



  • 書名:《西方歷史文獻選讀》(當代卷)
  • 作者:孟廣林
  • ISBN:978-7-5097-9063-2
  • 類別:人文社會科學
  • 頁數:521
  • 定價:¥78.40
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年7月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16






Charter of the United Nations《聯合國憲章》節選/001
Long Telegram“長電報”/029
The Iron Curtain Speech(Sinews of Peace)“鐵幕演說”/056
Recommending Assistance to Greece and Turkey“杜魯門主義”/077
Mountbatten’s Plan of Partition《蒙巴頓方案》/093
The Sources of Soviet Conduct《蘇聯行為的根源》/110
Marshall Plan“馬歇爾計畫”/139
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade《關稅及貿易總協定》節選/151
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights《世界人權宣言》節選/180
Point Four Program“第海嬸協四點計畫”/193
The North Atlantic Treaty《北大西洋公約》/209
NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security
“美國國家安全委員白坑會第68 號檔案”節選/222
Dynamic Peace “杜勒斯的‘和平演變’演說”/245
Farewell Address to the Nation “艾森豪的告別演說”/259
I Have a Dream《我有一個夢想》/275
American University Commencement Address“甘迺迪在美利堅大學的演說”/289
Declaration of the United Nations on the Human Environment
Declaration on Atlantic Relations《大西洋關係宣言》/325
Exclusive Economic Zone《專屬經濟區》節選/340
Ronald Reagan’s Speech at Moscow State University“里根莫斯科國立大學的演說”/364
Remarks at the Texas A. & M. University Commencement Ceremony in College Station
The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept《北約新戰略概念》/396
The Maastricht Treaty on European Union 《馬斯特里赫特條約》節選/429
Agenda 21:Earth’s Action Plan 《21 世紀議程:地球行動計畫》節選/447
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development 《里約環境與發展宣言》節選/476
Treaty of Amsterdam Amending the Treaty on European Union, TheTreaties Establishing the European
Communities and Related Acts《阿姆斯特丹條約》節選/488
The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century
後 記/520
“美國國家安全委員會第68 號檔案”節選/222
Dynamic Peace “杜勒斯的‘和平演變’演說”/245
Farewell Address to the Nation “艾森豪的告別演說”/259
I Have a Dream《我有一個夢想》/275
American University Commencement Address“甘迺迪在美利堅大學的演說”/289
Declaration of the United Nations on the Human Environment
Declaration on Atlantic Relations《大西洋關係宣言》/325
Exclusive Economic Zone《專屬經濟區》節選/340
Ronald Reagan’s Speech at Moscow State University“里根莫斯科國立大學的演說”/364
Remarks at the Texas A. & M. University Commencement Ceremony in College Station
The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept《北約新戰略概念》/396
The Maastricht Treaty on European Union 《馬斯特里赫特條約》節選/429
Agenda 21:Earth’s Action Plan 《21 世紀議程:地球行動計畫》節選/447
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development 《里約環境與發展宣言》節選/476
Treaty of Amsterdam Amending the Treaty on European Union, TheTreaties Establishing the European
Communities and Related Acts《阿姆斯特丹條約》節選/488
The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century
後 記/520


