


  • 中文名:許四法
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男




1 垃圾填埋場新型防滲材料的套用研究 省部級 06.1-07.12 1/7
2 浸透性生態鋪裝材料及鋪裝技術的研究和開發 省部級重點 06.1-08.12 2/8
3 相鄰層次共同作用下垃圾填埋場土工膜受力分析與評價的研究 省自然基金 07.1-08.12 1/6
4 垃圾不均勻降解沉降引起的覆蓋系統土工膜受力評價 教育部 07.1-08.12 1
5 早齡期高強混凝土拉伸徐變特性的研究 省基金 07.1-08.12 3/6
6 垃圾填埋場防滲系統中土工合成材料的應力應變分析 廳級 07.1-08.12 1
7 垃圾填埋場防滲系統設計方法研究 廳級 07.5—09.5 1/6
8 熱源地泵地下換熱器灌漿材料導熱性能的實驗研究 廳級 2/6
9 複雜因素作用下垃圾填埋場土工膜受力分析 省基金 2010.1-2011.12 1/6


[5]xusifa:Study on the hydraulic conductivity of sand-bentonite mixtures used as liner system of waste landfill.Advanced Engineering Materials,2011.4
[6]xusifa:Study on sludge solidification technology and effectively utilization.ICETCE 2011 – Proceedings
[7]xusifa:Evaluation on stress relaxation properties of geomembran.Advances in Building Materials,2011.1
[9] 許四法、王哲:垃圾填埋場基礎局部沉降對襯墊系統變形的影響。岩土工程學報,2010年7月
[10] xusifa:Analysis on Tensile Force of Liner System with the Variation of Location of Roller Compactor in Landfill.GEOshanghai2010,ASCE
[11] 許四法,楊楊:垃圾填埋場斜坡上土工合成材料受力分析.岩土力學,2008年9月,29(9),pp:2350-2354.
[12] Xu SF, Zhang H, Hu MY and Imaizumi S:Evaluation of tensile force of liner system with the variation of height of incinerated ash. Proceeding of the 4th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics,2008.6,pp:492-495.
[13] 許四法,楊楊,胡敏云:壓實機位置對邊坡部土工膜受力的影響.解放軍理工大學學報,2008年2月,9(1),pp: 47-51.
[14] 許四法,楊楊:HDPE土工膜端部張拉力的大規模實測數據分析.岩石力學與工程學報,2007年12月(增2),26(12),pp: 4343-4347.
[15] 張文華,許四法,楊楊:土工膜穿刺性能的試驗研究.新型建築材料,2007年1月,34(1), pp:56-59.
[16] 許四法,楊楊:防滲材料在日本垃圾填埋場的套用.環境工程,2006年12月,24(6), pp:68-70.
[17] 許四法,楊楊, 洪波:HDPE土工膜溫度應力及其應力鬆弛評價.東南大學學報(自然科學版),2006年9月,36(5), pp:820-824.
[18] Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI:Simple convenient method to evaluate the tensile force at the shoulder of barrier sheet in landfill. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics 2006.9,CD-ROM
[19] Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI:Evaluation of tensile force at the anchored end of the barrier sheet spread on the side slope of the landfill caused by compression of the waste. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, 778(Ⅲ-69),pp:73-84. (in Japanese)
[20] Mingfei LI, Sifa XU and Shigeyoshi IMAIZUMI:The variation of tensile force of liner in landfill with the reclamation of waste. Geosynthetics Engineering Journal,2004,19(1), pp:121-126.
[21] Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI:Experimental study on tensile forces of barrier sheet caused by waste compression and by settlement of base ground. 日本地盤學會論文集,2004年11月, pp:345-352.
[22] Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI, T.BANDOUAND and M.TSUBOI: Study on Tensile Force Creating in Components of Geosynthetics Liner System due to Compaction Work of Waste. Third Asian Conference on Geosynthetics GeoAsia 2004, Korea, 2004, pp:874-879.
[23] Sifa XU, Shigeyoshi IMAIZUMI:The drag force evaluation of the liner sheet with a change of slope angle. Geosynthetics Engineering Journal,2003,18(1), pp:49-54.
[24]Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI, M.TSUBOI , T.BANDOUAND and S.USAMI: Study on Drag Force Evaluation of the Liner Sheet With a Change of Slope Angle,Proceedings Sardinia 2003. Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Italy, 2003, 10,CD-ROM
[25] Sifa XU, S.IMAIZUMI:Experimental study on the stress relaxation properties of a liner sheet. Geosynthetics Engineering Journal,2002,18(1), pp:63-70.
[26] Sifa XU and S.IMAIZUMI: Centrifugal Model Tests on Tensile Force of Geotextile and Geomembrane Placed on Side Slope in Waste Landfill. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Geosynthetics, France, 2002, pp:699-702.


