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覃慧玲(Dr. Huiling Qin),女,理學博士,中山大學大氣科學學院副教授碩士生導師


  • 中文名:覃慧玲
  • 畢業院校:日本東北大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 職務:中山大學碩士生導師



2004.08-2007.09 日本東北大學地球物理系,理學博士
2000.09-2003.06 中山大學大氣科學系,碩士
1996.09-2000.06 南京氣象學院(現南京信息工程大學),學士


2018.01-至今 中山大學大氣科學學院,副教授
2013.03-2018.01 中國科學院南海海洋研究所,副研究員
2007.10-2011.09 日本東北大學,博士後研究員
2003.07-2004.07 中國科學院南海海洋研究所,研究助手






2018-2018 國家自然科學基金面上基金(41775085),印太暖池短期熱事件的多尺度海氣相互作用及其氣候影響,在研,主持
2014-2016 國家自然科學基金青年基金(41306015),海洋熱事件形成機制的初步探討,結題,主持2018-2022 國家自然科學基金重點基金,大西洋海-氣相互作用及其對太平洋氣候變率的影響,在研,參加
2013-2017 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項,主流系與西太平洋暖池變異機制,參加


日本東北大學藤野先生獎 (2007)


  1. Qin, H. et al. 2016: Regulation of South China Sea throughflow by pressure difference, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(6), 4077–4096.
  2. Chen, G., and H. Qin (corresponding author), 2016: Strong ocean–atmosphere interactions during a short-term hot event over the western Pacific warm pool in response to El Niño. Journal of Climate, 29 (10), 3841–3865.
  3. Quan, Q., H. Xue, H. Qin, X. Zeng, S. Peng, 2016: Features and variability of the South China Sea western boundary current from 1992 to 2011. Ocean Dynamics, 66(6-7), 795–810.
  4. Qin, H. et al. 2014: Validation and application of MODIS-derived SST in the South China Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (11-12), 4315–4328.
  5. Chen, G., T. Iwasaki, H. Qin, and W. Sha, 2014: Evaluation of the warm-season diurnal variability over East Asia in recent reanalyses JRA-55, ERA-Interim, NCEP CFSR, and NASA MERRA. Journal of Climate, 27 (14), 5517-5537.
  6. Chen, G., R. Yoshida, W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, and H. Qin, 2014: Convective instability associated with the eastward-propagating rainfall episodes over eastern China during the warm season. Journal of Climate, 27 (6), 2331-2339.
  7. Hosoda, K. and H. Qin, 2011: Algorithm for estimating sea surface temperatures based on Aqua/MODIS global ocean data. 1. Development and validation of the algorithm. Journal of Oceanography, 67(1), 135-145.
  8. Qin, H. and H. Kawamura, 2010: Air-sea interaction through the whole troposphere over a very high SST phenomenon. Geophysical Research Letter, 37, L01704, doi: 10.1029/2009GL041685.
  9. Kawamura, H., H. Qin, et al. 2010: Advanced sea surface temperature retrieval using the Japanese geostationary satellite, Himawari-6. Journal of Oceanography, 66(6), 855-864.
  10. Kawamura, H., H. Qin, et al. 2010: Hourly Sea Surface Temperature retrieval using the latest Japanese geostationary satellite, Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT)-1R. Journal of Oceanography, 66(1), 61-70.
  11. Qin, H. and H. Kawamura, 2009: Surface Heat Fluxes during Hot Events, Journal of Oceanography, 65(6), 605-613.
  12. Qin, H. and H. Kawamura, 2009: Atmosphere response to a hot SST event in November 2006 as observed by AIRS instrument. Advance in Space Research, doi.10.1016/j.asr.2009.03.003.
  13. Qiu, C., D. Wang, H. Kawamura, L. Guan, and H. Qin, 2009: Validation of AVHRR and TMI-derived sea surface temperature in the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 29(20), 2358-2366.
  14. Qin, H. et al. 2008: A case study of the tropical Hot Event in November 2006 (HE0611) using a geostationary meteorological satellite and the TAO/TRITON mooring array. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C08045, doi:10.1029/2007JC004640.
  15. Kawamura, H., H. Qin, et al. 2008: In-situ diurnal sea surface temperature variations and near-surface thermal structure in the tropical Hot Event of the Indo-Pacific warm pool. Journal of Oceanography, 64(6), 847-857.
  16. Qin, H. et al. 2007: Detection of hot event in the equatorial Indo-Pacific warm pool using advanced satellite sea surface temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C07015, doi:10.1029/2006JC003969.
  17. Qin, H. et al. 2006: Comparison of downward surface solar radiation derived from GMS5/VISSR and of reanalysis products. Journal of Oceanography, 62(4), 577-586.
  18. Qin, H. et al. 2004: Relationship between SSTA in the northwestern Pacific and winter climate anomaly in China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 23(1), 73-81.




