



  • 中文名:計算機英語教程(雙色版)
  • 作者:張強華、司愛俠、王晉
  • ISBN:9787115202215
  • 頁數:327頁
  • 定價:39.8元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Part 1 Computer Hardware(計算機硬體)
Lesson 1 About Computer(關於計算機) 2
Text A Basics of Computer 2
Text B What’s Inside My Computer? 11
Text C How to Build a Computer 17
Lesson 2 Computer Hardware(計算機硬體) 26
Text A Types of Computers 26
Text B Motherboard 37
Text C Overview of USB 44
Lesson 3 Input/Output Device(輸入/輸出設備) 50
Text A Display Technology 50
Text B LCD Monitors and CRT Monitors 59
Text C Laser Printer 68
Part 2 Computer Software(計算機軟體)
Lesson 4 Operating System(作業系統) 80
Text A How Operating Systems Work 80
Text B Windows 7 89
Text C What Is Linux? 97
Lesson 5 Computer Software Basics(計算機軟體基礎) 105
Text A Software Development Process 105
Text B Data Structure 114
Text C Array 119
Lesson 6 Programming Language(程式語言) 127
Text A Programming Language Basics 127
Text B Function of C 137
Text C Start a Simple Java Program 142
Lesson 7 Database(資料庫) 154
Text A Database Management System 154
Text B SQL 162
Text C Object-Oriented Programming 168
Part 3 Computer Network(計算機網路)
Lesson 8 Computer Network(計算機網路) 178
Text A Computer Network Basics 178
Text B Internet 188
Text C Going Wireless 196
Lesson 9 Computer Network Application(計算機網路套用) 202
Text A What Is TCP/IP? 202
Text B The Ethernet 209
Text C How Internet Search Engines Work 219
Lesson 10 Computer Security(計算機安全) 227
Text A An Overview of Computer Security 227
Text B Computer Viruses 239
Text C Hacker 247
Part 4 Computer Application(計算機套用)
Lesson 11 eCommerce(電子商務) 256
Text A Types of Electronic Business  256
Text B E-Commerce Site Optimization Primer: Set Up and Tips 263
Text C SMS Banking 272
Lesson 12 Multimedia and It's Application(多媒體及其套用) 278
Text A The Concept of Multimedia 278
Text B Computer Graphics 285
Text C Computer Aided Design 295
Lesson 13 New Technology Outlook(新技術瞭望) 306
Text A Web 2.0 306
Text B Mobile Computing Technologies: an Overview 316
Text C How DNA Computers Will Work 322


