



  • 作者:張天路
  • ISBN:9787119018676
  • 頁數:155
  • 定價:23.00元
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:1997-01
  • 裝幀:平裝


西藏人口發慌與問題研究:英文,ISBN:9787119018676,作者:張天路 編輯


Zhang Tianlu, male, born in
Sichuan Province in 1927, began
to teach at the Central Institute for
Nationalities upon his graduation
from the Geography Department
of Sichuan University in 1953.
Since 1980 he has worked at the
Population Research Institute of
the' Capital University of Economics
and Trade, making special studies
of the population of China's minorities.
In the past decade, he has published
many books and theses in this field,
including Demography of China's
Ethnic Groups (1989), The Muslim
Population in China (1991), A Study
of the Minority Populations of China
(1988), A Study of the Populations of
the Minority Communities of China
(1992), The Development of the
Populations ofChina's Ethnic Groups
(1993), The Past, Present and Future
of Tibet's Population (1994),
Research on the Populations of
China's Minorities (1995).


Chapter One
Tibet's Population: Past and Present
I. Historical Population: Conjecture and Estimation
II. Modern Population: From Estimation to Verification
III. Ethnic Composition and Development of Tibet's Population
Chapter Two
Distribution of the Tibetan Population in China
I. Changes in the Distribution of the Tibetan Population in China
II. Ethnic Composition of the Population in Tibetan-Inhabited Areas
III. Population Distribution in Urban and Rural Tibet
IV. Population Growth and the Increase in the Population Density in Tibet
Chapter Three
Marriage and Family
I. Marriage
II. Family Structure
Chapter Four
Chaoges in Birth and Fertility Rates
I. Changes in the Number of Births and the Birth Rate in the 1980s
II. Changes in the Fertility Rate of Women
III. Characteristics and Progress of the Family Planning Program
Chapter Five
An Analysis of the Sex and Age Compositions
I. Characterislics of the Sex Composition
11. An Analysis of the Age Composition
III An Analysis of Population Age Pyramids
Chapter Six
Changes in Physical Quality
I. Physical Development of Teenagers and the Situation of the Disabled
II. Mortality Rate and Average Life Expectancy
III. An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Physical Quality of Tibet's
Chapter Seven
Improvement of the Educational Level and Existing
I. Backward Education and a High Illiteracy Rate in Old Tibet
II. Improvement of the Educational Level of the Population in New Tibet
and Existing Problems
III. The Illiteracy Pyramid Demands a Transition
IV. Educationat Situation of the Population Aged 10-14
V. Conclusions
Chapter Eight
The Quality of Life of Tibet's Population
Chapter Nine
An Analysis of Population and Economic Issues
I. An Analysis of Population and Labor Force Resources
II. An Analysis of the Employment Situation of the Working-
age Population
III. An Analysis of Population and the Technological-Eco-
nomic Structure
IV. The Strategy for Population and Economic Develop-
Chapter Ten
Trends of Population Development and the Study of Some
I. Population Projection in Tibet Autonomous Region
II. Projection of the Tibetan Population in China


