- 軟體名稱:訪問家庭網路
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:4.75MB
為iPad TappIn提供即時的遠程訪問和檔案共享任何大小的檔案從您的計算機中使用任何Web瀏覽器或你的iPad。塔平的線上服務,徹底改變你的能力,快速,輕鬆且安全地訪問和分享數字檔案 - 高解析度的照片,音樂,視頻,演示文稿,文檔 - 任何遠程計算機上的任何尺寸和類型。不花錢存儲或花費數小時上載,組織和在雲中同步。塔平需要幾秒鐘安裝,您立即可以從任何地方訪問和共享任何檔案。 塔平是一家全球500強企業移動應用程式(星期日泰晤士報) “......可能是最簡單的方法來流你的iTunes資料庫到您的手機。”Gizmodo的 “我認為,塔平是驚人的。易於使用,我們中的一些不是特別技術。我愛TappIn。” TappIn for iPad provides instant remote access and file sharing of any size file from your computer using any Web browser or your iPad. TappIn’s online service revolutionizes your ability to quickly, easily and securely access and share digital files - high resolution photos, music, videos, presentations, documents - of any size and type on any remote computer. Don't spend money on storage or spend hours uploading, organizing and syncing in the cloud. TappIn takes seconds to install and you can immediately access and share any file from anywhere. TappIn is a Global Top 500 Mobile App (The Sunday Times) "... is probably the easiest way to stream your iTunes library to your phone." Gizmodo "I think TappIn is amazing. Easy to use for some of us that aren’t particularly technical. I love TappIn." Angi B. "Let me start off with saying that I love your service!" Matt M.