- 中文名:許力
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:福建福州
- 職業:數學與計算機科學學院副院長
- 畢業院校:福建師範大學
2. 2005年,指導學生(林力偉等)參加第九屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽,獲銅獎。
3. 2007年,指導學生(曾建凱等)獲首屆福建省大學生創新性實驗計畫項目“基於分簇結構網路的密鑰管理仿真和評價系統”。
4. 2007年,《離散數學》,參編,北京大學出版社。
5. 2008年,福建師範大學第六屆優秀教學成果獎二等獎,以算法系列課程為平台培養本科生科技創新能力,主要完成人。
6. 2010年,《網路安全》,副主編,西安電子科技大學出版社。
7. 2010年,福建師範大學精品課程:網路安全原理與技術。
8. 2011年,指導學生(陳麗汀等)參加全國第四屆計算機仿真大賽,獲二等獎和優秀輔導獎。
9. 2012年,指導學生(張雷陽等)參加全國第五屆計算機仿真大賽,獲三等獎和優秀輔導獎。
10. 2013年,福建師大第七屆優秀教學成果獎二等獎,網路與信息安全方向系列課程建設及學生創新能力培養,第一完成人。
11. 2013年,《網路安全原理與套用》,合著,電子工業出版社。
12. 2014年,《計算機網路實驗室教程》,合著,電子工業出版社。
2. 2006年,指導章靜獲得第十五屆中國計算機學會網路與數據通信學術會議優秀論文。
3. 2006年,指導沈金波等參加全國第二屆計算機仿真大賽,獲一等獎和優秀組織獎。
4. 2009年,指導葉秀彩等參加全國第三屆計算機仿真大賽,獲二等獎和優秀輔導獎。
5. 2009年,碩士生葉秀彩的學位論文“小世界效應在無線感測器網路中的套用”和張依惠的學位論文“Ad Hoc網路中安全路由協定
6. 2010年,碩士生沈金波的學位論文“無線感測器網路密鑰管理方案研究” 和林穎的學位論文“無線感測網路MAC協定的研究”獲
7. 2011年,碩士生傅霞玲的學位論文“無線感測器網路小世界效應構造研究”和黃晨鐘的學位論文“無線感測器網路定位技術的研
8. 2012年,碩士生陳江勇的學位論文“Web套用測試模型及自動化測試模型”獲得福建師範大學優秀碩士學位論文。
9. 2013年,碩士生曹夕的學位論文“雲計算中安全服務機制的研究”獲得福建師範大學優秀碩士學位論文。
10. 2014年,碩士生何源的學位論文“無線Mesh網路中的切換認證研究”獲得福建師範大學優秀碩士學位論文。
2. 許力,陳志德,黃川, 博弈理論在無線網路中的套用,科學出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-034816-6,2012年.
3. 陳志德,許力, 無線感測器網路節能、最佳化與可生存性,電子工業出版社,ISBN 978-7-121-21055-6,2013年.
4. 陳志德,許力,網路安全原理與套用,電子工業出版社,ISBN 978-7-121-17190-1,2012年.
5. Susan Cheng,Li Xu,JianRong Cao,Samir Das. Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Network. IEEE Press.ISBN:978-0-7695-3935. 2009.
6. Li Xu, Elisa Bertino, Yi Mu. Network and System Security. LNCS 7645. Springer Press.ISBN:978-3-642-34600-2. 2012
7. 陳志德,黃欣沂,許力,身份認證安全協定理論與套用,電子工業出版社,ISBN 978-7-121-25125-5. 2015
148. Limei Lin, Li Xu*, Shuming Zhou, Dajin Wang. The Reliability of Subgraphs in the Arrangemnet Graph. Accepted by IEEE Transaction on Reliability. 54(2): 807-818. 2015.(SCI).
147. Limei Lin, Li Xu*, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The Extra, Restricted Connectivity andConditional Diagnosability of split-star networks, IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems http//:DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2400459.(SCI,EI)
146. Hui Lin, Li Xu*, Yi Mu, Wei Wu. A Reliable Recommendation and Privacy-Preserving Based Cross-Layer Reputation Mechanism for Mobile Cloud Computing.Future Generation Computer System. 52(2015) .125-136 (SCI)
145. Limei Lin, Li Xu*, Shuming Zhou.Conditional diagnosability and strong diagnosability of shuffle-cubes under the comparison model. International Journal Computer Mathematics. 92(2):230-249.(SCI).
