許海濤,北京科技大學副教授,IEEE會員。北京科技大學博士。2016年-2017年,美國休斯頓大學訪問學者。主持國家自然科學基金1項、中央高校基本科研業務費項目、中國信息通信研究院等多個橫向/縱向項目,參與完成國家863項目2項、03專項2項,教育部重大項目1項,國家自然科學基金2項等。發表期刊和學術會議論文50餘篇,其中SCI 20餘篇,出版專著2部,發明專利3項。
[2]Haitao Xu*, Xianwei Zhou. Differential Game based Cooperative Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 73(3): 651-662, 2013(SCI, 264FF)
[3]Haitao Xu*, Xianwei Zhou. Optimal Power Control in Cooperative Relay Networks based on Differential Game. ETRI Journal, 36(2): 280-285, 2014.(SCI, AE6YR)
[4]Haitao Xu*, Xianwei Zhou. Ka-band Satellite Channel Model in Deep Space Relaying Network. Wireless Personal Communications,77(2): 881-888, 2014.(SCI, AJ6IH)
[5]Haitao Xu*, Xianwei Zhou. A Non-cooperative Differential Game Model for Frequency Reuse Based Channel Allocation in Satellite Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 79(1): 405-416, 2014. (SCI, AS3NC)
[6]Haitao Xu*, Jianwei An, "Self-organized algorithm in LTE networks: A utility function based optimal power control scheme," Communications, China , vol.11, no.14, pp.95,101, Supplement 2014. (SCI, CJ3CO)
[7]Haitao Xu*, Zhen He and Xianwei Zhou, “Load Balancing Algorithm of Ultra-Dense Networks: a Stochastic Differential Game based Scheme,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. (SCI, Accepted)
[8]Jiwen Guo*, Xianwei Zhou, Junling Yuan, Haitao Xu. Secure Access Control Guarding Against Internal Attacks in Distributed Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 68(4):1595-1609.(SCI, 084KN)
[9]Jianrong Wang, Jianping Wang*, Zhen He, Haitao Xu. Degree distribution and robustness of cooperative communication network with scale-free model, Chinese Physics B, vol.26, no.6, 2015. (SCI, Accepted)
[10]Haitao Xu*, Yueyun Chen, Xianwei Zhou. Automatic Uplink Resource Management in Mobile Cellular Networks: an Utility-based Cooperative Power Control Strategy. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 20(4):365-374, 2013.(EI, Accession Number: 20135217128836)
[11]Zhen He, Jianping Wang*, Xianyu Du, Jing Yan, Haitao Xu. A Novel PAPR Reduction Scheme in FBMC-OQAM Systems based on Extend Candidate Transmit Sequences. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 12(3): 915-925, 2015. (EI, Accession Number: 20151200650786)
[12]Chao Guo*, Haitao Xu, Zhiyong Yao. The Optimal Admission Fee Based Congestion Control Scheme in Space Information Networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 12(6):2295-2303, 2015. (EI, Accession Number: 20151800797057)
[13]Chao Guo*, Haitao Xu, Guocai Jia. A Congestion Control Algorithm based on Queuing Game for Space Information Network. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015. (EI, to appear)
[14]Chao Guo*, Fuhong Lin, Haitao Xu, Zhiyong Yao. An optimal routing scheme based on queuing game theory for heterogeneous users over the space information networks[J], Open automation and Control System Journal, 2015. (EI, to appear)
2015 壓後產能及經濟評價研究