- 中文名:許洪元
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1946年
- Liujuan,Longhao Qi,Hongyuan Xu,Slurry Erosive Wear Characterictics of
Engineering Ceramics for Hydraulic,CTCC-3 The 3th China Int. Con. on
High-Performance Ceramics, May 9-13,2004, - Xu Hongyuan et el,Numerical Simulation of Turbulence flow in the roto-jet
pump,Proceeding of 4th Int. Com. on Pump and Fans,504-509 - Xu Hongyuan etel,Performance comparison of low-capacity high-head centrifugal
pump and reciprocating pump,Proceeding of 4th Int. Com. on Pump and Fans,517-521 - Xu Hongyuan et el,Review of Reach on Hydraulic Axial Thrust in entrifugal
pumps, Proceedings of 4th Int. Com. on Pump and Fans,500-503 - Xu Hongyuan et el,An experimental study and a numerical analysis of solid
particles in centrifugal impeller,Pro. of 1999 ASME Fluids Engineering Division
Summer Meetings,San Francisco,CA,July 18-23,1999 - Xu Hongyuan et el,Experiment study on the concentration distribution of solid
particles in centrifugal impellers,Pro. of 1999 ASME Fluids Engineering Division
Summer Meetings,San Francisco,CA,July 18-23,1999 - Xu Hongyuan,Lu Darong,Jiao Chuanguo,Luo Xianwu, Image processing analysis of
solid particles velocity field in centrifugal pumps,Pro. of 1999 ASME Fluids
Engineering Division Summer Meetings,San Francisco,CA,July 18-23,1999 - Xu Hongyuan,Luo Xianwu, Introduction to research on cavitation and silt
abrasion of hydrautic machinery in China, Proc. Of the XIX IAHR Symposium,
Hydrautic Machinery and Cavitation - Xu Hongyuan et al,The application of PIV in the study of solid particles
velocity field in centrifugal pumps, Third Int. Con. On Pumps and Fan - 李合,許洪元,張文達,立式禁止泵的軸向力及石墨軸承磨損性試驗研究,農業工程學報,2004.1,128-131
- 許洪元,羅聞等,禁止泵石墨軸承材料的強度及耐磨性研究,流體機械,2004.6,5-8
- 趙嘯冰,許洪元,水力機械蝸殼的研究進展,農業機械學報,2003(2),136-140
- 羅先武,許洪元等,渣漿泵ADI葉片的磨損特性分析,水力發電學報,2001(1),79-85
- 羅先武,許洪元,OpenGL在泵內流場三維動態仿真中的套用,流體工程,2001(4),31-34
- 羅先武,許洪元,x型固液泵參數化結構CAD系統,流體機械,1999.2
- 許洪元,盧達溶等,離心式渣漿泵葉輪磨損規律研究,摩擦學報,1998.6,248-253
- 已頒布發明專利:一種禁止式管道泵,專利號:ZJ00107370.2,國際專利重歸類號:F04D13106,2004.2.25。
- 已申報專利:一種超小型離心泵葉輪,專利申請號200410009947.5;一種具有抗溶血、抗血栓心臟泵葉輪,專利申請號200420009895.7。