144. Shuming Zhou, Limei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang.The t/k-Diagnosability of Star Graph Networks. IEEE Trans.Computers 64(2):547-555(2015). (SCI).
143. Xinyi Huang, Joseph K. Liu, Shaohua Tang, Yang Xiang, Kaitai Liang, Li Xu, Jianying Zhou.Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. IEEE Trans. Computers 64(4):971-983(2015) (SCI).
142. Limei Lin, Li Xu*, Shuming Zhou.Conditional diagnosability and strong diagnosability of Split-Star Networks under the PMC Model.Theory Computer Sciencs.562:565-580. (SCI).
141. Jing Zhang, Li Xu*, Shuming Zhou, Xiucai Ye. A novel sleep scheduling scheme in green wireless sensor networks. The Journal of Supercomputing.71(3):1067-1094. (SCI).
135. Zhide Chen, Cheng Qiao, Li Xu, Wei Wu:Optimizing wireless unicast and multicast sensor networks on the basis of evolutionary game theory. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 26(5):1130-1141. (SCI).
134. Chuan Yao,Li Xu, Xinyi Huang, Joseph K. Liu.A secure remote data integrity checking cloud storage system from threshold encryption. J. Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 5(6):857-865(2014).
133. Meng Wang, Zhide Chen, Li Xu, Huan Zhan.Spread and Control of Mobile Benign Worm Based on Two-Stage Repairing Mechanism. J. Applied Mathematics (2014)
132. Limei Lin,Shuming Zhou,Li Xu,Dajin Wang.Conditional Diagnosability of arrangement graphs under the PMC model.Theor. Comput. Sci.548:79-97.(2014) (SCI).
131. Xinyi Huang, Yang Xiang, Elisa Bertino, Jianying Zhou, and Li Xu. Robust Multi-Factor Authentication for Fragile Communications. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC) 11(6): 568-581, IEEE Computer Society, 2014. (SCI).
130. Xinyi Huang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Yang Xiang, and Li Xu. Further Observations on Smart-Card-Based Password-Authenticated Key Agreement in Distributed Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS) 25(7): 1767-1775, IEEE Computer Society, 2014. (SCI).
129. Xiucai Ye, Jie Li, Li Xu. Distributed Separate Coding: Concept, Method, and Performancefor Continuous Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Base Station. ACM Transactions on Sensor Network. 2014 11(1):1-26. (SCI).
128. Li Xu, Yuexin Zhang. Matrix-based Pairwise Key Establishment For Wireless Mesh Network. Future Generation Computer System. 30(2014), 140-145, Elsevier Presss. (SCI).
127. Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Xinyi Huang, Jie Li. Matrix-based Key Pre-distribution Schemes in WMNs Using Pre and Post Deployment Knowledge. Accepted by International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. (SCI).
126. Zhide Chen, Cheng Qiao, Yihui Qiu, Li Xu, Wei Wu. Dynamics Stability in Wireless SensorNetworks Active Defense Model. International Journal of Computer and System Science. 80(8):1534-1548. 2014. (SCI).
125. Yuan He, Li Xu, Wei Wu. A Local Joint Fast Handoff Scheme in Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks. Security and Communication Networks, 7(2): 455-464, 2014. (SCI).
124. 葉阿勇,李亞成,馬建峰,許 力. 基於服務相似性的k-匿名位置隱私保護方法,通信學報,2014,11:162-170
123.林暉,馬建峰,許力,MWNs中基於跨層動態信譽機制的安全路由協定,計算機研究與發展,2014,51(7), 1497-1505.
121. Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Yang Xiang, Xinyi Huang. A Matrix based Pairwise Key Establishment Scheme for Wireless Mesh Network Using Per Deployment Knowledge.IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topic in Computing. 1(2):331-340.
120. Zhide Chen, Yanqing Zeng, Li Xu. A Supermodular Game Framework for Power Control of Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network, 2013.8. (SCI).
119. Jianliang Gao, Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Li Xu, Analysis of the MAC protocol in Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks with Bursty ON-OFF Traffic. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (SCI), Wiley Press 25(1), 2013, 85-93 .
118. Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Xingyi Huang, Yang Xiang. Matrix-based Pair-wise Key Establishment in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Deployment Knowledge. IEEE ICC 2013, 1604-1608, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY.
