



  • ISBN:9787111627524
  • 作者:布拉德利·埃夫隆、特雷福·黑斯蒂
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年6月4日
  • 頁數:286
  • 定價:119.00元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 原作品:Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science
  • 叢書:數據科學與工程技術叢書
本書以豐富的案例介紹了計算機時代下的統計推斷的發展脈絡,從理論的角度剖析統計推斷的各類算法、證據等,揭示統計推斷如何推動當今大數據、數據科學、機器學習等領域的快速發展並引領數據分析的變革,最後展望了統計學和數據科學的未來方向。 Bradley Efron, Stanford University, California Bradley Efron is Max H. Stein Professor, Professor of Statistics, and Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University, California. He has held visiting faculty appointments at Harvard University, Massachusetts, the University of California, Berkeley, and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. Efro...(展開全部) Bradley Efron, Stanford University, California Bradley Efron is Max H. Stein Professor, Professor of Statistics, and Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University, California. He has held visiting faculty appointments at Harvard University, Massachusetts, the University of California, Berkeley, and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. Efron has worked extensively on theories of statistical inference, and is the inventor of the bootstrap sampling technique. He received the National Medal of Science in 2005 and the Guy Medal in Gold of the Royal Statistical Society in 2014. Trevor Hastie, Stanford University, California Trevor Hastie is John A. Overdeck Professor, Professor of Statistics, and Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University, California. He is coauthor of Elements of Statistical Learning, a key text in the field of modern data analysis. He is also known for his work on generalized additive models and principal curves, and for his contributions to the R computing environment. Hastie was awarded the Emmanuel and Carol Parzen prize for Statistical Innovation in 2014.


