報》,《機械傳動》等雜誌上發表論文30餘篇,SCI引用180餘次。申報國家發明專利5項,目前授權3項。
[1]Li Xin Xu. Multi-body modelling and dynamic analysis of a cycloid speed reducer with multi-clearance[J]. Multibody System Dynamics, 2018. under review.
[2]Li Xin Xu, Yun Cheng Han,Qing Bing Dong,Hai Li Jia.An approach for modelling a clearance revolute joint with a constantly updating wear profile in a multibody system: simulation and experiment. 2018.Multibody System Dynamics, under review.
[3]Li Xin Xu,Hai Li Jia.Dynamic modelling and contact analysis of bearing-cycloid-pinwheel transmission mechanisms used in joint rotate vector reducers,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018.under review.
[4]Li Xin Xu. A Dynamic Model to Predict the Number of Pins to Transmit Load in a Cycloid Reducer with Assembling Clearance[J].Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018. accept(SCI/EI檢索)
[5]Li Xin Xu. A method for modelling contact between circular and non-circular shapes with variable radii of curvature and its application in planar mechanical systems[J]. Multibody System Dynamics, 2017, 39(3): 153-174.(SCI/EI檢索)
[6]Li Xin Xu, YuHu Yang. Dynamic modeling and contact analysis of a cycloid-pin gear mechanism with a turning arm cylindrical roller bearing[J], Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2016, 104: 327-349.(SCI/EI檢索)
[7]Li Xin Xu, YunCheng Han. A method for contact analysis of revolute joints with non-circular clearance in a planar multibody system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2016, 230(4): 589-605.(SCI/EI檢索)
[8]Li Xin Xu, YuHu Yang. Modeling a non-ideal rolling ball bearing joint with localized defects in planar multibody systems[J]. Multibody System Dynamics, 2015, 35(4): 409-426.(SCI/EI檢索)
[9]Li Xin Xu, Yong-Gang Li. Modeling of a deep-groove ball bearing with waviness defects in planar multibody system, Multibody System Dynamics, 2015, 33(3): 229-258.(SCI/EI檢索)
[10]Li Xin Xu, XiaoPing He, Lin Han and Yu Hu Yang. Dynamic analysis of a slider-crank mechanism with two types of non-ideal revolute joints[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2015, 229(3): 318-327.(SCI/EI檢索)
[11]Li Xin Xu. A general method for impact dynamic analysis of a planar multi-body system with a rolling ball bearing joint. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(2): 857-879.(SCI/EI檢索)
[12]Li Xin Xu, Yonggang Li. Investigation of joint clearance effects on the dynamic performance of a planar 2-DOF pick-and-place parallel manipulator, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2014, 30(1): 62-73.(SCI/EI檢索)
[13]Li Xin Xu, Yong-Gang Li. An approach for calculating the dynamic load of deep groove ball bearing joints in planar multibody systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70(3): 2145-2161.(SCI/EI檢索)
[14]Li Xin Xu, Yuhu Yang, Yonggang Li, Chongning Li, Shiyu Wang. Modeling and analysis of planar multibody systems containing the deep groove ball bearing with clearance, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 56: 69-88.(SCI/EI檢索)
[15]Li Xin Xu, Yuhu Yang, Zongyu Chang, Jianping Liu. Modal analysis on transverse vibration of an axially moving roller chain coupled with lumped mass, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18(1): 108-115.(SCI/EI檢索)
[16]Li Xin Xu, Yuhu Yang, Zongyu Chang, Zhaoguang Shen, Jianping LIU. Clearance influence on dynamic response of intermittent roller chain drive, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 23(6): 699-708.(SCI/EI檢索)
[17]Li Xin Xu, Yuhu Yang, Zongyu Chang, Jianping Liu. Dynamic modeling of a roller chain drive system considering the flexibility of input shaft, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 23(3): 367-374.(SCI/EI檢索)
[18] Lin Han,Li Xin Xu, Fu Jun Wang. Study on torsional stiffness of transmission employed in a rotary table. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015: 0954406215613116.(SCI/EI檢索)
[19] Lin Han,Li Xin Xu, Hou Jun Qi. Influences of Friction and Mesh Misalignment on Time-Varying Mesh Stiffness of Helical Gears[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(7): 3121-3130.(SCI/EI檢索)