117. Zhide chen, cheng qiao, li xu, wei wu. Optimizing wireless unicast and multicast sensor network on the basis of evolutionary game theory. Concurrency and computation: Practice and Experience. 26(5). 1130-1141. Wiley Press. (SCI)
116. Ayong Ye, Yuanjing Ling, Li Xu, Xiaoliang Yang, An improved RFID based localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2013.(SCI)
115. Xiucai Ye, Jie Li, Li Xu. Group Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network with a Mobile Base Stations. WCNC2013, pp.1133-1138.
114. Lin Hui, Jia Hu, Jianfeng Ma, Li Xu, Atulya Nagar. A Role Based Privacy-aware Secure Routing Protocl for Wireless Mesh Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 75(3). 1611-1633. Springer Press. (SCI).
113. Wei Wu, Jianying Zhou, Yang Xiang, Li Xu. How to Achieve Non-repudiation of Origin with Privacy Protection in Cloud Computing. Accepted by Journal of Computer and System Sciences. Elsevier Press. (SCI).
112. Lanxiang Chen, Shuming Zhou, Xinyi Huang, Li Xu. Data dynamics for remote data possession checking in cloud storage. Computer and electrical engineering. 39(7), 2413-2424, Elsevier Press. (SCI)
111. 吳勝艷,許力,林昌露, 基於門限屬性加密的安全分散式雲存儲模型,計算機套用,33(7), 2013, 1880-1884, 1902.
110. 方禾,許力,章靜,盧偉勝,Ad Hoc網路中基於可能性博弈的拓撲控制策略,小型微型計算機系統,錄用,2013. 7.
109. Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Xinyi Huang, Jie Li, Matrix-based Pairwise Key Establishment with Pre and Post Deployment Knowledge for Wireless Mesh Networks. The Proceeding of The Seventh Internatinal Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 153-158, July 3-5, 2013, Taichung.(EI)
107. Hui Lin, Jia Hu, Atulya Nagar, Li Xu. Role based Privacy aware Secure Routing in WMNs. TrustCom 2012, pp. 1872-1877. (EI)
105. Jie Li, Xiucai Ye, Li Xu. A Novel Data Collection Scheme for WSNs. VTC Spring 2012. pp.1-5. (EI)
104. Li Xu, Zhibin Zeng, Xiucai Ye. Multi-objective Optimization Based Virtual Resource Allocation Strategy for Cloud Computing. Proceeding of 11th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (EI). IEEE Press, May 30-June 1, 2012. pp56-61. (EI)
103. Li Xu, Penggui Pan, Xiaoding Wang, Wei Wu. Physical-layer Network Coding and Connected Dominating Set based Routing Protocol in Wireless Multi-hop Network. INCos 2012, 259-263.
102. Xi Cao, Li Xu, Yuexin Zhang, Wei Wu. Identity based Proxy Signature for Cloud Sevice in SaaS. INCos 2012, 594-599.
101. Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Xinyi Huang. Polynomial based key Predistribution Scheme in Wireless Mesh Networks. Journal of Computational Information System (EI). 8(6), pp2539-2550.
100. Xiucai Ye, Jie Li, Li Xu, Mohsen Guizani. A Novel Data Collection Scheme with Cluster-based Separate Network Coding for WSNs' ComComAp 2012, pp. 18-23, HKUST, Hong Kong, China. (EI)
99. Wu Wei, Mu Yi, Susilo Willy, Huang Xingyi, Xu Li, A Provably Secure Construction of Certificate-based Encryption, Computer Journal, 55 (10), 1157-1168. Oct. 2012. (SCI)
98. 葉阿勇,許力,林暉,一種基於RSSI測距的感測器網路節點魯棒定位機制,通信學報,33(7), 2012.7, 135-142。(EI)
97. 許力,曾智斌,姚川,雲計算環境中虛擬資源分配最佳化策略研究,通信學報,33(Z1), 9-16. (EI)
96. 陳蘭香,許力.雲存儲服務中可證明數據持有及恢復技術研究,計算機研究與發展,vol.49: 19-25, 2012.
95. 胡曉輝,許力.認知無線電網路中分散式頻譜分配策略的研究, 小型微型計算機系統, 2012.3。
94. 章靜,許力,張順淼.Mesh網路中拓撲控制策略研究, 小型微型計算機系統, 32(2), 2012.6, 461-465。
93. 曹夕, 許力, 陳蘭香.一種雲存儲系統中數據完整性驗證協定, 計算機套用, 32(1), 2012, 8-12。
92. 曾智斌, 許力.雲計算中高能效的虛擬資源分配策略, 計算機系統套用, 20(12), 2011, 55-59。
90. Dajin Wang, Liwei Lin, Li Xu. A study of subdividing hexagon-clustered WSN for power saving:Analysis and simulation. Ad Hoc Networks. Elsevier. 9(7). 2011, 1302-1311. (SCI)
89. Xinghua Li, Xiang Lu, Jianfeng Ma, Zhenfang Zhu, Li Xu, YoungHo Park. Authentications and key management in 3G-WLAN interworking mobile networks and applications, Springer. 16(3), 394-407.(SCI)
88. Xinghua Li, Xiang Lu, Jianfen Ma, Li XU. A USIM based uniform access authentication framework in Mobile communication. EURASIP Journal on wireless communication and network. 2011 (SCI).
87. Hui Lin, Li Xu, Jianling Gao Kai Yan. A subjective logic based dynamic trust mechanism for voice over internet protocol over wireless mesh networks. Scientifci Research and Essays. 2011. 6(18). pp.3873-3884. (SCI)
86. Dajin Wang, Liwei Lin, Li Xu, Bingtuan Wang. A simple and cost-effective scheme to deploy connection-restoring nodes for disconnected WSNs. 2011 International Conference communication and signal processing, India.2011. pp117-121. (EI)
85. Zhide Chen, Yihui Qiu, Jinging Liu, Li Xu. Incentive Mechanism for selfish nodes in wirless sensor network based on evolutionary game. Computers and Mathematics with applications. Elsevier. 62 (2011), 3378-3388. (SCI)
84. Zhide Chen, Yilian Zhang, Li Xu, Fuchun Gao. Efficient bath verification of onlin offline short signature for a multi-signer setting. Wuhan University Journal of Nature Sciences 2011. Vol. 16(6). 481-486.
83. Lei Ji, Li Xu. A two-level scheme for fault diagnosis based on the comparison model in wireless mesh network. IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Technolgoy. 2011.8. 592-596. (EI)
82. 許力, 蔣佳銘. 無線多跳網路中基於聲譽機制的可靠組播協定,中國科學技術大學學報, 41(10), 2011. Pp.928-934.
81. 蔣佳銘,許力. 基於最小生成樹的感測器網路能量均衡組播協定, 計算機系統套用, 20(2), 2011, 241-244,177.
80. 許力, 陳心瑜, 陳志德. 基於貝葉斯博弈模型的無線多跳網路激勵機制,計算機套用, 31(12), 2011, 3169-3173, 3190.
79. 黃晨鐘, 許力, 葉阿勇, 鐘進發.抵抗惡意信標的安全最佳化DV-hop算法, 計算機系統套用, 20(9), 2011. 131-134.
78. 陳江勇, 許力, 張輝, Web表單自動化測試工具的設計與實現, 計算機系統套用, 20(9), 2011, 241-244, 177.
76. Xinyu Chen, Li XU, Jie Li. Bargaining game and cross layer design based optimization strategy in wirless multi-hop network. Proceeding of the conference of Scalcom 2010. Brandford, UK. PP.2570-2575. IEEE Press. (EI)
75. Zhixiong Chen, Li Xu, Chenhuang Wu. Construction of Large Families of Pseudorandom Subsets of the Set {1, 2, . . . ,N} Using Elliptic Curves. International Journal of Network Security, Vol.11, No.3, PP.124–129, 2010. (EI)
74. Jianliang Gao, Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Li Xu. Qos analysis of medium access control in LR-WPANS under bursty error channels, Future Generation Computer System, 26(8). 1426-1432. 2010. (SCI)
73. 林力偉,許力,潘鵬貴,基於網路編碼的分簇感測器網路鏈路容錯策略,計算機套用,30(1), 130-133, 2010。
72. 張美平, 許力, 基於再生回報理論與嵌入式馬氏鏈的無線自組織網路性能分析. 系統仿真學報, 22(1), 268-272, 2010。
71. 陳心瑜,許力,無線多跳網路中節點效用的博弈機制研究,小型微型計算機系統,31(10), 2010, 2038-2042。
70. 陳志德,陳友勤,許力,RFID標籤所有權轉換安全協定,通信學報,31(9A),2010, 201-208。
69. Zhide Chen, Li Xu, Service Price Discrimination in Wireless Network. 13th IEEE International Conference on computational Science and Engineering , Hongkong, Dec, 2010, 34-41. (EI)
68. Lin Ying, Huang Rongning, Xu Li. The Improvement of the backoff window algorithm based on the game theory in wireless sensor network. The proceeding of 2010 International Workshop on education and computer science. IEEE Press. 436-439. April. 2010. (EI)
67. Chen Youqin, Chen Zhide, Xu Li. RFID system security using identity-based cryptography.The 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics, ITTSI 2010. IEEE Press. pp460-464. (EI)
66. Yilianghen Zhang, Chen Zhide, Xu Li. How to construct a divisible online/offline signature. The 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and SecurityInformatics, ITTSI 2010. IEEE Press. pp562-566. (EI)
64. Li Xu, Xiuchai Ye, Liwei Lin, Dajin Wang. Small World Model based Topology OptimizationStrategy in Heterogeneous WSN. International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, 1(2), Dec, 2009,115-125.
63. Zhide Chen, Li Xu, Jinhua Zheng. Wireless Channel Allocation Based on Double Auction. 2009 International Conference on high performance networking, computing and communication system. 2775-2778. IEEE Press. 2009.12. (EI)
62. Jianliang Gao, Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Li Xu. QoS Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC in LR-WPAN with Bursty Error Channels. The 5th International Conference on Ad Hoc and Sensor Network. pp252-256. IEEE Press, 2009.12. (EI)
61. 許力,章紅艷,沈金波,分簇感測器網路中基於橫截設計的對密鑰建立方案。電子與信息學報. 31(7). 2009. 1600-1605. (EI).
60. 許力,沈金波,陳志德, 安全高效的感測器網路共享密鑰發現協定。2009年全國開放式分布與並行計算學術年會, 2009.9.
59. 張美平, 許力, 基於開原始碼與嵌入式Xscale 270的無線Mesh網路實驗床,計算機系統套用,2009.9
58. Xiuchai Ye, Li Xu, Liwei Lin. Small world model based Clutering Division Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network. International Conference on Communication and Mobile Computing . Jan. 2009. pp.87-91. (EI)
57. Dajin Wang, Li Xu, Jing Peng, and Stefan Robila. Subdividing Hexagon-Clustered WirelessSensor Networks for Power-Efficiency, International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing .Jan. 2009. pp.454-460. (EI)
56. 沈金波,許力,張美平,張依惠,基於簇的無線感測器網路密鑰預分配方案。武漢大學學報(理學版).2009.55(1). 117-120
55. Li Xu, Wang Xiaoding, Shen jinbo. Strategy and Simulation of trust cluster based key management protocol for ad hoc network.Proceeding of IEEE 4th International conference oncomputer science and Education. pp269-274. 2009.8.(EI)
54. Hui Lin, Li Xu, Jianliang Gao. A New Security Mechanism for SIP-Based VOIP over WMN, 2009 International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009). April, 2009. pp.330-333.(EI)
53. Li Xu, Yihui Zhang. A New Reputation-based Trust Management Strategy for Clustered Ad Hoc Networks, 2009 International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009). April, 2009. pp.116-119.(EI)
51. XiuCai Ye, Li Xu, Liwei Lin. Small World Model based Topology Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network. The Internation Symposium on Information Science and Engieering (Index by EI: 20091311977608, ISTP:BIV66). 2008.12. pp.102-106.
50. Hui Lin, Li Xu Xiaoding Wang. A New Security Mechanism Based on SIP in Wirless Lan 3G Integration. International Symposium on Comuter Science and Computational Technology. 2008.12. pp 763-768. (EI, ISTP).
49. 張美平, 許力, 沈金波,基於嵌入式Linux的無線自組織網路實驗床的設計. 計算機系統套用,2008.12. 16-22.
48. 林暉,許力.IMS中一種新的基於SigComp的SIP壓縮機制,電子與信息學報,2008,30(7). pp 1594-1597. (EI) .
47. 陳建偉,許力,黃丹芸. 自組網中基於填充設計的組密鑰更新策略,電子與信息學報,2008,30(8). pp 2004-2007. (EI) .
46. Shuming Zhou, Shuxia Zheng, Li Xu. The Fault Diagnosability of Alternating Group Graphs.Journal of Information and Computational Science. 5(1), 2008. pp 297-304. (EI) .
45. Li Xu, Meiping Zhan, Zhide Chen. Markov Chain based Tcp Performance Analysis and Simulation in wireless Multi-hop Network, International Journal of System and Control. 3(1), 20-29.
44. Yihui Zhang, Li Xu. Efficient Secure On-demand Routing in Clutsted Wireless Ad Hoc Network. The International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 2008.10.( EI, ISTP) .
43. Li Xu, Si-Shen Chen. Secure and anonymous Dynamic Source Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network. 2008.11. (SCI)
42. Yihui Zhang, Li Xu, Xiaoding Wang. A Cooperative Secure Routing Protocol based on Reputation System for Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Communication.3(6). 2008.pp 43-50.(EI)
41. Zhongren Liu, Li Xu, Zhide Chen, Yi Mu, Fuchun Guo. Hierarchical Identity-Based Online/Offline . IEEE TrustCom 2008. 11.(EI) .
40. Zhao hui Tang, Li Xu, Zhide Chen, Fuchun Guo. On the Security of WAI Protocol in the Third Version of WAPI. The Proceeding of International Conference on IIHMSP. 2008. 8. pp. 516-519.(EI).
39. Yan Zhenya, Zheng Baoyu, Xu Li, Li Shitang. Collaborative Tracking via Particle Filter in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Electronics,25(3), 2008. pp311-318.
37. Li XU, Jing Zhang. A Trust Cluster Based Key Management Protocol for Ad hoc Networks. Proceeding of 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, Identification. IEEE Press. 2007. April, pp.371-376.( EI, ISTP).
36. Li Xu, Si-Shen Chen, Yi Mu. A New Secure Data Forwarding Protocol with Fault Detection for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, The proceeding of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM2007). 2007.9. pp.2238-2241. IEEE Press. (EI).
35. Si-Shen Chen, Li Xu, Zhide Chen. Secure Anonymous Routing in Trust and Clustered Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, The proceeding of International Conference on Communications and Networking in China. 2007.8,pp.944-998.IEEE Press. (EI, ISTP)
34. 許力,章靜,自組網中基於簇的預密鑰管理方案,電子科技大學學報.36(6), 2007.12. 1155-1159.(EI).
33. Jiangwei Chen, Li Xu, Yi Mu. A New Group Rekeying Scheme based on t-Packing Designs for Ad Hoc Networks. INFOSCALE2007. ACM Press (EI,ISTP). 2007.6
32. Li XU, Zhiwei Lin. Minimal Connected Dominating Set based Efficient Hybrid Key Management Strategy in Ad Hoc Network. The 2nd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications. 2007.6 Press in DCDIS Journal Series B, Vol.14 (s2), 1228-1231, Watam Press. Canada. (ISTP).
31. Hongyan zhang, Li Xu. Pairewise Key management scheme in cluster Ad Hoc Network. The proceeding of 2007 International Symposium on computer science and technology. Pp. 1164-1168. 2007.5. The American Scholars Press. (ISTP).
30. Zhongsheng Wu, Zhide Chen, Li Xu and Fuchun Guo. Routing Protocol based on Double Aution for Ad Hoc Network. The proceeding of 2007 International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage. pp.55-61. IEEE Press. (ISTP).
29. Fuchun Guo, Yi Mu, Zhide Chen, and Li Xu, Multi-Identity Single-Key Decryption without Random Oracles, Inscrypt 2007, Xining, China, 2007.8. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag. (ISTP,EI).
28. Yu Genjian, Zheng Baoyu, Xu Li, The novel communication Algorithm and the Throughput Analysis for Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Electronics, 24(14), 2007.
27. Zhongren Liu, Li Xu, Zhide Chen, Fuchun Guo. Private Key Management in Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption. International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet based Systems, 2007. (ISTP,EI)
26. Zhongsheng Wu, Zhide Chen, Fuchun Guo and Xu Li. Identity based private matching. 3rd Internation workshop on security, privacy and Trust in Pervasive and ubiquitous computing. IEEE Press.(ISTP).
25. Jianmin Jiang, Honpin Shu, Li Xu. An architecutre for sofware systems time Constraints. The Proceeding of ACIS SNPD, 2007. IEEE Press. pp.154-159. (EI).
23. Li Xu, Zhiwei Lin, Ayong Ye. Analysis and Countermeasure of Selfish Node Problem in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Proceedings 2006 10th International Conference of CSCWD in Design. IEEE Press. pp.1027-1030 .( EI, ISTP).
22. Zhiwei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, and Jianliang Gao. A Coloring based Backbone Construction Algorithm in Wireless Ad Hoc Network. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3947. Springer Press. pp.509-516.( SCI, ISTP).
21. 許力,沈海紅,李峰. 自組網中基於移動代理的具有移動和能量感知的AODV路由協定,小型微型計算機系統,27: 2 (2006),211-214。
20. 許力,章靜,林志偉. 自組網中虛擬主幹網分散式生成算法. 第十五屆中國計算機學會網路與數據通信學術會議(評為大會優秀論文)。中山大學學報,45:增刊(2006),59-63.( EI)
19. 余根堅,許力,鄭寶玉. 複雜動態網路模型研究進展. 福州大學學報(自然科學版). 2006. 34(5), 637-643.
18. Fuchun Guo, Zhide Chen, Mu Yi, Li Xu, Shengyuan Zhang. Secure and Efficient Trust Negotiation. Lecture Notes in Computer 4456. The Proceeding of CIS 2006, (EI,ISTP).
16. Xu Li. Genetic algorithm simulated annealing based clustering in MANET, Advances in Natural Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3610: 1121-1131, Springer. (SCI,EI,ISTP)。
15. 許力,鄭寶玉. MANET環境下基於能量保護的路由策略及其研究進展,電子與信息學報,27:5 (2005), 827-834. (EI)。
14. 葉阿勇,許力. 移動Ad Hoc網路AODV路由協定中的黑洞問題,計算機工程,31:14(2005),125-127。(EI)
13. 許力,鄭寶玉. 自組網環境下基於模糊控制的自適應動態源路由協定,小型微型計算機系統, 26:10 (2005),1703-1706。
12. Xu Li, Zheng Bao-yu, Guo Gong-de. Mobility-aware and Load Balancing based Clustering Algorithm for Energy Conservation in MANET. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China. 3:1 (2005), 10-13.
11. 許力,無線Ad Hoc環境下基於跨層設計和多包接收的媒體接入控制算法,計算機套用,25:6(2005),1227-1229.
10. 林志偉,許力,基於收方參與的移動自組網TCP增強的路由協定,計算機套用,25:3(2005),515-517.
8. Xu Li, Zheng Bao-yu, Yang Zhen. Power and Mobility aware Adaptive Dynamic Source Routing in MANET. Proceeding of 5th ACIS International Conference on SPND 2004. Publication of ACIS Press.2004.4. pp.174-180. (EI, ISTP).
7. 許力,鄭寶玉,楊震. 移動自組網的能量保護策略研究進展,通信學報,25: 9 (2004),93-104。
6. Zhang Ji-dong, Xu Li, Zheng Bao-yu. Performance analysis of slotted random access DS-CDMA systems with multipacket reception Chinese Journal of Electronics 13 (3): 449-452 JUL 2004 (SCI, EI)。
5. Xu Li, Zheng Bao-yu, Lin Zhi-wei. Mobile Agent based Open Framework for Heterogeneous Ad Hoc Networks. The proceeding of International Conference on Computer Communication 2004. IEEE Press. (ISTP).
3. Xu Li, Wu Zi-wen, Zheng Bao-yu. Study on Cross layer Design and Power Conservation in MANET. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference PDCAT 2003. IEEE Press. (EI, ISTP).
2. Xu Li, Zheng Bao-yu. Cross layer coordinated Energy Saving Strategy in MANET. Journal of Electronics, 20:6 (2003), 451-456.
1. 許力,鄭寶玉. 基於信號處理和移動代理的可程式Ad Hoc網路構架,2003年全國通信理論和信號處理年會(評為大會優秀論文), 通信學報,24:(2003),166-171。
2014級:方 禾
2004級:陳建偉、張禎萍、章 靜
2007級:沈金波、林力偉、鐘進發、林 穎、俞進騰、陳聰健、
2010級:張躍欣、紀 磊、曹 夕、胡小輝、凌遠景
2011級:何 源、周趙斌、林超君、連燕玲、吳勝艷、馬現虎
2012級:姚 川、方 禾、楊 洪、羅曉晴、李夢婷
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